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Post Comments posted by Krellian

  1. 6 hours ago, Gaunt said:

    don't you worry people, Saphira will probably have a "very fair" field effect where ice heals her Pokemon instead of damaging them

    That's exactly my thoughts when I saw the ice beam TM. I'm quite sure her field effect will find ways to fuck us up, be it ice beam, blizzard + snowstorm or whatever we come up with

    • Like 1


    Incredible, now not only I want to catch all Pokémon, I'll collect all their shiny eggs!


    That was an amazing touch and, if you think about it, completely on spot! Why? Let's go waaaaaaaaay back to the beginning of the game, inside Reborn Central area: 

    There is a NPC there telling us how Reborn has a higher rate of shinies and some speculate that is due to the toxicity, radiation, or something like that. 

    Well, stuff like that usually leave marks on the body and alter their appearance, so why not alter the eggs as well? See, totally makes sense!

  3. Okay Cass, i dont want to be the Devil Advocate (but kinda being already), buuuut.... I kinda see the point of Gentleman Jaggi here. I mean, sure, the story is huge and surely has alot of potential to bring many more other characters. But why now? Why so late? Can you see his point of view? 


    Now, taking YOUR side, i have no idea what changed the early game had, so these are the two thoughts of someone who doesnt know what Reborn's future brings. I still remember when you said ( i think it was you) that until episode 18 we had around 60% of the entire game.


    In the end, all that is left for us is to play it from the very begining (like me) and completely understand the whos, whens, wheres and hows of the game.


    PS: THERE ARE NO BRAKES FOR THE HYPE TRAIN (and Grandview's ones too 😬)

  4. yeeeeeees.gif.62988bce309bd7c21be2d3d62f704e75.gif





    See?! I was right! ACE will be a new key member! Im pretty sure he will substitute Taka at some point, but it is an excellent idea to implement him sooner.


    Kiki and Corey retired? Well, i DO see why Kiki would (i love her for som reason btw! Ive chosen a Medicham for my team just because of her!)


    Anyway, YOU GUYS ROCK!




  5. 18 hours ago, andracass said:

    can confirm.



    Okay, so: if there's a Ruby language, should we expect you guys to complement the game with a Sapphire language, making an Emerald version of it?


    (Sorry  I just couldn't waste the moment lol)

  6. Okay, one thing o believe we all missed: did Cass really said the ep. 19 will add around SIXTY HOURS OF GAMEPLAY??? I mean, thank you! But also, Jesus Christ O.o


    Well, it was no joke when Ame said the amount of content added would be equivalent to 2 or 3 episodes (was she the one who said it? I can't remember)


    Well, there's one thing left to say (again):



  7. Okay, ill be honest: i got totally lost and gave up reading when the code actually appeared.

    (Trainer CASS used CODING!
    Its super effective!
    Trainer KRELLIAN is now confused!)


    But, as far as i could understand, all of that means we have a cleaner, simpler and more effective AI correct? That also means it will run faster and require less from the PC to run, meaning a smoother game (i understood that with the para/freeze/burn/nevermiss-code).


    In the end, i just want to say KUDOS for all of those who worked and works in this game. I know it must be tiring beyond measure, but you guys are doing something incredible and should be proud.

  8. I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA i knew it!


    Okay, now that i've guessed the name right, let me help you guys on who's that one:


    3 hours ago, SqueezingLemon said:

    A new member to the agate ace triumvirate😱😱😱😱

    1 - This is a very plausable option, since the (spoiler) death of either Samson or Ciel.


    2 hours ago, Draconis said:

    Wait, Ace is one letter from Ame. Coincidence? Most likely.

    2 - Honestly? I dont think its this far fertched. Think with me: to present a new character this 'far' in the game should only means it will take an important roll like, for example, being the substitute champion because, you know, (spoiler) Ame died.


    3 - You know, this next one might be too off, but do you who could that be? Anna.

    Now, before you say its BS, think: who has a 'wishing' pokemon as a doll? Anna.

    Who has this 'feeling' of seeing something 'out of this world'? Anna

    She uses twintails, i know, but would an adult version of her a ponytail? I wouldn't mind at all.


    Well, these are just theories, but since we are talking about Reborn, anything is possible lol



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  9. 1 hour ago, nirmaan said:

    in my opinion its julia this could be an new character that we dont know but hands down i have given up seeing every single image of characters matching it up with this picture 


    Exactly my thoughts... Ive tried to think of whoever this person could be: Julia, Charlotte, Lin, someone who died...


    But you know what? Screw it, im waiting the game to find out lol


    1 hour ago, Jydes said:

    maybe it's the voice that shows up after the ditto arceus?


    PS: maybe the above? ive given up by now

  10. 9 hours ago, Lord Drakyle said:

    Hmm not my card but the shadowed sprite looks like they are holding a fan? it's probably not charlote because only one tail of hair so maybe Julia or Lin as others have said...but i doubt either of them are fan people, could be anew character?


    Mate totally not a fan, but cards! See how irregular they are? 


    5 hours ago, CrystalStar said:

    Man them glowing eyes tho


    Now that you mentioned it... maybe a friend of Shade? Maybe someone who died too...

    • Hmm 1
  11. First of all, sorry for the bad joke about waifus (I saw ppl giving 'sad' reactions and I actually got sad too (looks like I went on a cringy way)), so I'm sorry.


    Anyway, I actually think they are, probably, 3 options of end game content (perhaps some major character ark conclusion or how to fight a legendary) Ame wants us to choose unbiased, giving us the feeling of "the community played a part at the game itself"

  12. 16 hours ago, earthprisonpanopticon said:
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    the split happens at the water plant when you decide whether to fight taka or not. fight him, zekrom route. don't, reshiram route. zekrom route taka doesn't come with the player to tourmaline, so he isn't killed (and iirc makes an appearance in agate in e18). reshiram route taka follows the player to tourmaline, and into the never after, where lin tricks titania into killing him. he also shows up briefly in the void in that route. not sure if he does in the zekrom route


    ah, those

    i think ive taken Zekrom route (lol) but now im not sure anymore.
    Anyway, lets wait for ep 19 and will see it again

  13. 20 hours ago, GuillerXD said:

    >Character Epilogues

    >Almost every surviving character with relationship points has their own special scene with the player

    >Almost every surviving character

    >surviving character



    Yeah I hear you, man. I'm still angry at her for what she did to Kiki (my medicham is a tribute to her)

  14. 13 hours ago, Rendolf said:

    RIP all the Cain shippers lol

    Awesome to see how the points are gonna affect the game. Ever since I found out about them I've tried to maximize them as much as I can, even though they didn't do all that much.


    Also, you mention the previous estimate, what would that be again? (I know, "a slight against my character" but I can't quite recall if there was a more concrete estimate or just like "eventually-ish")


    I KNOW RIIIIIGHT?! When I read that o thought: "Ah come on! No MC x Cain ship? Damn it!


    When I've seen the relationship points I knew they would be great at some point, and now you say there will be epilogues related to how we have them? Thats why this game is so amazing and has everything to be a masterpiece.


    I can't highlight how important this phrase is: ALL ABOARD THE HYPE TRAIN!


    PS: Another important thing: F*CK YOU FERN!

    • Like 1
  15. 16 hours ago, Djiini said:

    ......Noel is one of the 'most universally experienced difficulty spikes in the game'? I don't think he's ever beaten me, or even come particularly close...he fights on a field that isn't particularly advantageous to his team, and normal types are kinda easy to dunk on.

    This isn't meant to be a #HumbleBrag or something, to be clear, because Marcello also says he has always found Aya really easy and she fucking DESTROYS me. It's interesting how different people's experiences can be!


    I completely understands what you mean with that. Honestly, i havent had too much trouble with Noel, mostly because of his 'all around team', but do you know with whom did i have a LOT of trouble? Charlotte and Amaria. These 2 gave me such a trouble! Mostly because im more into physical attacker (Amaria made me rethink that) and specially Charlotte with her multi hitting moves. So yeah, its more related to how do they exploit your team weaknessess.


    Still, i cant wait to play it from scratch all over again

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