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Posts posted by leo_the_greatest

  1. Spoiler

    I started playing Pokemon Reborn when I was 17 years old, and 6 years and some months later, I've finally beaten it to completion (well one route anyways) having completed the national dex. There's a lot I can write about how much fun I've had, how much love I've developed for the game and its characters, and how I've appreciated the community despite my on and off involvement with it - I'm really busy at this point of my life hence my late completion despite having access since beta wave 1. However, I can summarize it pretty well in saying that Reborn is the perfection of the Pokemon formula and the most narratively complete game I have ever played... Which obviously makes it my favorite game that I have ever played. There are so many little things that I appreciated such as the diverse cast with trans and non-binary representation (exposing me to positive characters since before I came out as enby myself). There's also the completely reworked AI, the amazing animations, and the all-around wonderful art style among so much else. I don't think this will be my last time playing Reborn [I've got to get my money's worth having been a patron for years ;)], but I'll definitely be taking some time to play other things for a while. Before I write anything else, I just want to say thank you to the developers, the community, and everyone else who made this game possible. I'm so, so, so excited about Chasing Selene's future projects, and you can count on my support for years to come. 

    A little about my most recent playthrough before I wrap this up. I started from scratch and set out to complete the national dex as I had just done so in Legends Arceus before starting (hallelujah to finally having games where you can complete the Pokedex). It was a LOT of work, and a fair bit of following guides when I'd get stuck to make sure I didn't miss anything. I also played on set battle mode with the noitems password once I discovered it was a thing. I EV trained and eventually IV-boosted my team, and it was still very difficult. I had some prior experience for the first 17 gym leaders which made things more manageable (still difficult), but E19 brought new challenges with Sapphira, Victory Road Solaris, Pulse Clawitzer/Master Mime, and Heather, all of which gave me a hard time. The post-game had plenty of challenges, but Manaphy's quest, Celebi's quest, the Amaria/Titania orb quest, and the final boss were very, very difficult. I'm sure there's plenty of challenges I'm forgetting, but the game is just packed with them. My favorite mon in the main game and for much of the post-game was Galvantula. My favorite legendary is Marshadow, and I was very happy to get to use it for much of the post-game. One thing I've seen other people say is that trick room changes the game significantly, and I'd have to agree based on my observations of how different things were once I got access to choice scarfs and weather - speed is paramount to Reborn's difficulty.

    I'll leave it at that, but once again, thank you to Reborn and everyone involved. The world is a very difficult place and this game has been a wonderful escape and a glimmer of hope in terms of what's possible in terms of turning things around for the better.


    Complete Dex.PNG

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  2. So I broke the screen on my Huawei Mate SE, and being that I repair PC's and Laptops for family and friends, and that I've repaired phones in the past from about 3 generations prior, I figured that I could handle a simple screen replacement. I was wrong. The online tutorials were very poor, out of focus, and largely lacking directions. I was doing pretty good, however, until I had to remove the battery (You have to remove the entire phone assembly to reach the screen and frame). The battery was taped in, so as I was cutting the tape, I slipped and punctured the battery. It started shooting out sparks and erupting internally. Thankfully, I stayed calm and made sure it didn't catch anything on fire. I took it outside and placed it on my front porch to cool off in the freezing air. Once it cooled down, I took some photos of the damage and bagged it up to dispose of at a later date. So I guess I learned that most modern phones aren't really meant to be repaired. Looks like I'm buying a new phone (Same model, pretty cheap), but I did salvage the motherboard so I should be able to slot it in and still have my data. Photo below.


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  3. 18 hours ago, Filthy Casual said:

    I assume the sign up period has expired? I ask because when I tried to open the discord, I got this:



    It was an April Fool's joke, but this will be making a legitimate return at some point.

  4. 2 hours ago, Gore said:

    I don't think anything about it was properly explained, and I don't think it ever will be. Honestly, giving any character an item as bullshit as this one opens up an insane amount of plot holes. There is just no way a random brat trainer, that is the protagonist, or his friends can even accomplish to do anything against a supposed omnipotent antagonist that can literally go to any point in time and do whatever they want to. It basically makes it feel like there is no point at all to the story that's being told. Either the antagonist is going to prevail as expected or there are going to be even more plot holes, because the only way you fight this type of bullshit is with even bigger bullshit.

    Based on the explanations given so far, you can come up with millions of theories that would make as much sense as yours and whatever way the plot is actually heading, but none of them will ever be acknowledged or denied/given proper explanation on why they can't be true. To begin with, the introduction of time travelling to this story was, in my opinion, one of the worst things that could've happened to it. At this point in the story, the time mechanisms, including the magic warping crystals and these omnipotent tiempa, spacea and crescent beings, are very poorly explained and make the plot too inconsistent and senseless.

    Time travel is not an easy thing to get done in story writing, so I'm not expecting a perfect story where everything is explained well and the plot headed the way it did because it absolutely had to. Convenience and light ass pulls are fine, but I don't think even these minimum requirements were met.

    I'm unsure at what point Madame X even went to the past, so it could have been far earlier or later given that her attitude was entirely different at Blacksteeple versus throughout time travel. Additionally, she may have intentionally let Melia get away as part of fulfilling the prophecy as she obviously could not have kept her chained up for some reason, which is why she went to live with Jenner in the first place. 

  5. 13 hours ago, Lone Wanderer Jordan said:

    Fourth badge is gained at the very end. 


    There is a second pre-requisite for true ending and it's found in

      Reveal hidden contents

    Chapter 2. Only hint I will give



    What is it related to?



    I also found a tile error




  6. So I was wondering, Gen 8 may have an entirely different battle system that may not be able to be replicated through RPG maker (or it may, the lack of ambition with the last few games shows that they're happy with the way things are). Because of this, new Pokemon may not be able to be translated into the older format in terms of stats, moves, etc. So would future games just have to predict what these new mons' stats would be? Or would we just be happy with mons through gen 7? I personally think that they have plenty now and I could live with no further additions, but what do you think? If you're making a fan game that will update to gen 8 when it comes out, what would you do?

  7. I absolutely loved this game, great work Jan!!! For any future projects, the character I'd be most curious about when the time comes would be Crescent.


    I'd also like to do the capsule key easter egg, so hopefully a patch for that is out soon.

    Thanks for all of your efforts!

    • Upvote 1
  8. I was wondering if it is possible to acquire an old amber fossil through mining in V10? I know the graphic is in the game, but I am unsure if this is an item you can actually acquire. Before I waste anymore time mining, I was wondering if anybody would happen to know?

  9. 4 hours ago, maguslucis said:


      Hide contents

    1: idk



    3: cressent did something

    4:idk maybe she is the real evil?

    5:obviously cassandra did it

    6:she was a leader of that group that defend avium and own blacksteeple castle. and maybe her death was the reason angie went insane?


    8:something about being the interceptor we dont know what it actually mean so far

    9: im not really sure but this is one my theory melia, mariannette, and that princess melanie was it? , i think they are all the same but from different timeline. i also think madam X is marrianette when she's a adult. when she talk about her mother it look like she was talking about andriad wife. and if you remember during the very beginning madam X go save her maybe to change her future? so she can become melia? idk




    3 hours ago, DreamblitzX said:
      Reveal hidden contents

    1. This is unknown still, but Melia seems to think it's bringing back Storm-9. We at the very least know that Madame X wants Melia's power for something. 

    2. Cosmia and Comet are the ones disguised as us, and I'm pretty sure they're affiliated with Team Xen. 

    3. Crescent did something to Adam and Val (and presumably Saki) but we don't know what or why. 

    4. Crescent is still super mysterious, but this task of Nims actually seems pretty out of place with the rest of Crescents actions. 

    5. We've been mysteriously signed up externally, and thus the tournament must be some kind of trap or front for something else. 

    6. As above, Nymeria was the leader of the protectors of Aevium, along with Angie, Vivian and someone else who I don't remember their name.

    7. Indraid did some kind of 'conversion' on her at some point in the past it seems.  details unclear

    8. as above, we're apparently someone/thing called the "Interceptor", whatever that means.

    9. Unknown currently, But Melia/Maria/Marianette/Melanie and possibly Madame X are all connected in some way.



    I'm pretty skeptical of the whole "Melia is related to Madame X" theory because Melia and her inter-dimensional relatives have a thing for shiny mons, but Madame X does not. The only issue with this is that Melanie had an Yveltal as Madame X did, but again we don't know if this was shiny as we did not see it in battle. Also, Madame X would likely have unlocked Melia's powers by that stage of her life, even though she is powerful in her own right. I have no idea who she is, but I'm curious to find out.


  10. I'm glad to see this was solved, but let's just talk about how confusing all of these notes are as I scribed all of the ones I found down and then found out this was just a revamp of an old area so I couldn't get anything out of it:



    Bladestar note #1 "The 4th and 5th buttons pressed should both be red"
    Bladestar note #2 "Blue should be the 2nd button pressed. Green should be the 3rd"
    Bladestar note #3 "Red should be the 11th button pressed"
    Bladestar note #4 "Red should be pressed first! That's all!"
    Bladestar note #5 "Blue should be hit right after hitting green for the first time"
    Bladestar note #6 "The last button you'll press should be gold, and blue should come right before that!"
    Bladestar note #6 "After hitting blue for the second time, hit red, then take the ore out of the furnace. Then blue, purple, gold, and lastly red should be pressed. In that order"
    "Bladestar note #7 "Take the Black Shard out of the furnace after hitting red for the third time! This counts as the 6th button press!"
    Bladestar note #8 "The 9th button pressed should be gold, followed by the 10th button pressed, green"
    Bladestar note # 9 "The 7th button pressed should be blue. The 8th button pressed should be purple"
    Bladestar note #11 "The 15th button pressed should be gold, followed by the 16th pressed, purple"
    Bladestar note #12 "The 14th button pressed should be blue"
    Bladestar note #14 "If you think you've made a mistake, the machine can be reset by interacting with the monitor!"
    Bladestar note #14 "After pressing the last button, take the Black Shard and place it into the machine and press the small red button"... Note: "WARNING - NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH THE SAND RED BUTTON. I MADE THIS MISTAKE ONCE"
    "First numbers, 4589"
    "Last numbers, 758..."


    There are so many overlapping sequences and numbers there and I have no idea what went on when developing this. Unless it's designed to fry your brain like the Shelly's library in Reborn.

  11. Spoiler

    ik music is unrelated, but when I first heard Crescent's theme (Bach Harpsichord Concerto No. 5 Remix) I instantly fell in love with it and I often listen to it outside of the game.


    But in terms of the game's actual development, I would have to say that my favorite parts are the side-quests (which is why I was so disappointed that there weren't any new help requests in V10 and that we got left on a cliffhanger with Ana AGAIN) and the time travel aspect of the game's story. I like the sci-fi/retro aesthetic just like with Terra's 8-bit world in reborn.


  12. Well, I uncovered a number of bugs, some seem to have already been reported, some not, but I'll list them all to be thorough (SPOILERS):




    - Anytime East East Gearen is entered a cut-scene begins and then the game locks up




    - When leaving the building on Route 2 the game freezes



    - Game Freezes at Police Station



    Tile Errors:


    - The Train Station in the District of Dreams can be walked on top of


    - Can Surf through this module on the Wispy Path


    - Various other tile errors in the Wispy Path, such as a woman with dark hair who only appeared at night and couldn't be interacted with.


    Battle Errors:


    - Cloud 9 Swablu was able to set up rain dance and then have it carry over when it was immediately switched out

    - Souta's Thunderus spammed Grass Knot on my Alolan Muk (Probably just bad AI)

    - Other terrible move choices by Aelita & Souta's mons, I should've screenshotted them but oh well


    Misc. Errors:


    - After talking with Souta on the cliff, your character begins the cut-scene walking up to him a second time

    - There were some text lines that skipped when a word carried over

    - Able to battle random trainers in updated older towns that were already completed

    - Chests still unopened in Wispy Path in doors that were already opened

    - I have Venam's mom's name down as "Christy" from previous versions, but this past version her name was "Chasity"

    - I was never charged for undergoing Nurse Joy's "procedure"

    - I feel like there were more, but I forget and will keep you guys updated if I remember



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