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Posts posted by Kaito

  1. In most cases, no. There are VERY few ways to avoid Karthus ult. It locks on on top of you and just blows you up.

    However, some of those few ways are (Correct me if I'm wrong, I hardly ever fight Karthus): Zhonya's, Bard Ult ( Timing reliant for both of those ), and, although not avoiding it, stacking shields for days.

    The others could probably help more than me, I'm rather rusty. ^^;

  2. (Arial, Luna, Zander)

    Ken let out another beaming smile as Arial partook in some of his sweets, saying she used to be a patron of the shop. "Hey, thanks! I don't think I remember you coming in actually, but I didn't actually start working at the store until I was about 10 or 11... the same age pops said he could trust me baking without burning the entire store down." Ken said with a bit of a forced laugh. He knew he was being a bit of a salesman for the store, but he couldn't help it. It was how his dad and him made livelihood. Plus with all the big chain stores, a lot of people didn't go to the local sweet shop anymore, they were losing out customers to them. He'd rather play the act of annoying cookie-pusher than lose the shop. Not only that, but since they lived above the shop in an apartment, they'd be out of a home too. And on a more vain and less depressing note, he honestly felt like nothing else could hold a candle to the family sweets. But before he could get too lost in thought, he heard a certain comment.

    Ken tried to keep his composure. He really did. But it all went flying out the window a la Lane at Luna's comment and Zander's broken bravado. He had to set his almost-empty tin of cookies down onto Arial's desk to keep from dropping them all and went into a minor laughing fit.

    "Pfft hahahahahahahahahahaha!" Ken... well, not really said, but more like exploded into laughter. A few moments after his laughter died down, he looked at Luna and grinned. "I like your guts, that's hilarious! Especially his face after." Ken said before taking a look at Zander and grinning.

    "No hard feelings though mate, I'm just poking a little fun is all." Ken said before taking a look at Zander's cards and brightening up... well. If Ken could be any brighter, anyway. "What kind of deck do you run? Figures that I've known you for years and still haven't seen you duel once." Ken said with a laugh.

  3. (Arial, Monika, Luna and Zander)

    Ken called out to Minerva as she turned away to leave. "Yeah, I'll catch you later! Feel free to stop by Sugar King anytime, I'll be glad to see ya!" He said grinning as he let the girl leave and reclined back into his seat and surveyed who was left in the classroom... not counting the kid who just jumped out the window. He was sure he'd be fine, if he remembered right there was a huge mass of cardboard below their classroom anyway. He'd make a point to check on him later though, no way he could have escaped without even a slight bruise, cardboard or not.

    So looking around and idly biting into yet another cookie, Ken took note of who was still sticking around. He'd prefer to not leave the classroom: Too much effort on his part to get up and walk all the way to another area right now. Klive and Robert seemed to be busy with a serious conversation... he'd rather not interrupt them, especially since they were conversing over the rumors about Tenjo if Klive's speech earlier was anything to go by. So, his eyes settled onto another grouping in the room: If he remembered their names right, it was Arial, Luna, Monika and... Zander. He knew the last one of course: Helios Cuisine was pretty known around Heartland, although the sweets they made were nothing compared to Sugar King. At least in his mind. He figured he might as well give them all a free sample and solidify that little fact. It's not like he disliked Zander: The guy was a bit of a player, but not a bad guy at all. He just thought his sweets were superior is all. If there was one thing Ken took pride in, it was him and his dad's baking skills.

    So picking up his cookie tin and getting out of his seat, Ken snuck over to the group and held out his tin of cookies in one hand, offering them to the others. "Hey guys! I figured that with all this gloom and doom going around over Tenjo's death, you all could use some sweets to perk you up. Baked them myself, courtesy of the Sugar King Sweet Shop. Best sweets in Heartland, if I do say so myself. You too loverboy." Ken said with a grin as he came up from behind everyone and offered his cookies, making a lighthearted quip at Zander while doing so.

  4. (To Minerva + Open for anyone)

    Ken nodded as he absentmindedly popped a cookie into his mouth. He didn't show it on the outside, but inside he was ecstatic. Someone besides himself had actually called him by his title! Well... not that it was an official title, but he thought it sounded cool, so he used it. "Yeah, it's a small place. I still say it's the best sweets shop around, but I'm probably a bit bias. Call me anytime you want to learn, I'm usually free if I'm not working, napping, dueling, or... well no, just those three things." Ken said inbetween small bites of cookie with a laugh.

    He only nodded again, taking in the fact that she wanted to learn baking from him, and stifled a small laugh when she noted her ability to "fuck something up when baking." He wasn't really much of a teacher, but he always liked to help other people when asked... as long as if didn't cut into naptime or required moderate amounts of effort. He hated effort, he'd much rather just laze about and go with the flow. Rather than take action, he'd just sit in the background and let other people do it for him rather than get his hands dirty himself. He liked it that way, it made life easy. Some called him lazy, but he was okay with that, although he preferred the term "laid-back" himself.

    Swallowing his seventh or so cookie, he registered Minerva saying she was probably a better duelist than Tenjo and what his thoughts on his death were. "Hard to say you're a better duelist if you never fought him, although not that you can really do that now..." Ken said, a slightly forced laugh coming out of his throat to accompany his words. "I never did either though. Way too much work on my part. But it's a shame he died. Even wierder that he died with dueling equipment on. It reminds me of some stories I heard some of the older customers say, stuff about "Illegal dueling rings" like that one cyber duelist was in." Ken decided to take a pause to grab another cookie before continuing.

    "Personally though, I'm trying to not think about it. Too much work and confusion for now. I figure I'll just let people do their mourning while I provide sweets and good cheer. Someone's gotta smile, you know?" Ken said with a more genuine laugh as he pushed the cookie container further up on the desk so people could just come up and grab some.

  5. (To Minerva + Anyone else in the room)

    Ken only laughed at Minerva's reaction, surprised. He had pride in his sweets for sure, but that was the first time he'd ever gotten such a reaction. Flashing a smile at the girl, he offered her another cookie before speaking.

    "Really? I guess you've never been to Sugar King then. It's my dad's sweets shop, I'm the one that does the pastry baking for the place in my spare time. We're small, but local and delicious." Ken said, adding a bit of promotion for the store. "In fact, since the shop is called Sugar King, one could even call me the Sugar Prince." Ken added with a smile.

    "You're the first person to react so strongly, I'm a bit flattered. I'd love to try some cooking sometime, if it's as good as you say." He said, waving it off. "But baking's not too hard, it just takes practice. If you want, I can try and teach you sometime if I'm ever actually free, we can get to know each other a bit more." He said before digging into the tin for another cookie, absentmindedly biting into it before speaking up again. "I made these for the class, considering people may be a bit shaken up by the death of Tenjo. Might as well see if anyone wants one." He said before inhaling and belting out two single words.

    "Free Cookies!"

  6. (To: Minerva/bote)

    Ken had idly been lost in savoring the sweet and sugary taste of his "lunch", if it could even be called that. However, he registered in the corner of his eye that a girl with long white hair had approached him and asked for a cookie. Ken looked towards the girl and flashed a smile, like usual. This wasn't the first time he had been noticed for his seemingly-bottomless amount of sweets, and he was always happy to share when he wasn't on the clock. After all, his nickname wasn't "The Sugar Prince" for nothing... although he noted that he seemed to be the only one to call himself that. Taking a cookie out of the tin and offering it to Minerva, he let out a small laugh.

    "Yeah, of course! I brought enough for the entire class if anyone wanted any, so I'm happy to share." He said as he pushed the cookie towards her. He'd been a Heartland kid his whole life, so he knew a lot of the locals, or at least knew of them. It certainly helped that his dad owned a fairly popular sweets shop which he helped out at often. If he remembered right, this was Minerva, who had ended up moving here a little while back. He didn't know her well, but he knew of her.

    "Minerva, right? You and I don't usually talk much. Or at all. Don't tell me you're only after me for my sweets?" Ken said, giving a little mock gasp and a lighthearted laugh. Even in bad times, it always paid off to smile.

  7. Ken yawned sleepily as he was roused from his mild slumber. He had woken up early in the morning to bake some personal goods for himself along with fresh sweets for his dad's shop, Sugar King. Unfortunately, while a delicious endeavor, it left him rather tired and he had nodded off mid lesson. Luckily, his position near the back of the room made it the perfect sleeping spot. Miss Reiner was alright from what he'd seen so far, but he hadn't had a teacher that could keep him from nodding off at least once.

    Slowly getting up as he started to readjust himself, he looked around the room, barely registering Klive's speech and Anna calling out to the boy: Usually he'd make some sort of light hearted retort, but he was too out of it. Tenjo's death affected everyone in the class, and Ken was no different. He merely kept it to himself: Moping could be done in private, but in public there was no sense to do so when he could be cheering up other people instead. It's not that he wasn't sad, he just directed that energy into more productive things. Idly, almost as if on autopilot, The Sugar Prince reached into his bag and pulled out a tin filled to the brim with the cookies he baked earlier: Not exactly lunch, but close enough for him!

    He had thought for a moment about giving them out to the rest of the class, buuut... if they wanted any, they'd have to ask. He needed the sugar right now. And so Ken sat back down, idly biting into his homemade sweets as he watched the rest of the room from his position in the back.

  8. Name: Ken Sukkar

    Gender: Male

    Personality: The self-proclaimed "Sugar Prince" of class 2-2! Laid back and lazy as hell, Ken isn't really one who loves the word "effort." He's always got some kind of sweet-tasting food on him, courtesy of his family's store. He's the type of guy who would rather sit back and let other people do the work, even if he's perfectly capable of doing it himself. The two things he doesn't share this philosophy on are dueling and baking, as he feels they're two of the only things worth doing right at the moment. Despite his tendency to be effort-avoidant, he's a generally cheerful and open fellow on the surface, never really being judgemental towards anyone and is usually pretty generous with his family's stock of goods or things he's made himself. Has a tendency to show up at places unexpected or suddenly pop up behind you during a conversation: It's a wonder he doesn't run a ninja deck with that kind of ... "talent", if it could be called that.

    Backstory: Son of the owner of a local candy shop and bakery, Ken's lived in the area of Heartland his entire life. Unfortunately, his family hasn't had such a sweet life and his mother left when he was 6, stating "irreconcilable differences" with his old man. He hasn't seen her since and frankly, he couldnn't care less if he does. It's the one topic that's a bit of a sore spot for him, so he tries to avoid it at all costs. As with a lot of kids in the area, he took up dueling at a young age and quickly became attached to the Madolche archetype of monsters, loving their literal sweet designs. He's not led a terribly exciting life, just a normal kid who likes to bake and duel, and hates actual effort and work. You'll usually find him helping out at his dad's store or lazing around the streets of Heartland.

    Number Holder Y/N: N, my schedule atm wouldn't allow it. xD

    Deck of choice: Madolche

    Sound good?

  9. That feel when 6 game loss streak, and your last 10 games have you at a 2-8 record.

    But the two won were an Irelia game at 10/3/12 and a Blitz game at 1/2/14, so that was nice at least. But augh this streak hurts. ;~;

  10. Actually Kyra, I'm currently above you too, we're only about 10 points apart though, so it depends on how our last few players do (At the time of this edit, Altec has pulled you ahead ). But man, C9 has been slumping lately. Not even about Fantasy, they're just my favorite LCS team in general. Sad boys. Damn good game vs Liquid though, so not all hope is lost.

    That being said, Aphro was a god this week. Jakler's team is stacked though, he's got a nice draft...

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