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Posts posted by Gengar768

  1. I basically want to give musharna a crest but i dont know how to implement the mechanics...(also want to give it to neon)


    Musharna Crest: Increases defenses(1.2 or 1.1x). allows use of Dream Eater without sleep and recovers slightly more hp (60%)


    I just want to know what scripts to edit?

  2. On 7/22/2021 at 6:33 PM, Death lord said:

    On my computer it is 1 pm but in the game it is night time and it has night time encounters

    have you got this fixed cause im the oppisite of that i have it on at night and i get moring encounters but its also the same with events

    also some areas dont have encounters in them aswell so this is a big bug for me


    Also can someone try out some night locations on my savefile and see if they work 

    then when your done save and send it back to me


  3. when i go back to gdc after damien gave me fly none of the night time events are active

    its 00.00 on my clock and the night gdc music isnt playin and everyone is still active also theres no dark tint its just orange like how its like moring

    is it supposed to do that??

  4. 6 hours ago, TheHellHamster said:

    Don't quote me on this but I think Jan once got asked what the theme of Erin's team was and he did say it was colour, it's on his Tumblr somewhere iirc.

    I mean you could say its white but id rather have an intresting nod to how her character potential could play out. Instead of just "white"(Not like I have a problem with this I just see this huge potential for a character twist)

  5. 1 hour ago, Lucifer Morningstar said:

    Rebellion and Jealousy are appropriate themes for Erin. 


    She was trapped in the Unown dimension but rather than succumb to Allen and Alice's games with the Unown and she escaped, without the aid of the Puppet Master. Then changed her name (her original name is Eriana) and hair color. 

    Later she refused to acquiesce to her non-consensual entry into the Grand Dream Tournament and made a public scene of disqualifying herself instead of just not showing up. 

    All acts of rebellion. 


    She is the one to suggest to Melia that Jenner's encouragement for her to become a gym leader was an act of genuine love since the notes for 'Project Rapture' never mentioned that as part of the plan. Then she goes onto explain that she's always beena lone, even Souta never paid her much attention. 

    I believe she also at times seemed somewhat resentful of Aelita and the attention she was receiving from Souta as well as the responsibility that fell on her. 

    This could be jealousy. 

    I agree with this but I also feel she might harbour resentment for Melia aswell becuase they havent talked about how unfair it was for Erin to be trapped in the ? dimension and not Melia.


    and also Anethea is yet to make an apperence with both of them in the room so Erin can ask her questions

  6. basically the tile. i started editing the scripts cause of people syin the breeding tm wasnt working and i was like "okay lets check this out" so i did turns out the bit where it says you could do that was commented meaning its not implemented so i was like lets not comment that so i did. then i had to download the pbs files so i could save the changes fair enough. Everything was working until i started the second fight after the scrafty gang on difficult mode and the zel fight. basically the pbs files didnt have the zel fight or the scraggy fight added in the pbs files. so I either have to get the game and download it or have the updated pbs files

  7. okay so this is gonna sound weird but does anyone think Erins team when she fights Melia seems random. like the girl has a Butterfree, Florges, Amoasnow, Zangoose, Swanna and a mega Absol. None of those pokemon synergise well with each other. Theres no theme......But what if there is?


    Okay so I looked at her shiny Floges for example for now lets go with its based on a marigold. now youd think it be like life and stuff right cause its a fairy type? wrong marigolds symolism is greed, Jealosy and negative emotions.


    Next her Swanna. Has anyone herad of a dark swan before?. or the ugly duckling. basically one is evil and jealous and goes their own way then the other is about evolution

    Also her zangoose symbolies Rebellion, self opinionated and courage something erin all is.



    Now her Butterfrees easy. Evolution.


    and now we have her Mega absol. something to note is she and Zeta are the only ones to have mega absol . But. Her lore is more interesting in this one. because shes part of the insignia her team should be positive and hopeful (which is ironic cause Melias team literally screams hope) so why is her team like that?


    (Also sorry about the spelling mistakes 😂 also i kinda made this topic awile back but i didnt spend much time talking about the rest of her team))


    EDIT: Also her abomasnow could be how she sees herslef like shes a freak or she seems like she dosent exist?(this could tie in with the kids making fun of her)



  8. So iv never had this happen to me when i played v 12 before so this is really weird to me

    so whenever theres like a map connecting to another map it goes really weird like this







    or im in the same place but it shows me a different placeScreenshot_17.png.c6f75f34f01824e27d211c2114838ab3.png

    this isnt relevent to this but i just thought id throw it in there

    whenever i get a wild encounter i keep getting an error about using a black flute. this happens when im using the rejuv modpack


    if someone could help me with any of these errors id appreciate it!

    (also if u need any extra info about whats happin dm me)Game.rxdata

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