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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by Surgent

  1. I got recommended to this by EvGym and I know I am a fan of
    gonna have to read through to make sure I have everything I need but I know with my work I don't have much time to play so some quality of life things are appricated, as I for example have still not yet had the time to beat the game

  2. I have been working for a while on a set of alternate sprites and while all of the overworld sprites are my work the transition, the ball throw animation, and the avatar photo are not my work and I will include the links to the original now
    Wes ball throw
    Wes battle poste and avatar

    How to install

    These pictures replaces files in graphics section of your rejuv folder go to each section and copy and paste these files in and replace the files there I suggest making backups before you do this incase you want to change the character back.

    They specifcally replace Aevis (aka dude with the green scarf) so keep that in mind this no way mods the game to change the character it just changes how he looks

    there are three sections in the graphics section that we will be changing: Characters, Pictures and Transitions

    Google Drive Files

    1) open the google drive folder above
    2) download the different png files
    3) I suggest backing up the original files incase you like the green male character
    4) take the png files from the Character section and replace the files of the same name in the rejuv folder
    5) take the png files from the Pictures section and replace the files of the same name in the rejuv folder
    6) take the png files from the Transitions section and replace the files of the same name in the rejuv folder
    7) it is just replacing one set of png's of Aevis to make him look like wes

    • Like 3
  3. updated sprites (the hair now moves while running and on the bike, though it is only really visable on the bike the running annimation goes by too fast for it to be really noticable)


  4. I have been working for a while on a set of alternate sprites and while all of the overworld sprites are my work the transition, the ball throw animation, and the avatar photo are not my work and I will include the links to the original now
    Wes ball throw
    Wes battle poste and avatar

    How to install

    These pictures replaces files in graphics section of your rejuv folder go to each section and copy and paste these files in and replace the files there I suggest making backups before you do this incase you want to change the character back.

    They specifcally replace Aevis (aka dude with the green scarf) so keep that in mind this no way mods the game to change the character it just changes how he looks

    there are three sections in the graphics section that we will be changing: Characters, Pictures and Transitions

    Google Drive Files

    1) open the google drive folder above
    2) download the different png files
    3) I suggest backing up the original files incase you like the green male character
    4) take the png files from the Character section and replace the files of the same name in the reborn folder
    5) take the png files from the Pictures section and replace the files of the same name in the reborn folder
    6) take the png files from the Transitions section and replace the files of the same name in the reborn folder
    7) it is just replacing one set of png's of Aevis to make him look like wes

    • Like 1
  5. Tri Tournament

    - Season 3 has ended order won
    - working on updates to it to make it better



    - we got the corrosive mist and mountain fields in they are in beta

    - working on inverse field



    - starting soon



    - we have a dev log to show development history

    - the dev self role will let you get pinged about updates and other important information about the development process

    - reworked self roles to make it just better as now you can get pinged about events

    - new animated logo thanks to infinite infrared (still the same logo in concept just looks better, they have outdone themselves yet again)
    - working on field manual rework

  6. It has been a while so if anyone is interested here is the latest update.
    Tri tournemnt
    - Latest season is starting on the 18th we are doing nat dex doubles for this season, our double feild format is working nicly
    - We have streamlined it with just the Tri tournament cup (a nat dex doubles tournament), the gameshow, skribble, art contest and gyms.
    - The gyms have gotten their doubles teams ready for the TT ready to have some fun!

    Community days
    - we now have community days: when we are not having the TT every week or sometimes two times a week we will have a speed tour or play games like jackbox.


    - feilds got several updates along with some formatting changes to make it easier to read, just general balancing and effects to promote mon diversity


    - Our draft forum is out! join the discord and fill it out it is pinned in announcment it is posted by vanilla snorlax
    - this season we will be having feilded drafts!



    - progress on shadow pokemon is keeping steady the big challenge is adding all those moves to every pokemon (though every pokemon is not getting every shadow move, more standard distrobutin)

  7. Tri-Tournament

    - Season 2 will be ending 2/15
    - the tracker has been updated a ton it even has a tab that is used to calculate points so you can see where the yall come from

    - so far order is winning by a margin with destruction close on its heels
    - so far we are thinking of doing doubles for the tri tour cup and the mini leauge for season 3
    - current ideas for next seasons gameshow is: Pyramid (have people guess a pokemon off facts like dex entries),  maybe try a who wants to be a milionare one (Each team seperate see how far they can go), some people want wheel of fortune but I would need to look into that), I want to do the price is right but honeslty not sure.
    - thinking that there will be a week or two break between seasons maybe more if we want a event inbetween as we had a christmas themed 12 days of christmas tour with each day being a new feild.

    - transitions for fields work we just now need to finish making them and then implement (holy cow trying to balance it, might just forgo balance tbh)


    - we have moved to dawn
    - we have 12 gyms rn, full E4 and a alternate


    - talk to VanillaSnorlax if you are interested in the draft
    - we are between draft seasons


    - we now have feilds doubles
    - our programmer has started programming in shadow pokemon for a seperate format

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