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  1. also I have a question, are there level caps for each gym where your pokemon will stop obeying you? if so, what are the levels?
  2. idk if this should be in the game but in aliora city, there is a spot on the bridge next to the gym where you walk across the water and on to the grass.
  3. I got it to extract but now once I click on Spork 7, then to pokemon Spork, then I just have Audio, animmaker.exe, and animmaker.txt sorry if im annoying you im just really bad at this stuff
  4. its the second, so I downloaded it and it came up as a winZIP file which I do not have so I tried to extract it with WinRAR but it says that it is corrupt. Then I tried using the ZIP extractor that it included but that kept freezing.
  5. This looks like a really fun game but I am having trouble downloading it on my PC, I have followed the steps but it doesn't seem to be working
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