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ShadeStrider last won the day on March 28 2019

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About ShadeStrider

  • Birthday 10/01/1999

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  1. The Novel "The Scarlet Letter" is basically the book equivalent of Birdemic: Shock and Terror, except without any bad acting to entertain, and the preachy as crap message being about Transcendentalism instead of Environmentalism.


    Otherwise, they are similar. Preachy as crap message, Badly paced plot, Cringeworthy Dialogue, Symbolism that is barely subtle, Cardboard Characters. (especially Hester Prynne. Pearl and Arthur Dimmesdale also have barely any personality, but they don't come close to Hester's level of awful. She's basically Rod in comparison to Nathalie and Rick.)


    This book should have been a philosophical essay. As a Novel, I have no Idea how it became one of the most important novels in american history. It would have fared better as a philosophical essay.


    But Hey, that is just my opinion. Maybe It will change as I grow older. 

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    2. Shamitako


      Also sorry for responding with a literal essay, Romantic literature is a topic I like discussing.

    3. ShadeStrider


      So, It's an important novel. Just not necessarily a good one.



    4. Shamitako


      Precisely. Although that doesn't stop some people from finding it good for some reason :P

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