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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

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Posts posted by pvstelsouls

  1. Reborn:


    Hardest: Shelly

    Was not expecting her to be so tough on my first playthrough. I had no idea that I could use fake out to stop her illumise from setting up rain dance


    Easiest: Luna

    Maybe it was due to the fact that my team was a good counter to hers. Didn't really feel like a gym battle for me and she could use a buff.



     Hardest: Angie

    A. Complete. Nightmare. Definitely the gym leader that took me the most attempts to beat on Rejuvenation.


    Easiest: Florin

    All I remember from that fight was hyper voice pixilate sylveon + help from some teammates sweeping his team. 






  2. I think you can get another vanillite by purchasing vanilla ice cream at the sweet kiss candy shop. You'll probably see a child blocking the way. To solve this, you can purchase some chocolate ice cream and give it to her, then she'll happily leave. (You can purchase chocolate ice cream at an ice cream vendor. One appears outside the grand hall during sunny days, and another is in spinel town's museum, top floor, across the balcony)

  3. If you're finding the game too difficult, I'm pretty sure there's a God mode for pokemon reborn out there. You can use it to obtain pokemon with insane stats. It won't delete your progress either.



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  4. 1 minute ago, Starry Knight said:

    User is Snorlax I will wait, doesn't have to be arcanine, can be anything you don't want

    Tysm! Words can't express how thankful I am for this popplio!

  5. 26 minutes ago, Starry Knight said:

    Okay I can trade u one

    (Sorry didn't respond sooner, mas making dinner)

    Really :0 Ty! 

    (Sorry I didn't reply sooner as well)


  6. I've started my first ever reborn run not too long ago, and chose torchic because I heard that it would make my run a lot easier. I'm really regretting about not choosing popplio now, and really want one. I'm willing to offer a shiny arcanine to whoever's willing to trade me a popplio! I'm not picky either! Any popplio will do just fine ^^ Tysm!

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