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Everything posted by Lek

  1. Outside a shower and inside a shower makes a huge difference intelligence wise haha but anyway yes it does seem like this would be a tough battle but i can see some ways around it matching the types and certain abbilityes but even so what about the field effect? Wonder in witch field we will get to fight her the only logical field to me would be the electric/mechanical terrain whatever the name of it was, if thats the case a quick electric move to make the field dark would help... But to beat her since she is steel type either bulk through her with some ground and fire types but stealth rock would be REALLY helpfull...
  2. I could get u a larvesta if u want might help although it could take some time grinding
  3. Lek


    Anyone have a ditto? If so what do you want for it?
  4. I am what do you want in return i do have some pokerus pokemon if your interested
  5. Lek


    Anone have a Scraggy with good ivs? If so what would u like for it
  6. I would judge but seeing that its Fire Emblem I see no reason to do so. And your right if we started to list all the good things in Fire Emblem we would be here all day
  7. If were talking non-Pokemon related then Call of Duty Blacks Ops 2 and even later on Black Ops 3 The reason being that I speant tons of hours into that game and actually made some solid friendships because of it so yea If I had to choose a game it would be these two
  8. Lek


    Anyone have a spare firestone? If so I will gladly trade an axew or ralts for it
  9. Lek


    hellboy check messages bro
  10. Lek


    Shiny??? Well I feel like I owe you a lot now haha thnx man
  11. Lek


    Oh and Btan ill give u an axew in just a few moments dont worry about it also forgot to meantion that i have pokerus as a bonus on my pokes
  12. Lek


    Umm my nick is Lek in the game aswell so could u send me the request says for some weird reson Issilva doesnt exist
  13. Lek


    I have been trying for the past 2 hours breeding isnt my strong point needles to say so If u could yes plz trade me one I would be in your debt man
  14. Lek


    That doesnt mean that the others ones have bad Iv its just that I am a bit picky
  15. Lek


    Anyone have a ditto I could have? If so what do you want for it
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