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Everything posted by Davemcfc123

  1. Thanks Waynolt but Chrome blocked the download and said it could be malicious. It's probably not but I don't want to risk it given the fact I just downloaded some music which wasn't blocked plus even if I did download the app I'd have no idea how to install it haha. I've seen someone on Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOx3qlpv3PQ), 8:45 in, trying to find Squirtle with no luck as it's raining there as well. If you said you used an external app to get round the weather issue and still couldn't find Squirtle I'm thinking maybe Ame just removed it from the game. Guess I'll have to settle for Floatzel regardless of the bad defense stats haha.
  2. I have the same problem too. I'm thinking maybe the constant rain was added to E16 so that we can't get Squirtle? I have clear weather everywhere else but the Wasteland is constant rain. Does anyone have a solution for this?
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