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Posts posted by Skeleton

  1. i basically shitpost while making up nicknames except some and i always seem to name any kind of reptile starter after my bf because he likes those kind of animals

    McSlugface - Gastrodon

    10 nub steve - Starmie

    Prickly/Beyblade - Ferrothorn

    The Hand Man - Hoopa-Unbound

    AAAAAAAH - Hippowdon/Skarmory

    Peekaboo - Talonflame (after this video)

    Fins - Garchomp

    Maxe - Bisharp (idk???)

    DISGUSTENG - Thundurus

    :o - Gyarados

    Nooterson - Empoleon

    Smol - Excadrill

    Lucariofan2001 - Lucario

    Marbles - Heatran

    knuck knuck its knockles - scizor (doesnt fit tho)

  2. i want 3 parties like mid-summer, winter and halloween or smth??

    queens game was chaotic and ended up really shitty for me because of sensitive questions asked to someone else. please either say fuck marry kill questions arent allowed or the people involved in it have to agree on being placed into one. also the pace could be faster rather than maybe 2 questions each 15 minutes. of course people get the time to think but if you get picked queen 45 minutes into the game you should have at least 2 or 3 questions prepared.

    snowball should be more restricted as in having its tier center around delibird so it isnt a throwaway mon because that really destroyed the purpose of the entire tournament.

    raffles and awards should probably be in seperated channels because it was hard to read the walls that jeri and ryan put up at the same time. also the raffle should have a minimum to gifts aka not just 1 rupee. like you enter 1 rupee and have a GREAT chance of getting more in return while someone else enters at least 300 and they get your shitty gift.

    ace in the hole is honestly not even a fun event. people can lie all they want and the entire room is basically disrupted by people asking the aces everything at the same time. it also got ruined by people throwing their own guesses out in the open.

    music thing was an aight idea just executed poorly. either open queue or dont take suggestions at all and just play random holiday music.


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