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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by Joker

  1. I'd be an aspiring trainer looking to take on the Pokemon league. I'd travel alone, cause I prefer it that way. My goal is rather simple, just beat all the gyms, take on the league. I would start in Hoenn and go from there, conquering all the regions and their respective leagues. Though, unlike Ash, I'd be successful. I'd pull some heroic stunts here and there, really just if needed. I'd only roll with three Pokemon, Chomps, Umby, and Septus. A Salamence, Umbreon, and Sceptile respectively. But, yeah, after beating the league, I'd settle down, relax at home, enjoy being super rich from all my winnings. Sounds like a Poke-Plan. :P
  2. Cyrus: Goin out with style! If you can call that style. Hmm..... Anyway, we didn't talk much, but I'll still miss ya for the times that we did. Good luck in all you do.

  3. Oh yay, story time! Let's see. I started playing Pokemon when I was around 6 or 7. First game ever was Yellow, as such, was the best game I had at the time. I instantly loved it, and played it pretty much all the time. Wasn't long after that I got Red version, cause Charizard looked cooler, which he does to this day. Anyway, I always got rather far, but have had the worst of luck with both of them. Never beating Gary for the last time due to my games deleting data all the time.

    When Gold and Silver were released, I was super stoked cause by that time I loved Pokemon more than any game franchise ever. I went with Silver, cause Lugia is super awesome! I played that game more than any Pokemon game ever, well maybe not Emerald. Which brings me to the next Gen!

    Oh Ruby version! I remember the times we shared the most! I remember choosing Treecko for the very first time. I remember every gym battle. Most notably, I remember riding in the car, as I fought Steven, desperately trying to win. It was literally a battle against the clock as my Sp was on the verge of shutting off. Guess who won the battle for me? That's right, Sceptile! My most trustworthy Pokemon I ever had, and was the last Pokemon alive in that match. Of course, there are many more memories, but I don't want to babble too much.

    After Gen 3, 4 was announced. Wasn't much longer they had a demo you could play in Gamestop. I remember that, as I thought Lucario was epic. I believe I spent the most time with my friends in the underground tunnels playing Capture the Base, or whatever that game was called.

    I shouldn't need to elaborate on Gen 5 too much. It wasn't that big of an impact for me. Only thing I have to say about it was it was what peaked my interest in playing Pokemon competitively. My interest went up during my schools Pokemon tourneys I hosted. From there, the guy you know as Poetic, kept posting in Facebook about this awesome Pokemon thing called Pokemon Online. I eventually got curious, and decided to download it. Made a team, etc. We tried making our own server that way we could battle with our friends and such, but to no avail. Whilst scrolling down the Server registry, I stumbled upon Reborn, saw the server info, saw league, got pumped, and well, you all know the rest. :D Needless to say, Pokemon is freakin awesome!

  4. (14:02:49) +[sU]Kaito: Uh hey. If you were a sock.

    (14:02:53) +[sU]Kaito: Where would you hide?

    (14:02:58) +[sU]Xiphera: ....

    (14:03:00) +[sU]Xiphera: LOL

    (14:03:05) +[sU]Xiphera: Um

    (14:03:09) +[sU]Xiphera: Under the bed?

    (14:03:14) [sU]Yui Hirasawa: Sock drawer

    (14:03:22) +[sU]Xiphera: Or

    (14:03:23) Skeleton: I would hide on your foot.

    (14:03:26) +[sU]Xiphera: Under some pants

    (14:03:38) +[sU]Xiphera: Or a nice T-Shirt

    (14:03:45) Skeleton: For some reason my socks end up in my pants.

    (14:03:49) Skeleton: .__.

    (14:03:58) +[sU]Kaito: ... I was wearing it 3 hours ago.

    (14:04:04) +[sU]Kaito: Where could it have gone? <.<

    (14:04:06) Skeleton: Check your feet.

    (14:04:13) +[sU]Xiphera: Check the closet boss

    (14:04:26) Skeleton: Check... The ceiling..!

    (14:04:32) +[sU]Kaito: ....

    (14:04:36) +[sU]Kaito: Shutup Xiph.

    (14:04:40) +[sU]Kaito: It WAS in the closet. @.@

    A little inside joke between SU members. I only regret not making the "So, did you come out of the closet?" joke. Lol




    1. I wish I knew. D:

    2. Male: You know where it'd be weak at. Female: It might as well be invincible

    3. It's worth a shot. :P

  6. Oh look, I gave in, will the storm of these ask me things subside? :D

    Anyway, ask me anything, as long as it doesn't break any rules. I will try to answer them all. I might dodge questions I deem too personal, but I'll try and answer them regardless. With that in mind, ask away.

  7. victory road

    Trainer name: Hidan

    Trainer Class: Cool Trainer

    Battle start/end text: Start :Ah. I see you've made it quite far, care for another battle? No matter, let's go! End: Oh! You beat me! Hahaha, that was fun!

    Team: Sceptile, Umbreon, Salamence, Infernape, Medicham, and Hydreigon.

    I'd like to be in Victory Road if possible. :D

  8. Normal: Porygon2

    Water: Suicune

    Fire: Infernape

    Grass: Sceptile

    Dark: Umbreon

    Ice: Glaceon

    Steel: Scizor

    Ground: Swampert

    Dragon: Salamence

    Electric: Electabuzz

    Rock: Tyranitar

    Fighting: Medicham

    Ghost: Gengar

    Psychic: Mew

    Bug: Heracross

    Poison: Crobat

    Flying: Swellow

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