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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by captaind00m

  1. idk where to ask so i'll ask here. i found a folder deep in my hard drive C:\Users\Longdong\Saved Games\Pokemon Reborn and i got like 600 save files all from august 2016. i was wondering, will i be able to play those save files or should i just start again?. i remember there are some of those "when you have to go through that part again" moments
  2. now i don't know what to believe ever since radomus tried and failed to brainwash El into his butler. i had second thought about radomus
  3. there is that theory the faster you go the slower the time passes. traveling at the speed of light. your time is slow, one day for you, could be months or years for someone other
  4. i was thinking about that gender neutral person who wanted to rebuild the city. was he stuck in time? or did he do a time travel ? what if our character could fix the city by preventing the catastrophe in the first place. but then a paradox would happen it could go out in two ways 1) making a new timeline |<---------------------------------------| | | --------------------Z------------X-----------------------> \ \-----------------------------------------> X- being you when you arrived at reborn city Z- time before any bad stuff happened 2) closed loop |<-----------------------------------| | | --------------------Z------------X--------------------- > maybe you are the one who caused it in the first place
  5. aslo when you realise our character is nothing more than silence. a toy used by everyone
  6. however it turns out to be i cant wait for more episodes
  7. ever since captain america became hydra agent i was thinkin about this what if our character was a team meteor after all. that would be such a twist. but we damaged them more than helped
  8. when will we be able to kill someone in pokemon reborn. it kinda sucks only do walking, talking, battling
  9. this is my first pokemon game pokemon go doesnt count
  10. i just finished this game after 12 days worth of playtime it was so awesome im pumped for the episode 16 release. funny stuff sad stuff deaths inside jokes adult jokes breaking of 4th wall very big world puzzles
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