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Everything posted by Twei

  1. Well, are you familiar with the idea of Malfean stealth? If everyone is either dead or too terrified to say anything, you're perfectly stealthy! ...I mean, honestly the space dragon could probably be surprisingly sneaky. But Solomon most likely expects Malfean stealth, he's too edgy to have it any other way. :V
  2. [understanding. Declaration: Size/scale/vastness breeds contempt.] the Primordial responds, almost knowingly - she isn't quite so vast as her progenitor, herself- even as she continues to lightly scritch at Aurora, letting the spider stare in fascination at Eon's own star-camouflaged body. Will she pet him? Whatever happens, she suspects it will be suitably adorable.
  3. [greeting], the Primordial politely answered in response to Eon, along with a gesturing nod for him to feed Aurora as she demanded. Well, maybe more like [acknowledgement of greeting] or [reciprocation of greeting]. Language is complicated. [informative: Teeth grinding. Stomach growling?] Hopefully, the recent adjustments to her 'voice' would do for letting Alexandria hear her. In the meantime, It That Embraces continued to idly cuddle with the starry one- something she seemed to be basking in almost as much as the spider herself. Fitting of her name, to be fair, and it's not like they're going anywhere fast.
  4. In response, It That Embraces simply reaches out (quite a ways, in fact) and takes the container - opening it up, of course, before handing over the raw meat inside to the spider-woman. Let her be the judge of whether or not it is delicious to her.
  5. [Explanation: I suspect that meat would be best, though I am not truly certain.]
  6. One could practically see the fond smile forming on the strange entity's face, that little crinkling of her many eyes as she stroked through the spider's hair and [shhhhh]ed her, soothing her growls back into those content purrs, working her supernatural peace into the young beast's mind and body like an impossibly adept masseuse. Even as her arms worked, however, some of her eyes turned to the rest of the party, and even as she led Aurora slowly forwards along the path, she called out to the others around her. (Yes, hopefully even Alexandria. It required a certain recalibration of her 'voice' to translate it into something that could be received by a mechanical mind as well as a natural one, but she felt it was a worthy endeavor, and it did not take too much doing in any event.) [Request: Does anyone have any food? The starry one requires sustenance.] Starry one: a fond concept for the spider-woman, drawing attention to the beautiful stellar patterns upon her eyes and carapace rather than her beastly nature.
  7. The Primordial sighed, not with exasperation but with contentment as she handled the Arachni, carefully pulling her down off of her perch- perhaps to make her more approachable? Perhaps. Very slowly, of course, and with mirth all the way, countless fingers tracing the beautiful arcane stars dancing across her carapace. [beautiful], she noted, as if to reassure the child in her arms. Although, judging by the amused titter, she may have noticed said child's... particular interest in her companions brought out by their lack of situational awareness. [scolding: Do not eat your allies, young one.We will find sustenance for you.] It That Embraces nodded sagely, glancing towards the roofs they saw in the distance, the place some of her companions were so eager to explore. A place of residence would surely have food, even if by some chance every one of their number did not. Though, it probably would not be full of enemies to defeat, which might disappoint those people who were so fed up with conversation... oh, well.
  8. It That Embraces holds on to the spider-woman throughout her struggles, taking silent note of Aurora's (she doesn't know the name yet, but it's convenient for writing) starfields, the constellations and the points of light that shine and shimmer and dance through her shrieking terror. [Quiet. Assurance. Peace. Comfort.] She repeats the soothing ideas over and over again while she lives up to her name, like she were hushing a child. As the shrieks fade to be replaced by purrs, she smiles with eyes alone, pressing the spider lightly into her body (did she get a bit taller?) and stroking a hand through her platinum hair, another hand tracing those beautiful points of light along her back. [Assurance. Peace.] Also there's still edginess in the background, but she totally ignores it because shut up Solomon I'm going to bed now
  9. It That Embraces is having none of this edginess from the walking suit of armor (not that it's obvious to most people, but she is not most people), or from the nameless grey cloaked man. Though her words touch on the argument between the Device wielder and the machine-woman as well... [Disagreement. Team cohesion increases battlefield effectiveness.] It's not quite as certain as her earlier statements. Like it's something she knows, academically, but hasn't experienced, and therefore knows she can't convince certain stubborn individuals that their opinions are bad and wrong. That's a distraction, however, from the feral spider-woman hissing and shuddering, a far more important thing to attend to- and indeed, It That Embraces forgets the edginess around her, to focus on the spider, her eyes soft and sympathetic. [Assurance: I will not hurt you. Please, come here. Allow me to assist you.] Slowly, carefully, she steps towards the fearful creature. Very, very slowly, with her eyes locked onto those of the spider. Step by step. Closer, and closer. Until her long, dimensionally-confusing arms are close enough to wrap lightly around the creature's human torso, letting warmth wash over it and cleanse its mind and soothe its body, healing it in a strange and metaphysical way that's just about as strange as everything else about It That Embraces, but... much like the rest of her existence, not unpleasant once one is used to it. [Assurance: It is alright. I will not harm you.]
  10. [Assurance: I am simply It That Embraces. Sound is not my native tongue.] A simpler, less dramatic response to Edmond: he is, he says, an engineer; the concept implies an appreciation for not making things more complex or dramatic than they need to be. Then the white being turns her head to look at the -frightened, now - spider-woman. She stares for a while, eyes winking in and out of existence from time to time. Examining the spider from other angles not available to the human mind. Quietly, carefully, she 'speaks' again. Perhaps as though she is addressing a frightened animal, for the spider certainly has traits of such. [Assurance: I mean you no harm. Can you speak?] Speak: use the spoken word, the default communication in this area, rather than 'speak' as It That Embraces herself does.
  11. [Amusement] Entertainment of the chest aside, It That Embraces looks to those who speak to it. [Eon] The self-proclaimed Primordial nods as it repeats the word in concept form. The name contains meanings of age, of timelessness, yet even it pales in comparison to the scale of '[Primordial]'s connotations. However, the 'inflection' It That Embraces puts on the concept suggests that she recognizes Eon as indeed something, by the standards of the people around them, very old, perhaps even timeless. Something that can perhaps comprehend the scale of her own existence, despite nonetheless being what she would consider a '[thin thing]'. [Hikari Takino. Amusement, reassurance: do not fear. I am not slighted.] 'You are less than me, yes', declares the subtext of that many-faceted communication, 'but you are not beneath me'. A rather enlightened viewpoint, given that she seems to think of her companions as comparable to microbes would be to humans - ah. No, on closer reflection of the message, that metaphor isn't quite accurate. Microbes are not sentient, after all. They do not live fascinating lives or have thoughts and feelings and memories. Even though these people are so much smaller than her, they remain people, and they remain precious.
  12. [Amusement] declares the 'ethereal woman' as the quirky group of... people begin to introduce themselves to each other. A sparkle of mirth dances upon her many eyes, but then she steps forward, positioning herself at the center of everything and everyone. Perhaps just to bask in the warmth of the thin things, but a moment later she clears her throat. Or, at least, the concept-speech equivalent of it. [Attention], perhaps. [Declaration: Introductions: important. Timing: optimal. ] She gestures to herself with so many long, warm arms, more real than the air around her. [self: It That Embraces. Avatar of She Who Was. Primordial. Role: Guide, companion, protector.] It That Embraces: a name denoting warmth, a motherly companion. Avatar: an agent, a reflection of something infinitely greater. She Who Was: a being that once formed all life, and now slumbers; as dead as something which cannot die can be. Primordial: something ancient, something more vast than can be imagined. Role: a being's purpose for existence, something like the idea of 'a life goal' but more so. Then she gestures to each and every person around her, all twenty-some individuals. Yes, even the spider-woman skulking in the darkness. Especially her. [You/Group/Others: Allies. Companions. Friends? Imperative: Introduce yourselves.]
  13. An otherworldly figure dominates the group - not physically, but the white, feminine humanoid is hard to ignore despite her less-than-commanding demeanor, tall and curvaceous and beautiful and alien and somehow more real than everyone and everything else. Several of her eyes briefly disappear from view, before returning, just in time to share in the mouthless (those eyes are surprisingly expressive) smile she gives the new (old?) arrivals as she turns to them and says with neither sound nor language: [greeting]
  14. Yeah, it's basically a taunt mashed together with a Basic Defense is the idea, which is why it has only one turn and one target (at level 1 anyways). IIRC, normal taunt-type stuff gets 2 turns or 2 targets, so it's at least theoretically balanced?
  15. So, remember when I existed? yeah probably not, but I remade my old character anyways. Now with 0% less numbers and 98% more fluff. Would be nice if I could title spoilers. Also would be nice if I could be less stressed, but we can't all get what we want, and I'm feeling okay about this game at the very least.
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