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Posts posted by Alazir

  1. 18 hours ago, Fervis said:

    for adding encounters, the encounters.txt file should be sufficient. I expect you did, but did you look at the time (morning/day/night)? and by chance, did you compile it while being on that map without refreshing (leaving map once)? Also, specifically for Opal Ward, did you change the Post-restoration Opal Ward or the pre-restoration one?

    To know which map has what number, I open the project via rpg maker and in the bottom right corner there is the respective number of the currently opened map.

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    Yeah I thought I refreshed the map but I guess not, that's that issue solved. TY! I do still need to figure out how to change the chance you have to encounter each mon if you have any insight there.

  2. 6 hours ago, Fervis said:

    its all managed via the PBS file 'encounters.txt'

    all maps that contain pokemon you can encounter (grass, caves, etc) are listed there, with each pokemon that is located. 

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    taking apophyll beach 

    first, name of the map with the number

    next are numbers that determine the probability of an encounter for each type (a bit unsure about those)

    then, the specific type of how to encounter the pokemon listed below it (all of these types have a certain amount of slots)

    then the pokemon with level-range you may encounter them

    if you want to make a new one, you have to look at the map's name and add these steps accordingly.


    lastly, of course you need to compile data for these changes to take effect. 


    I hope that helps!



    I had figured out the PBS compiling stuff, though I was lost on the numbers so that helps

    I'm having a couple problems though, as when I tried to compile encounters in a given area (Opal Ward) to all be Bulbasaur as a test, it said it compiled fine but nothing changed

    Also, how do I open the Map file in order to add encounters? Every time I try RPGXP says "unexpected file type"

  3. Hey, sorry that this isn't exactly about the mod itself but I've been trying to find an answer to this question for the past couple days.
    How did you manage to change or add encounters in certain areas? I've been trying to do so myself to no avail and I'm pretty lost

  4. Not 100% certain this is where I should be posting this so sorry in advanced if it's wrong. So I'm starting work on an enhanced version of Pokemon Reborn that'll be far more optimized for Hardcore Nuzlocking, and I'm hitting a small wall. I've figured basically everything I need out on my own, except I just do not understand how to edit wild encounter data the way I want to. Specifically, I don't understand how to change the % chance of encountering specific Pokemon. It works different from how it does in base essentials, so if anyone knows how it works in Reborn, could I get some help there?

  5. So, both in my playthrough and a Let's Player I was watching, there was a bug after defeating Noel where it seemed like leaving the Belrose Mansion before talking to anyone caused the events that allow you to progress to Route 1 trigger without ever talking to Noel. This makes the dialogue that the characters say if you head back into the mansion very out of place and, as was the case for the LPer, a bit confusing. It's as if Noel's already told you to go and find Saphira even if you didn't know to do that.

  6. 6 hours ago, The Fangame Connoisseur said:

    As nice as a harder game would be, they need to keep it easy so that it caters to the casual players and earns the games more sales. I could see them implementing a difficulty option in a future game should SwSh sell well.

    I mean they've done it before with Challenge Mode, who's to say they won't do it again

  7. 3 hours ago, GreatNinja said:

     I am so stupid. I meant Gourgeist not Pumpkaboo lol. But didn't he had Gourgeist at some point? Or was it really just Trevenant and my memory is just trash? I can remember Trevenant but he had a Gourgeist once right?

    I didn't play before E16, but he didn't have one then, and I've never heard about it before now.

  8. 8 minutes ago, ShogokiX said:

    I think i am with you on that. It's nice to know that there is some kind of backstory to certain things, but we shouldn't make a big deal out of it. Sure, you might think a little different about the game if you knew those details, but this could affect you in both a positive way or a negative one. You might learn to appreciate the game a little more, pay more respect to certain details, but you may also find yourself in awkward situations because you know certain things.


    So yeah, let's not tell TTar, because the less he knows the more fun we might get out of it, with his crazy theories. And the more fun we have once certains things are revealed in the game after he theorized about it like 10 episodes ago...

    After all, we know the game, and we can smile if he starts making up the wildest theories, while we know he's so far off that he'll be in for a surprise XD

    Unless he literally hits it dead on like he did this episode.

  9. 45 minutes ago, GreatNinja said:

    So as far as I understand, he will not train up new pokemon soon? Ok guys, it was a nice nuzlocke, but Shade will totally finish him. Rotom and Mimikyu are just too big of a threat for his team. He should thank god that this is nerfed Shade. Maybe he will survive with, like, 2 pokemon tho if he is lucky xD

    Nah man, Shade is still just as big of a threat as he was if it's your first time playing. I really hope he trains Peanut up to the rest of the team and evolves her. He's gonna need all the help he can get here. Also he still hasn't learned death fodder shouldn't be a thing if he can help it.

  10. The go to emulator for DS games is DeSmuME (emulates gens 4-5) or Visual Boy Advanced (emulates gens 1-3), and I've never gotten viruses from their downloads. As for randomizing, you'd want to get the Universal Pokemon Randomizer, and same thing applies there, no viruses from what I can tell. The problem comes in with the fact that you need the ROM for the game you want, and well my friend many of the links for those are riddled with viruses. A lot of them are fake. If you get one though, you need to boot up the UPR and open the ROM with it, and you can customize the randomization as much as you please there. I don't know if I can guarantee you to be completely safe from viruses, but I can PM you a link to a list of the safest ways to download a bunch of ROMs. You might still need to be cautious though.

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  11. 7 minutes ago, Thomaskater21 said:

    I know were on the discussion of him playing regularly, I personally, love the locke, I look foward tik each episode, and I dont think he will play regularly untill/if he loses 

    I wouldn't expect him to drop it until he loses. That being said, he's gonna lose at some point. Ain't no way you are beating Reborn blind without whiting out (and I don't mean at Solaris on Pyrous).

  12. 1 minute ago, LeoYT said:

    Based on whats after shade Kiki Shreds a good chunk of his team and Jacques is not that great on the beach field


    personally I would put Trubbish in the next tier since its on par with belly

    I've found Garbodor to be a bit less tanky but faster, so he's better for things like T-Spikes and the like. I think Fearow would be better going forward cause it gets a lot of good physical moves leveling up, it was a great mon in my playthrough through the early and mid-game.

  13. Favorite: Fairy Tale Field, love this set. Everything in it just mesmerizes me and it changes up matchups left and right. A really dynamic field, and also gives a boost to my favorite type, Steel.

    Least Favorite: Chess Board. It legit does FUCKING NOTHING beyond Radomus's team. It was made specifically for that fight. It's bland and uninteresting, most battles in it feel like there's no terrain. Glitch Field could've gone here, but I at least respect that field for the opportunities it opens up. With Chess Board, I'm just left wondering why it's here.

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  14. So looking through his PC again we have:
    Useless - Unown
    Bad - Pidove and Ledyba

    Decent - Trubbish and Ekans

    Good - Ducklett, Scatterbug, Spearow, Cubchoo

    Great - Lotad, Mareep, Smoochum, Woobat

    Noibat I'm not gonna rank because he needs to be able to evolve it to get any worthwhile use out of it at this point. Lotad could be great becuase of it's typing and the fact that it learns Nature Power. Smoochum may not be the best add now but it can really help out later on. Swoobat dominates the early game of Reborn and he just really should add it immediately after Shade, if he survives that battle. And Ampharos is just all around great. If it were me at this point in the game, and this were all I had available (which hopefully won't be true for much longer), I think I would have this team by Shade.


    Lombre (maybe Ludicolo if I can mine up a Water Stone)






    I realize this is all kind of meaningless because he probably thinks he's fighting Aya next and will continue to until right before he has to go fight Shade, but I wanted to share my thoughts on the matter nonetheless.

  15. 39 minutes ago, ShogokiX said:

    For now his best bet would be visiting all the places that still have random and/or static encounters waiting for him and stock up his arsenal of usable Pokémon. Of course that also means he will have to train a lot, but that's part of the game, so no complaining about that.


    Then again he might just end up tossing those onto the pc, because he underestimates them....


  16. The thing is he kind of needs the flexibility to use whatever mon he wants in this playthrough, it would take a lot of stress off him because he'll actually feel like he can complete the game now, but it won't remove the tension cause there are still gonna be moments that will absolutely floor him as the do jist about any first-timer.

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