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Sentient Bowtie

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Posts posted by Sentient Bowtie

  1. 5i5BFK8.jpg


    "I won't be tolerating this disrespect a second longer. Who agrees with me?"



    Name: Vincent Ivorea
    Class: Rider Trainee (Horseback) > Cavalier > Paladin
    Character Skill: Discipline
    Birth Month: Ygdrasil

    Affinity: Light


    Personal Flaw: Family Legacy: If Vincent doesn't participate in at least 3 battles during one full turn (Player and Enemy Phases), -15 Hit and Evade for the following full turn.
    Personal Skill: Man-At-Arms: +2 damage dealt when fighting against enemies in the Soldier class tree.
    First Class Personal Skill: Proponent: +2 AS when an ally within 3 spaces is down.
    / / /Promotion Personal Skill: Champion: +10 Crit when wielding weapons of rank A or above.
    Preferred Stats: SKL, SPD
    Weapon Proficiency: Lances (E)
    Level: 1 (Trainee)
    Total Level: 1
    Base Stats - Progression Spent: (330/330%)
    HP: 18 (65%) [+2]
    STR: 4 (60%)
    MAG: 0
    SKL: 4 (50%) [+1]
    LCK: 2 (30%)
    DEF: 3 (60%) [+1]
    RES: 1 (20%)
    SPD: 3 (45%) 
    MOV: 4 (6)
    CON: 5 (19)
    AID: 4 (18)

    Current Stats:

    HP: 21
    STR: 4
    MAG: 0
    SKL: 5
    LCK: 2
    DEF: 4
    RES: 1
    SPD: 3
    INVENTORY:     Type ( ) |Rng|Wt |Mt | Hit | Crit|  QL
    Slim Lance        Pier (E) |  1 |  4  | 5 |  85 |  5  | 35/35
    Vulnerary                                                           3/3


  2. Spoiler





    Class Change


    Stock of Vulneraries (5/5)



    Gwyn slows as they approach the gangsters and the masked man, assisting everyone who may or may not need it in getting off their large mount. They briefly survey the burning buildings and come to a decision - "Class Change!"


    Class Change - Defender.

  3. With another shout of "Class Change!" , Gwyn shifts forms once again. This time, they emerge nearly twice as tall. But wait, that's not only them - Gwyn is now astride a massive horse large enough for their impressive stature. Their armor has become rather sleek and round, much smaller than the bulky Defender class'.


    They easily match pace with Mirri and extend a hand to her. "Get on. I can move much faster than you now."

  4. "I... am not sure exactly how to describe it. I suppose the easiest way is to say I can alter my self at will, which changes my strengths, weaknesses, and abilities to match. Like so."


    Gwyn extends their hand and shouts, "Class Change!" With a flash of light that envelops their entire body, they change in an instant. Their armor - already impressively large before - is even bulkier, looking like a person-shaped armored vehicle or some sort of advanced robot. However, their lance is now rather smaller than it was.


    "This is my Defender class. In it, my defenses are increased, but my speed and attack power are lowered."

  5. The figure takes a moment to collect themself and then approaches the closest person who seems to have a grip on things - namely Kusuke. (Their footsteps are kind of loud and not at all subtle.)


    "You, there. Young one. We are in Earth Bet right now, is that correct?" Their voice is muffled somewhat by their helmet, but loses none of its imposition. 

  6. Behind their helmet, the figure's eyes narrow. Mind-reading... very doubtful, but they weren't a mage. What one could do if they were powerful enough, they had no idea... although, apparently, this strange person did.


    "...I see. I can understand that my words were not enough. Before you ask, I am here for the same purpose as you: To eventually defeat the Trespassers."

  7. The figure cocks their head at the Proditor's strange actions, and opens their mouth to speak. "What did--" However, just then Lilly makes herself known, somewhere around their knees. They look down at the girl with the same stoic silence as she inspects their armor and simply dashes away. 


    After a moment, they look back at the Proditor. "...What did you do? Cast some sort of spell?"

  8. The large, armored figure slowly turns to face Dr. Ebon, completely nonplussed by the events they had just seen on this... 'VHS tape'. Whatever that was. Apparently they had agreed to come here and assist in preventing the destruction of everything... Every everything, not just the everything of Tellius. It was still confusing, but it sounded exactly like something they would commit to on their own - and they were already here. Why refuse now? They slowly replace their helmet and fit it snug, then pick up their lance.


    "...I am ready," they say. Then the world shatters.


    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


    Gwyn simply appears, with no fanfare, a foot or so above the ground in Earth Bet. They remain for the briefest of nanoseconds before gravity kicks in, slamming their weight to the pavement with an enormous CRASH of metal on stone/stone derivative. Anyone in the area is able to hear, and then see, this massive, white-and-gold-armored figure holding an enormous spear, just standing in the middle of the road.

  9. . . . ?



    Name:  . . .Gwyn.

    Age: . . .

    Gender/Sex: . . .

    Race: Human.


    Appearance: Base Class: A statuesque figure, clad in shining white armor with golden accents and brown underclothes in the gap right at their hips. The chestplate angles into a point in the center of their stomach, while the guards at their knees, shoulders, and elbows protrude outwards in squarish, flowery shapes. Gwyn wears a helmet with a top that sweeps forward like the beak of an eagle to the bridge of the nose; the eyeslits are recessed in on either side. 

    Gwyn is an easy ten feet tall while wearing their armor and never, ever, never ever takes their helmet off. 


    Trooper Class: Gwyn's armor becomes less bulky and more sleek, fit for horseback riding; the helmet especially has become less angular and more round. They now sit astride a white horse with a golden mane.


    Defender Class: Gwyn becomes even more heavily armored, including a giant metal collar that makes their now-squared helmet look part of their body. Everything is hard and angular.


    Personality: Quite reserved towards strangers, but not strictly unemotional.


    ---Stat points are recorded as follows: Base [Trooper/Defender/third class/etc] (+Stat bonuses from items, apply to all classes)---


    Merit: 0

    HP: 28 [26 / 32]

    Moves: Equal to your Dex, divided by the average dex of this encounter, calculated at the beginning of combat. Minimum 1.




    Essence: 4 [3 / 5]


    Constitution: 4 [3 / 6] 


    Dexterity: 3 [6 / 0] 


    Intelligence: 0 [3 / 0] 


    Resistance: 4 [3 / 6] 


    Strength: 6 [3 / 4] 


    Synergy: 0 [0 / 0] 





    Class Change: In Gwyn's home world, warriors must be able to adjust themselves on the fly to fit any new combat situation. Grants Gwyn the Class Change action, as well as their initial Trooper and Defender classes. Also has strange effects on Gwyn's other actions; some are unavailable in certain classes, while others become stronger or weaker depending on which one is active.


    Adaptive: Gwyn is both mentally and physically able to adapt to anything that is thrown at them. Halves the duration of all negative status effects, rounded up.





    Strike/Dash/Thrust: The simplest of all actions - an attack upon the enemy. (2d4+Strength) damage. // Gwyn attacks, boosted by the momentum of their mount. (2d6+Dex) damage. // Gwyn attacks, but their bulky armor makes it somewhat difficult. (1d6+Strength) damage.


    Charge/Joust: A running attack that pierces through the enemy's armor. (1d6+Strength) damage; negates Strength points of the enemy's Res for 2 turns. 1 turn cooldown. // Gwyn dashes forward on their mount and straight through the enemy. (2d4+Dex damage), negates Dex+Strength points of the enemy's Res for 2 turns. 2 turn cooldown. // Unusable; Gwyn can't move fast enough. [Neither version stacks, but the duration can be reset.]


    Guard/Bulwark: Gwyn assumes a defensive stance and reduces incoming damage. Effectively doubles Res for the rest of this turn. One turn cooldown. // Unusable; Gwyn finds it's quite difficult to brace yourself on a horse. // Gwyn's massive armor absorbs nearly everything thrown at them. Final damage against Gwyn is halved for one turn. Two turn cooldown. 


    Class Change: Gwyn spends one Move to shift their class. All stats instantly change to reflect the new ones, but damage taken or dealt is not retroactively increased or decreased. Their current HP percentage remains the same (if full, it remains full in the next class), but can and will lower if the new class has a lower maximum HP. Actions that affect enemies remain in effect and their cooldowns do not reduce, but actions like Guard that affect only Gwyn become that of their new class. This can either reduce the effect/cooldown or increase it. Gwyn's Move total is also changed to that of this new class, which can mean their turn immediately ends.


    Trump: Omniclass // Reginleif // Renntartsche

    Omniclass: Gwyn activates one Action from every class they possess at the same time. These simultaneous Actions can target any combination of enemies on the field, including all being directed at the same one. The Actions all run off of Gwyn's Base Class stats. For the purposes of any positive or negative effects involving Moves or Actions, Omniclass functions as a series of Actions taken in turn, lasting as many Moves as Actions Gwyn activates. After using Omniclass, Gwyn's turn ends. Once per two Encounters only.


    Reginleif: Gwyn draws back their mount before leveling their lance and attacking, completely ignoring most of the armor the enemy may be wearing. Deals (2d8+Str+Res) damage, and negates the enemy's Res up to half the damage dealt for 3 turns. The enemy's Res can be effectively a negative number for the purposes of any effects that may restore it, but functionally, the minimum is 0. Once per two Encounters only.


    Renntartsche (Passive): Gwyn leaps to the defense of an ally and takes a fatal hit for them. Should any ally be hit by an Action that would reduce them to 0 HP, Gwyn forces the enemy to target them instead. All damage and effects are calculated as if Gwyn was the original target. This works on Actions which hit multiple times or can have multiple targets; Gwyn will force every hit that could kill an ally to hit themselves, but only lethal hits. If Gwyn themselves is reduced to 0 HP because of a redirected attack, they are instead left with 1 HP. Once per two Encounters only. 




    Gwyn's Lance: Gwyn's trusty lance, made of a white, gilded metal. Increases damage dealt by 3, after rolls.


    Stock of Vulneraries: Several Vulneraries - small pouches of medicinal salve. Restores 30% of maximum HP. 5/5 left. Can be given to, or used on, an ally at the cost of 1 Vulnerary.




    Gwyn's Coinpurse: A small leather bag full of solid gold coins. Currently holds 150.



  10. Yeah, I'd definitely be interested. The mechanics of the game wouldn't matter too much to me; I have a Persona-universe character I made for an RP on Bay12 that I most likely won't be getting into any time soon and I'd love to port him over.

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