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Posts posted by Huggyboo

  1. What's it like being latino?

    Do you like tacos?

    If you had to choose between a lifetime supply of pepsi or steak which would it be?

    Favorite color?

    Favorite games of the following genres: RPG, Fighting, Adventure, Action, Shooter, Puzzle, and Racing.

    Where were you born?

    How is your life?

    Where are you going, where are you going, ________ ? (finish the sentence as your answer)

    Favorite TV show?

    What is love?

    Favorite movie?

    Least favorite thing?

    Why are you so timid?

    What's your serial number?

    Are you a friendly robot or a non-friendly robot?

    Can i call you Pablo?

    Where do you want to go in life Pablo?

    Pablo do you prefer sweaters or hoodies?

    Rank yourself 1-10 for Looks and Personality

    What do you do for fun?

    How is working on a lawn fun?

    What kind of oil do you use to keep your joints moving smoothly?

    Have you short circuited before?

    What land are you the royalty of?

    How much can you blame RJ for these questions?

    If you had to kill someone for the life of your 3rd child would you?

    Are you willing to bring upon the apocalypse?

    How often do you contemplate leaving your current life behind?

    Do you know the muffin man?

    How fast is the gingerbread man?

    Who shot RJ at 12:48am 1/4/2013 in Assassin's Creed 3?

    How often do you curse?

    What's your favorite pokemon type?

    Shut up, no one likes bug type, seriously what is it?

    ... what's wrong with you, why do you like bug type you weirdo?

    Alright that was a bit harsh, can you forgive me?

    How about dinner, steak and pepsi?

    Do you want it at my place or yours?

    Why won't you love me?

    Do you have a bucket list?

    Do you have an emergency plan?

    Does your emergency plan include a quickly written bucket list?

    Who is the 29th president of the united states?

    True or False: Potato

    Favorite villain of all time, in anything

    Would you run a mafia?

    Do you run a mafia?

    Should i expect to be sleeping with the fishes?

    Blub blub gargle gargle?

    How many alts do you have?

    How many identities have you stolen?

    How many more do you plan to?

    Do you remember the 5th of November?

    How long have i known you?

    Who are you?


    I don't even?

    Favorite pokemon gen?

    Favorite game console?

    Favorite game franchise?

    Do you regret any life decisions?

    Do you regret putting this up so i could do this to you?

    Do you love me?

    What was you nickname as a child?

    How cool were you as a kid?

    Will you ever wear a suit and tie purely because you want to?

    How fancy can you be in 15 minutes?

    Do you own a pipe, monocle, or pocketwatch?

    What's wrong with you? Why don't you have all three?

    Can i kill RJ?

    How many more questions should i ask?

    How many more will you answer?

    Am i the antichrist?

    Who would you go gay for?

    Who am i kidding, robots don't have genders. What computer do you want in your harddrive?

    How many smileyfaces can you make with your keyboard?

    What's the lowest number you can count to?

    Do you keep your savings in pesos or american dollars?

    5 places you want to go before you die?

    5 places you would want to die at?

    Favorite element out of the traditional 4?

    Favorite accent on a person?

    How many questions has this been?

    How many more are there left?

    How many are there right?

    Am i a troll?

    What fantasy race would you be: Halfling, Gnome, Dwarf, Elf, or Half-Elf?

    Favorite superhero?

    Favorite song?

    Least favorite food? (Hint: Anti-Steak is not a real food)

    What would cause you to murder rj in cold blood?

    what about in warm blood?

    What crimes do you see yourself committing in the next 3 years?

    When will the world end?

    What are 14 aspirations you want to complete in your life?

    How many of those will you actually do?

    Ame asks: You should ask, what you should ask. Answer this?

    What are you doing?

    Thwarting my plans?

    Are you?

    In 1931, who planned the assassination of the leader of cuba?

    Where is Paris, Idaho?

    How many fingers does the average human have?

    Why is you mouth so magical?

    What's inside your closet?

    What's inside your closet, when you are inside the closet?

    What's it like outside the closet?

    What's the stupidest thing you've done in the last 20 days?

    What kind of car do you have?

    Do you know how to rob a bank?

    I jump into your car with a bag full of money while RJ is shooting back at the police on our tail. I tell you to drive while RJ is left behind, what do you do?

    What if i was the gunman and RJ had the money?

    Would i bail you out of jail?

    How many times have you tripped on a flat floor?

    Do you exercise often?

    What color is your house?

    How much money is in your wallet?

    How much in your bank account?

    What's your bank account information again?

    What's your favorite restaurant?

    How far is the closest one?

    What words do you have trouble saying?

    How long do you think it's taken me to type all these questions so far?

    What game would you live in if you could?

    What book?

    What would you do for a klondike bar?

    What is your favorite pastry?

    Would you poke the pillsbury doughboy?

    How often did you get sick as a child?

    Do you own a poncho?

    A sombrero?

    When you grow a moustache is it thin and close to your lip or bushy and curly on the end?

    What limb or body part would you be willing to sacrifice if needed?

    What do you plan to do with your remains when you die?

    What would be your preferred way to die?

    How many pets have you had?

    Do you have any now?

    What country would you destroy first if you had such power?

    Are you a prick?

    How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

    Have you googled any of the answers for these questions so far?

    Are you a liar?

    Did anyone eat dinner that night?

    Do you fuck with the white mage?

    What class would you be in Final Fantasy?

    You have to take 5 people on a fantasy adventure to save the world, name them and their character class?

    Preferred weapon of combat?

    Spirit animal?

    Spirit pokemon?

    Spirit spirit?

    Spirit bomb or spirit gun?

    Do you chew gum?

    What's your father's father's name?

    What game series have you always wanted to play but never had a chance?

    If you had more time in your daily life what would you do?

    What do you watch on youtube?

    What do you do on a friday night?

    If i threw a crazy party do you think i would invite you?

    What webcomics do you like reading?

    How much time do you spend on facebook?

    Do you keep up with the global ongoings?

    How many times have you though about the meat dimension?

    Who would win in a fight, a gorilla or a grizzly?

    What animal do you hate the most?

    What are your weaknesses?

    Who would you want as the voice of your conscience: morgan freeman or samuel l. jackson?

    How much time do you spend on PO every week?

    Why is RJ such a weird person?

    This is the 149th question?

    When do you plan to build a snowman?

    Favorite pokemon of each Gen?

    What do you have to say for yourself?

    What will you build next time you play minecraft?

    Will you ever stream yourself playing some video games?

    What kind of music do you like?

    Best kind of sandwich?

    What kind of meat do you like in your mouth?

    How often do you regret not being classy all day e'ryday?

    Could you be a good rapper?

    What's it like where you live?

    What powers does Oysterman have?

    Best memory between Frayiki?

    Where do you want to go next winter?

    What languages can you speak?

    Spanish is a language? I thought it was a large dish....

    Do you like snow?

    What's your favorite weather?

    When's the most wonderful time of the year?

    Who was the Zodiac Killer?

    What fruits do you like?

    Would you snap into a slim jim?

    Am i done asking questions?

  2. Not gonna lie, a lotta people wanna work out .__.

    I have one main resolution that spreads to four things i really want to accomplish, the main being: Finishing what i set out to do for myself. Like checking off everything on a To Do List.

    The little things are: Studying, Recording, Socializing, and an extra i will get through those three, figuring out where i want to go and what i want to do in life.

  3. title2.png

    Your responses indicate a desire to overcome a persistent feeling of emptiness or dissatisfaction. You believe life should have more to offer, and fear you have somehow not achieved everything you deserve.

    Your desire for legitimate respect and success has led to increasing anxiety. Consequently, you no longer exhibit some of the friendliness and openness for which you were once known.

    Similarly, you fear being overly influenced by others. You are often fiercely independent, which sometimes leads to being resistant to the opinions of friends and relatives — even to the point of denying what you fear may actually be true.

    This behavior stems from your wish to be regarded as an authority. It leads you to react strongly when you suspect you might be wrong. At times you feel that too much is being asked of you, and that you are not properly recognized for your efforts. This situation — be it fueled by others’ jealousy or negligence — adds to the stress in your life.

    Luckily, your determination is unyielding. Unlike others facing similar adversity, you forge ahead despite the challenges. Through strength of will or simple endurance, you are unique in your ability to withstand the troubles of a complicated life.

    surprisingly accurate for the most part

  4. I'm just gonna post what i put on facebook:

    "Honestly picking our president is like making a choice between a Ham or Turkey sandwich. Both have good taste, and we tend to crave them at different times. Also what comes with the sandwich can totally change the flavor but the main meat is still important. We also have stuff like roast beef and chicken salad... So all i gotta say is be happy with your choice of Ham or Turkey. Savor that favor and enjoy everything that came on it, whether your order came with it or not.

    On my final note, tacos for 2016, who's with me?"

  5. Hey everyone Huggy here! Now obviously i don't post on here like... ever so you are probably like "Who the f**k is this guy?" Well that's not important xD

    Anyways this is a thread for the upcoming holiday! Obviously we have folks of all ages and from all across the globe, so i don't exactly know who celebrates what, but this thread is for those who celebrate Halloween!

    Though most of us know this already, this holiday is really just about dressing up in costumes and either partying and/or getting candy nowadays.

    So now to the actual purpose of this thread! Since most of us know what we are dressing up as or even if we will be, but i wanted to make this as a place we can all put the pictures of our costumes, much like the "what you look like" thread. A chance to show off what you'll be wearing in a week or so.

    So without further ado, feel free to start posting guys!

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