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ShadeStrider last won the day on March 28 2019

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About ShadeStrider

  • Birthday 10/01/1999

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  1. I hate Life is Strange.


    I hate the Story and I hate the characters.


    The Dialogue makes George Lucas look good at writing dialogue in comparison.


    I know, you don't necessarily have to have a great narrative in order to have a great game, but with a game type like this... I think you actually have to focus on the narrative, as that is what the game is mostly about. When you focus on narrative, and fail horrendously, It really hurts in these types of games.


    If I ever direct and write a video game that's heavily narrative focused, then at least I know what not to do. But It will probably be action-Adventure anyway, with third person shooting mechanics and impractical overly flashy swordplay.

    1. Youmu9


      Why do you hate it?

    2. ShadeStrider


      I believe I just explained it, but I guess i need to go into more detail.


      Chloe is in general a character I hate so much. Maxine is a weak protagonist with no structure or depth.


      The characters are all stereotypes. It would be enjoyable if this was a parody and the stereotypes were used for comedy, but apparently they are 100% serious about this. This makes me feel worse.


      The Hipster theme that this game gives off makes me feel... horrible. It's an unrealistic depiction of high school, and as someone who just got out of high school, I hate it. It's unrelatable, and It's insulting.


      A personal gripe that I have is that for some reason, Max is the only one with special powers. In order to make a narrative like this interesting, for me personally, you have to give some other characters a special power or something, so that they have the ability to stand up to the main character, or work alongside the MC as an equal.


      And, of course, the dialogue. This was probably written by a bunch of 40 year olds who thought they knew how teenagers talk. It's not the worst part of the game: That award goes to all of the characters. But It's a major criticism, and I completely understand why.

    3. Youmu9


      Oh, ok. Well, I liked it.

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