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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by MegaMew

  1. Mega-Trevenant




    It's officially Spooky Season, so I thought I would officially introduce Mega Trevenant! Happy Spooks everybody! doot.





    Original sprite made by TRXPICS, found on DeviantArt here

    Pixel Sprite made by me



    Type: Ghost/Grass


    Ability: Spooker

    "Spooker turns Normal-Type Moves into Ghost-Type Moves."





    HP - 85 -> 85


    Attack - 110 -> 130


    Defense - 70 -> 126


    Sp. Attack - 65 -> 65


    Sp. Defense - 82 -> 112


    Speed - 56 -> 56
    Post which Mega Pokemon you would like me to do next, if you have any suggestions!
    (PS: The sprite is not finalized, and I'm still looking to adjust it a bit. If you are familiar with spriting, please feel free to give me some tips or hints. Any feedback is very helpful!)
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    10 hours ago, Zarc said:

    Hi , i recently started to play your game but i'm kinda stuck on the cult hideout : i did the first puzzle to unlock the first door but then the two others remain locked and i have no ideas what to do next . Any suggestions ?

    If you could post your save file, then I can be able to help you out more.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Gentleman Jaggi said:

    Game produces an error and crashes if you attempt to pick Treecko or Oshawott as your starter.

    I went through each one and the others are fine.




    Seems to be because of spelling mistakes in the code, "Treeko" instead of "Treecko" and "Oshawatt" instead of "Oshawott".

    Ah, thank you! I'm sorry about that. I'll get a Patch Update out soon.

  4. 8 hours ago, Michael_ said:

    I've discovered a major bug while playing - entering and exiting the water treatment centre while the city is being destroyed skips ahead, plays a future cutscene and softlocks the game.


    [EDIT] Looks like its already been found in the previous post. I assume its a bug though, due to the softlock while playing. Enjoying the game thus far though!

    Thanks for the feedback.

  5. On 8/9/2019 at 8:21 PM, Majin J-Awesome_One said:

    So forget my post that I made on here a couple of hours ago. Turns out this game is probably about 3 hours long without the training. I just finished the game and I gotta say I like it. I hope you don't mind if I do a pro and cons kind of thing here. It might help you out more with the next demo that comes out. Btw, I noticed 1 bug, possible another 1 in the game aside from the 1 I said in my previous post.



    I could go through the railing here no matter where. Not a major thing but that was really the only thing I noticed. There were also very, and I mean VERY, few dialogue errors but I was pressing enter before I thought to take a screenshot of it. But like I said, VERY few of them in this version. Also, the other bug I experienced was when the city was under attack, when I went into the sewer building and walked back out, dialogue started as if the hooded people had already retreated. Not sure if that is a bug or if that's 1 of those choices things but just thought you should know.



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    • The starting city, while it is actually a nice place to explore, felt a lot like Gearen City from Rejuvenation. I know you're just starting off and also, I am in NO way someone who can make a game at all and coming from me may sound stupid or whatever but I'm just being honest.
    • I kind of wished that you called the sewers just that instead of the Water Treatment Center. At least that's what it was calling itself when I went into the building. I suppose that's a little nitpicking but again, just being honest.
    • The continuous task of defeating the Woopers in the sewers. It was kind of repetitive. Maybe you can change that with something else but if not, it's not the worst thing in the world.
    • Maybe you're planning on putting more choices for characters into the game but it'd be cool if there was like a female choice as well.

    That's honestly all I had to say about the cons.



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    • I'm gonna give you a couple of points over Reborn and Rejuvenation. 1st is this. I loved that I got to see what happened to the beginning of the city. I don't mind in Reborn or Rejuv that the character comes in and it's already a disaster but I finally got to see what happened to the beginner city. (I know maybe I shouldn't keep referencing them but I have to give you credit where credit is due)
    • The fact that we're the Professors assistant and not just some random trainer that came from a region to take on their league is awesome! Nothing wrong with doing what other games do but this was refreshing to me.
    • The Professor seems involved. You play as him at the beginning of the game and I like how his team is weird. At least to me. He seems interesting. Not just sitting back and like "Pick a Pokemon. GREAT! Here are your shoes, Pokedex and PokeBalls. Now get out of here." I even like the fact that he promotes the player to being a trainer. I'm not sure how that goes exactly but it was interesting.
    • Not only does the player speak (I like it when games have the player talk) but you give us stuff to choose from. I know you've already told us about how we get to pick what to say/do but I didn't know how many times you would do that. Especially in the 1st Version. I feel like I can actually make the player me. For example, when we see the shady people talking and then run off and you have us choose, whether to follow them ourselves, report it to the police, tell Professor Willow or tell Brady, that felt great. I would never follow them myself because that's not how I am in real life. Reporting it to the police to me just sounds like I'd be paranoid. I would tell Brady but the Professor is an important person and I've been working with him for some time ( I assume anyways) so I chose to pick that option. It's exactly what I would do in that situation and it's what I chose. It evens adds to replayability because I can go back and see what the other options will do and how they will change the story.
    • I love the characters. My personal favorites right now are Emma and Amy. You did a good job giving them personalities. And I like the fact that we're beginning our journey with another person that's a Gym Leader right after winning their Gym Badge. Albeit, in an unofficial Gym Battle. Kind of brings back nostalgic feelings from the 1st season of Pokemon. So I thank you for that.

    And that's all with the Pros.


    I am definitely already loving the game and I can't wait to see what V2 has in store for us. I guarantee you that when that version comes out, I WILL be doing a playthrough on it. You have done a great job so far. Keep up the good work my man!

    Thank you very much for the feedback and comments! It means a lot to me that someone likes the game so much!

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  6. Well, the Episode 1 Beta is currently out! If you're interested, please feel free to play.


    Please leave any comments and feedback on this forum, in a spoiler lock, please. Thank you!


    Additionally, to report a bug:


    Explain what the bug is/what's happening.


    Explain if you are stuck or not. (If the game is frozen.)


    And also, please leave screenshots, and script messages, where possible.

    Thanks for reading, and thanks for playing!

  7. I'm not sure if it's the same on your computer. But in your Files, you can go to Local Disk, Users, (Insert Your Name Here), Saved Games, and then Pokemon Reborn. All of your backups are here. Tell me if you can't find it, or something doesn't work.

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