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Posts posted by Anti_Hero

  1. There are some key pokemon that makes your life easier


    Bellow are some usefull or key pokemon / strategies to make the fight easier and so faster... some i just beat, others i needed some strategy or saw some that worked really well here on the forum. 

    I would suggest you to add one rule, no Online function or sandbox mode



    For Julia and florina trubish, for florina numel can be usefull too

    For Correy if you make it to be the mist field then a steel type will win you against most of his pokemon, I would suggest klink with automatize and charge beam (level 31) 

    For Shelly I would use a technician percian with fake out and another pokemon with flame burst

    For Shade scraggy (you dont even need another pokemon)

    For Kiki because the AI isnt that good almost any good Dark type can wall her, set up and sweep

    For Aya, sincerely she was never dificult, one of the few that I almost always beat on my first try, but i dont have a concrete strategy against her

    For Serra, since you want it fast and easy, destroy her field and then use fast pokemon, mostly her team would be frail to at least one defence

    For Noel, if you are lucky with the weather then burn the field, or else turn it into toxic field by using sludge wave, Aron would also help since 4x resistant to stab (you can always get an hippopotas just to change the weather)

    For Radomus, if you manage to kill his pokemon that set up trick roon then you will have it easy, I would use a drapinion with knock off (drapinion and another pokemon would be able to beat slowbro and then one after the other of radomus pokemon)

    For luna, a fast fighting, ground or fire type would beat her lead (and for me one of the most dangerous that she had) another fighting type for tyranitar, and ground types to colapse the cave if necessary

    For samson, metronome + acrobatic on a fast pokemon would do wonders, (you have to make sure to be faster than any of his pokemon or finishing the faster ones first)

    For Charlotte, Earthquake + air ballon or typhlosion with flash fire and eruption can do wonders

    For Terra, again no strategy, just bring a grass type for quagsire 

    For ciel, I would use crustle with stealth rock and scrafty with dragon dance and ice punch (he alone can beat 4 pokemon)

    For Adrien, I never used much strategy either... I just beat Xem when i wanted to try Xem out (without knowing anything about Xem, not even type...)



  2. I believe some of your pokemon can be op 

    Like vulpix (drought is a strong ability)

    But there are others I would consider weak in comparison. Like drowse 

    I believe there will be more people to pick some specific Pokémon that others.

    (Maybe I just never really used drowse but I don't consider him to be a useful one im sorry

  3. You guys are right. I wrote that text before going to bed and I was really sleepy. Didn't remember the emissary nor that the roles would be revealed 

    In that case I would say that greninja softclaim that he is one of the following roles: oracle, Watchman, acolyte. (This is from memory, there is a possibility that I'm wrong)

    They maybe wanted to risk and kill the priest.

    The assassin has to reveal himself?

    If no then maybe the assassin tried to do something (either succeeded or failed )

    Or the court wanted to kill, then again, nagisa was suspicious and greninja protecting someone who didn't need protection was also suspicious. 

    I can see a few possibilities. 

  4. I believe they need 250 steps or go with those plowers that teleport you out. The whole puzzle is about destroying the logs and webs, if neither of the 2 destroy anything then you have to go to another tree and try there.


    Basically what you need are the Tauros to ride on, honney, and beating both of those pokemon to get the effect, and progress slowly 


    If youneed more help just ask, also there are videos on youtube

  5. Lets see


    Bug: Venipede and Larvesta would bemy choices, Larvesta once it evolves is a special sweeper able to win alone, but as larvesta is mediocre at best, making the start dificult (and the evolution comes at level 69... too high). Venipede on the other hand has one of the best abilities in the game and is a really usefull pokemon, but frail

    Dark: I would choose sandile, Moxie or intimidate are great to have, the speed isnt bad, in all a good pokemon 

    Dragon: Here are a few choices since most dragons are weak at the start but strong when you hit a high level, I would go with either Dratini or Deino

    Electric: Sincerely isnt a type I am a great fan of and I would choose Magnemite (one of the few I love) as you may know this pokemon is taken with high regard in this forum, and maybe too OP, maybe elekid?

    Fairy: Togepi or Flabebe, both are really good pokemon when they fully evolve but in the beggining they could be weak

    Fighting: Machop is the traditional fighting type, I would also sugest the dragon fighting from gen 7 but since the first evo isnt fighting... I believe maybe machop is outclassed

    Fire: Magby or litwik are my choices, love both of them and are weak at the beggining but strong when fully evolved

    Flying: Starly is for me the tipical flying type and really good pokemon

    Ghost: Duskull/Yamask are good choices but not of my liking, Litwik is the one

    Grass: Budew, frail grass type tha can do damage, budew is better with TMs and thus not OP until you get the right TMs

    Ground: Trapinsh or Sandile

    Ice: There isnt really a choice, Swinub being one of my MVPs on my ice mono, I know how usefull he can be

    Normal: Sincerely I have no idea, one of the Normal Flying would be nice or Munchlax, Porygon, Happiny or Bunneary, too many choices

    Poison: the Nidos, Venipede, Budew, Mareanie or Salandit. I am more inclined on the last one, but any of these could be a good one

    Psychic: I would choose Abra if not that he only learns Teleport at the start, so I would sugest Ralts

    Rock: Rockruff is the next mascot

    Steel: magnemite and Aron, the problem with Steel, Rock and Ghost is that the start is filled with pokemons with normal attacks, so you have to choose the oponents pokemon well

    Water: I was never much a water type trainer, so I will say Mareanie, although there may be better options


    I hope this helped

  6. I was going to post something similar, with the votes...


    Anyway we have 6 votes on one person, not enough to lynch...


    I will add my vote, meaning 7 votes now... To prevent an evil judge we need at least 2 people to change their vote...


    So I will call you now @Megagun, @Nagisa_Hideyoshi, @EndearingCharacterTrait, @Venus, @Lord Drakyle, @Paul25, @LykosHand, @Cool Girl

    I dont agree with this lynch but is less likely that an important role is lost this way


    [ELIMINATE] ShadowSussano

  7. I don't see the connection too. Some players are more inactive when they are witches but they wouldn't risk the elimination 

    If they are witches then they die anyway...


    Basically I would like to vote on someone else. I am especially suspicious on anyone who voted on collgirl/shadowsusanoo on people who prefer not to vote and nagisa... Almost everyone... That doesn't help.


    @Greninja you defended @Refty365, I suppose you know something. I won't press you to reveal your role or his, but I would assume you both have the same alignment, if by any chance one of you is a witch I would assume the other is one too 


    How much time is left?

  8. Ice is amazing type, a lot of weakness but strong in attack, I did a mono Ice and loved it, I would recomend using a pickup mon to get an ice cream and then you can have ice types right after julia. There where a lot of dificult times but it was doable and some where pretty easy even without type advantage.


    An electric run would be interesting too, there arent many electric dual types so you would be a little limited. All in all I would say use a type you like or choose a pokemon you love and use his type

  9. I don't agree


    Just because someone is more inactive doesn't mean that person is mafia. But by that reasoning it would be better to lynch someone with 0 posts and not 1...


    I believe we need to lynch someone for the offside of judge being coven. I am suspicious of nagisa but nothing I would kill someone for. I also suspect other people that haven't been named yet. I personally would prefer a random vote at this point . But we can't trust the person doing it to be trustworthy


    Big dilemma to say: i won't vote now 

  10. I believe its too erly for the gravedigger to come out


    And for the possibility of the judge being a witch I would prefer to lynch, about the person to get killed... I would personally randomly select that person... Of course the person doing so can easily manipulate it and so be suspected of being a witch and thus I dont want to be the one

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