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Posts posted by Vex

  1. Today has been interesting. I've seen this phrase a bunch of times today:

    "LoL is a dead game like Starcraft now. Koreans killed it"

    The question is, did they really? The game is far from dead, pulling 500k+ viewers two days in a row (On Twitch alone. Nevermind Chinese/Korea streaming sites) , and no doubt the final will only have more. Why can't the West get its shit together? What can we see from Occidental teams to make the international scene more competitive? When will teams on this hemisphere actually start fostering real growth in the region by grooming solo queue talent?

    The sad truth is that a lot of the western teams, but mostly the top NA teams think they're a lot better than they actually are. So they think signing up talent from solo queue is beneath them.. Since it's the in thing to buy a few Korean players and hope that magically fixes all the issues your team has, many incredible challenger players get ignored. Even signing them up into the B team and giving them a chance to prove how good they are would be nice to see.

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