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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Posts posted by Vex

  1. So, after about a year the Reborns Youtube channel is up and running again! Starting with the Kitchen Cabinet tournament running at the moment, it will be casting most major games like those. The page is nothing special yet, but I will be working on a background, links and such in future but for now the main focus will be the battles and casting them! Now, for those who would like to have there battle uploaded and commentated on the channel, be it for a laugh, show off your skill or purely just to get yourself noticed; then here's how. Make sure your subscribed to the Reborn Youtube channel, then if you win a tournament in main chat and have a great battle you really want to show off, then contact myself or a high authority, then tell them you wish to have your battle uploaded, make sure you take a screenshot for proof. That's it! I hope to see some great battles coming in the future. On another note, if you wish to start commentating battles on our youtube channel, contact myself on either here or the main chat ([sU]Moriarty ). If you have any comments/questions, post them here.

    Thanks for your time, and I hope you enjoy.

    - Moriarty :rolleyes:


  2. Hello hello, the Reborn Youtube channel is starting up again but I really need a good designer, someone that knows what they are doing for a good background. If you are skilled in this art or know someone that is, please post a reply on this thread or message me on the server - [sU]Moriarty.

    Thanks very much!

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