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Posts posted by lifesapity

  1. To Ragash
    You hear the skittering of little feet fill the alcoves around you. The hissing inside the egg filled alcove doesn't stop but, a small drake from an alcove to the side darts out to try grab the dried meat and run back where it came from.

  2. "Well I aint in much a position to refuse, am I lad, can you get these chains off me?"
    Inspecting him you see that the bottom of his legs are full of tiny wounds that looked like they were caused with needles.

  3. To Ragash
    This hissing continues as you hold out your hand close to the alcove with the meat.


    To Everyone

    Richard opens the door and moves down the short corridor, in the dark room you can just make out a small fountain and a dwarf shackled to the wall with a black bag over their head.

  4. To Ragash @rustytengo

    Quickly searching through a couple of the bodies that lie from floor to ceiling,  the bones all have needle point holes over the bones,  and none of them to be lying in a peacful position as if someone had already searched them. You find nothing of value but you do see small tunnels burrowed out of the back of most of the alcoves, where you swear you see a couple of small reptilian eyes starting back at you before disappearing. On the bottom row you find a large stack of broken egg shells, and a couple of unbroken ones. As you reach to search the body surrounded by eggs you hear a sharp hissing noise from inside the alcove. 

  5. Ragash's bolt of flame kills all but two of the drakes at Richards feet.
    The drakes continue to bite at Richard and Yisan.

    The pair at Richard's feet both draw blood (2 peircing damage), while the swarm beneath Yisan cant seem to find purchase on his flesh.
    The reptilian eyes in the bigger swarm underneath Yisan dart around nervously, at the bodies of their fallen brethren, then the swarm splits apart, with the drakes scurrying back into the surrounding walls.
    Richard manages to stomp the two at his feet before they can get away.
    Althea get shocked one more time while getting off the runes on the floor. (2 lightning damage)
    As you hear the scurrying of tiny feet getting quieter, in the silence you hear a faint moaning beyond the door that is open a crack.


    @rustytengo @Cronos5010 @Cool Girl @Megagun @DragonRage @Jace Stormkirk The battle seems to be over, you may post out of initiative order.


  6. Yisan's raipier runs through one of the swarming drakes. The strike just seems to make the surrounding drakes angrier. 



    I will list the damage when I get home

    @rustytengo your turn, you take 2 lighting damage for starting your turn on the runes, however the yellow glow absorbs half of it. 


  7. As Althea rushes towards Ragash seeing her stumble from the jolt, as she steps on the runes flare again and a zap electricity runs up Althea's spine (2 lightning damage), as she reaches Ragash she notices her wounds aren't nearly as bad as she proceeds to apply a minor muscle relaxant to both her own and Ragash's twitching legs.


    @Jace Stormkirk Your turn.


  8. As Ragash steps onto the runes a shock runs through her body (2 Lightning Damage), she grits her teeth through the pain and fires a salvo of magic at the nearest swarm of drakes, killing a fair few of them.
    A strange yellow glow starts to shimmer over her skin as power from the plane of chaos leaks out.
    The two swarms rush forward enveloping Richard and Yisan in fangs and claws.
    The needle like fangs find purchase on skin causing blood to start flowing down their legs. (Richard: 5 Piercing Damage, Yisan: 6 Piercing Damage)


    @DragonRage Your turn.


  9. Sorry I can only do a top 10 (and that is pushing it)


    In no particular order:

    Steins Gate

    Fate Series

    Monogatari Series

    FMA Brotherhood

    Hellsing Ultimate

    Your lie in April

    No Game No Life

    Death Note

    Code Geass

    Neon Genesis Evangellion


    Honerable Mentions:

    Shokugeki no Soma

    Attack on Titan

    Kill la kill

    Clannad: Atfer Story

    Hajime no Ippo

  10. Have you every used a non-traditional starter in either the Canon or a fanmade game?  What pokemon was it and did you enjoy it? 

    I recently started a run in rejuvenation using marshadow as my starter, it has been quite fun so far.

  11. As Yisan walks forward, Richard inspects one of the skeletons next to himself.
    The bones seems to have strange marks all over them, and as he looks closer two small reptilian eyes blink open from behind the body.
    Swarming out of the alcoves are dozens of small reptiles with mouths full of needle-like teeth. Avoiding the runes of the floor they form two big groups before starting to move towards you, hunger in their eyes.
    Roll Initiative.




  12. To Yisan
    You cant see any footprints in the dust because strangely there is no dust settled on the floor here.

    To Ragash
    You have absolutely no idea of what the runes are or what they mean.

    To Anyone in the Room
    At a quick glance skeletons reside in most of the wall alcoves wearing clothes in various states of decay, each body with no traces of flesh on it.

  13. As Richard and Yisan move forward a mighty clang echos through the chamber as Richard's shield hits against the side of his armor.
    As you move into the room you feel a slight warmth in the chamber emanating from the glowing runes.

    To Yisan

    The runes read Von Jallach in a phonetic alphabet sometimes used by wizards, however you can't tell the nature of the enchantment laid upon the area.

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