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Autumn Zephyr

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Status Updates posted by Autumn Zephyr

  1. So, I started playingAC:NL yesterday... and somehow managed to catch over half of the bugs already. I know Summer's when those critters thrive and all, but isn't that just a little ridiculous? ๐Ÿ˜…

    1. Oris


      not realllyyyyyy you see, what really is hard is to find about 10% of the bugs every season... the rest (ostly in summer as well) is pretty eassy! but good job either way โ™ฅ

  2. MonoType thoughts: Gotta love it when you push past a Gym whose Type counters yours with half your team still at full health, despite being underleveled. Now onward I shall go, past the point of no return!

    1. doombotmecha


      That's awesome! Have fun at the Agate Circus!

  3. "If it bites you and you die, it's venomous."

    Oh, I didn't realize that alligators are some of the most venomous creatures on the planet. My bad!

    1. IntSys


      I thought we measured venom potency by how many elephants it can kill

  4. Welp, this day went much, much worse than expected. Sudden short-term family drama cost me too much time and left me having to travel six miles on foot, and thus caused me to show up far late to orientation and potentially to lose my one legitimate chance at getting the stable income I need to attempt (potentially in vain) to break out of the long-term family drama. I'm friggin' tired of this BS! ๐Ÿ˜ 

    1. Clutterfunky


      bruh SIX MILES WHAT

  5. ๐Ÿ˜ƒย ๐ŸŽŠย ๐Ÿ—“๏ธโ—


    May 2021 prove to be a marvelous time for this community of ours!

  6. ๐Ÿ˜ƒย ๐ŸŽ…ย โ˜€๏ธโ—

    The year may not have been the greatest overall, but hopefully this holiday season proves to be better for everyone~!

  7. I gotta say, I'm liking this batch of Crest suggestions quite a bit more than the previous one- both in terms of creativity and the distinct lack of "+50 BST and Water Bubble" submissions~! Of course, the second batch of Crests added to the game being less conservative than the first one is probably helping out a lot in that regard.ย 

  8. Fair warning to anyone interested in messing around with the Route 4 Dens:



    Blue beams can spawn mantine that know Bounce, which will automatically K.O. them on that Field Effect. Not exactly the nicest way to fail a Shiny, as I'm sure you can imagine.


  9. TFW you completely forgot about the mewtwo in Terra's computer.ย ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ

  10. Some days, getting the most Reputation can be taken as an agressive competition. Other days, you kinda just win out of nowhere.


    ...I keep winning out of nowhere, and continue to be surprised whenever it happens. ๐Ÿ˜…


    On a slightly different note, 600 Content Count get!

  11. Goodness, parasect goes through some veritable death throes upon defeat these days!ย ๐Ÿ˜ฅ

  12. Don't you love it when an NPC wanders right in the way of your current task, thereby causing you to get the worst possible outcome for said task. Thanks for the pain and loss of of 2,500 Bells, Sahara. ๐Ÿ˜ 

  13. I know that Eustace (the boss of the Arclight quest)'s manectric is Choiced already, but I'd like to get a bit of confirmation: does anyone know if it's holding a Choice Scarf or a Choice Lens?

  14. Out of curiosity, would anyone be interested if I were to dredge up my real-time reactions and musing throughout my Reborn run and posted them in a thread?

  15. This is the first time I've noticed that the area between the Beryl Bridge and Shade's Gym actually has music playing. Geez, how slow can I get?

  16. Ohey, I finally figured out how to activate Status Updates! I coulda sworn I checked there before...ย 

  17. It probably says something about me that my reaction to the underwater portion of Amaria's Gym was "This is kinda my aesthetic".


    And that i seem to say "it probably says something about me" a lot...ย ๐Ÿ˜…

  18. ...Apparently wingull has really, really bad Defense. Like, I just accidentally one-shot a shiny one with a swoobat of equal level's Fly bad. And no, it was not a crit.ย ๐Ÿ˜“

  19. ...When the heck did Deliverance gain enough experience to go from the mid 80's to Lv. 91? I really didn't need that in my life.

  20. Well, I would'veย beat the E18 gauntlet at long last, but a certain Fire Blast just had to decide and ignore my X Sp. Def investment by way of critical hit... Welp, time for attempt #19, I guess?

  21. Brief one-sentence descriptions of the PMD games:



    Retro Beta of ORAS' Delta Episode, with a side of Ghosts being jerks to everyone.



    Temporal Dragon goes mad, world ends.



    Everyone's jaded with life, and it's getting really cold outside.



    All the gods are dead, world ends.


  22. *Decides to put a couple Pickup pokes into my party while I grind on a whim*
    *Swiftly gets 3 Blast Powders, 2 Dusk Balls, 2 Full Restores, and a friggin' Blue Moon Ice Cream*


    Well, uh, this is certainly more profitable than it was in RSE... ๐Ÿ˜…

  23. >A meme is posted on one of my Discords
    >I have no idea what the heck it's going on about, so I request an explanation by way of bad pun

    >Turns out that its about emo bands, and which bands tie to what 'type' of emo you are/were

    >I feel the rift between me and my peers expand even further

    Well, uh, guess I'll continue on my way then... ๐Ÿ˜“

  24. Geez, I forgot about how unaware my mother is of my actual technology level. I've got a selfie stick, a phone ->USB shower radio thing, some Bluetooth earbuds, a leg strap to put your phone in while you run, etc. ...and no smartphone to use any of it with. Good thing we have like 3 Goodwills and a Salvation Army in town... ๐Ÿ˜…

  25. *Playing through Bravely Second*
    "Wow, Urchin gave me a lot more trouble in the main game's Normal Mode than it did in the demo's Hard Mode."

    *Oh yeah, the demo actually gave me a bit to work with, such as the scrolls for all the spells I'm high enough level to cast, including a healing spell that's worth more than just using Halfsies on a Potion. Of course it's gonna be easier!"

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