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ShadeStrider last won the day on March 28 2019

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393 Altruist


About ShadeStrider

  • Birthday 10/01/1999

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  1. If Square Enix gave you full creative control of Final Fantasy XVI, how would you do it?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Youmu9


      I would make it into a mobile visual novel-style puzzle game. It will only have a female cast. And the goal would be to successfully get to 3rd base with all of them. The gameplay for the dates would be fast-paced bejeweled matches. Also the standard visual novel set pieces like gift giving and dialogue options that will help you in getting to know the girls. The story is about a crystal that is lost and can only be found with the power of love that the girls can give to the main character. This will stop the evil darkness monster or whatever. 


      This is my dream Final Fantasy. Thank you for reading.

    3. ShadeStrider


      @Youmu9 ...You're kidding, right? Really, you're better off creating an entirely new IP rather than slap "Final Fantasy" on it. It's like making a game where you play basketball and slap the "Elder Scrolls" title on it. 

    4. Youmu9


      Well, I don't really care if it succeeds or not. I just want a Final Fantasy where you can date all the hot girls in the series. So i'd kinda need the IP for that. It's just what I would do if I had full control of the project.

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