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Posts posted by Kaito

  1. Is it too late to sign up? This old washed up hack wants to see how bad he's gotten. xD

    If not, could I get a bug themed trainer card with my current sprite in my signature? I'll forward the payment later today. ( Also, no Team JNPR? For shame. xD)


    - Heat Wave
    - Quiver Dance
    - Bug Buzz
    - Hidden Power [Rock]
    - Dragon Claw
    - Dragon Dance
    - Earthquake
    - Roost
    - Swords Dance
    - Shadow Sneak
    - King's Shield
    - Iron Head
    - Mach Punch
    - Bullet Seed
    - Swords Dance
    - Spore
    - Hydro Pump
    - Thunderbolt
    - Will-O-Wisp
    - Pain Split
    - Calm Mind
    - Psyshock
    - Focus Blast
    - Recover

  2. So based Kaito (would use the really long name from qb but I will refrain), what do you think of me?

    As an actual question(I'm bad at them ok) how much did you enjoy doing Survivor Reborn, and if you could do it again, what will you fix?

    We all agreed never to touch that name again. xD But I'm not really into the whole "what do I think of you" think right now just cause of me being away for so long makes it hard to say for a lot of the newer base. You're pretty cool though, not gonna lie.

    And oh man... I freaking LOVED hosting Survivor Reborn. I would absolutely do it again in a heartbeat (I actually have a good amount of pages for Season 2 and it's setup on my laptop already), I just don't have the time to be hosting it right now. There's tons of things I would change though, since even though season 1 was pretty successful, it also left a lot to be desired activity-wise. I'd probably work on finding a way around the mass PM'ing that went on in late game that caused actual forum activity to plummet, alongside more frequent activity checks in general. For a first run through though? I think it went decently, and it showcased a lot of flaws in the first game that can be fixed for the next.

  3. 3ef3d7c5363adfe80eb6c9b9a571caeea7cb8a56

    So as a connoisseur of both steak and wings, give me your favorite cut and flavor respectively.

    I may or may not be eating a heaping helping of steak right now actually.Shit's great.

    Favorite cut: I'm actually not overly picky on the cuts, but my family eats a LOT of round cuts due to the cheapness of it around here. Personally, I love cuts that come from the Short Loin, so Tenderloin, T-Bone, Porterhouse, ect.

    Favorite Wing flavor: Spicy Garlic flavor, absolutely no contest there. The perfect combo of heat and zest.

    Seems like the absolute sheer amount of these is causing this one to be lost into the sea of them, so while I'll still be glad to answer any questions here, I'm also glad to get to know people through PM's or the server, should they like. I'm Shuuichi on there.

  4. How do you feel about ama's in general?

    Personally, I find them to be a bit of an annoying trend, however when you've been gone and need a quick way back into the community to re-introduce yourself, I really can't knock the format too much.

    Also! I remember you from Nsider/Nsider 2 and AtlF, if I'm remembering correctly. Not that I keep in contact with um... any of them anymore, but it's still nice to see a friendly face from the old,old,old,old days. I doubt you'd remember me, but does the name Shadow ring a bell? Among multiple other names.... That is if I'm even right, there's a high chance you're completely unrelated and it's just a case of "name's the same."

  5. How did you learn the competitive game? 'Cause damn man you can battle, so whatever it was it worked.

    Practice. Constant practice and learning. I've been doing this since late 3rd gen, back when Netbattle was a thing. Then in 4th gen with Shoddy Battle. Then I reached my peak in 5th gen where for a time, I was considered one of the top/better battlers on the server in my time there (If I may be so bold to make that claim/assumption anyway). I just played a lot. Took pokemon that I liked and enjoyed and learned to make a team around them while battling constantly got me learning the strategies of each generation and how they played - and how to counter or play around them. When weather was at it's peak in gen 5, my main team unwittingly functioned as anti-sand and could hold up very well against sun and rain.

    Course, when gen 6 came along I got super lazy and didn't bother to learn that metagame, so I fell off HARD. I doubt I'd be nearly as good as i was in gen 5 since I haven't really battled uh.. .at all, so I don't know what major changes ORAS or XY brought to the table and as such probably wouldn't be able to play around or against it as well as I could do so in the past. At this point, I'm relying on past knowledge and experience (learning how to predict, switch, ect, ect, stuff that came with battling a lot) until I battle enough to get up to speed on the current meta.

  6. I've seen you on the Showdown server once or twice, but being relatively new here, I have no freckin' clue who are. But before my question, nice intro! *Standing applause*

    But, a question I like to ask a lot... What is your favorite Pokémon and/or type?

    *bows* Thank you, thank you. I wasn't sure whether to be a little more showboaty about it ( I am a massive Magic Kaito fan and tend to try and incorporate his hamminess when appropriate ), but I decided to be a bit more formal. xD

    And favorite type is Bug, no contest. Scyther, Volcarona (who many considered to be a signature of mine considering I used to ( and still do ), try to stick it on almost every team I make.), Galvantula, Heracross, Ninjask... so many cool looking bug types it's hard not to be a fan of them! Ironic considering I dislike bugs in real life. Just ask Sheep or anyone else part of Mythic Nation how hard I tried to fight for Bug in that contest. xD

    Favorite pokemon however, is NOT a bug. That belongs to Mewtwo, who's been my absolute favorite ever since I got into pokemon at age 4. Hasn't changed for even a day.

    @ Shia, since the quote button fucked upw hen I tried to edit:

    Thank you! I try to be polite, since everyone needs a little niceness in life. I can be an asshole though. xD A huge one.

    As for one wish... I'd need to think more to be able to give a definitive answer, but off the top of my head, I'd wish for the ability to control my own brain. I read a really interesting theory somewhere that if we could have 100% control of our own brain, it would make life SO much easier in absolutely tons of aspects. I'd have to find that theory again, it was interesting...

  7. i honestly hear your name a lot, kaito, you get mentioned in the server as the rarest auth. c:

    you seem very nice!

    how does it feel being one of the older members in reborn?

    has the community changed that drastically for you?

    what's your most memorable experience here in reborn?

    how are you today?

    do you like cake? c:

    Haha! Rarest auth, huh? Well, not really much of an auth anymore, but there was definitely some truth to that! And thank you! I try to be nice, but I have my hot buttons like everyone else does. ^^; As for your questions:

    It doesn't feel any different honestly. I mean sure, things have changed and we've grown A LOT here, especially since shofu started with Reborn. I guess all that really comes with being an older member is having more time to get to know people than others. I try not to think about the past too much, that's something that took me longer to learn than I'd like to admit. xD So all that really comes to mind about being an older member is how nice it's been to be here to watch Reborn grow and become what it is today. Some parts are better, some are worse, but overall, it's still Reborn at it's core.

    Like I said, not really much to think about the past. Plus, being gone for over half a year kind of does a number on actually getting to know the current community. xD But I see a lot of old friends here, so there's always that feeling that the community is still there, just with more people. Overall, it hasn't changed too drastically for me over the years, it's just a lot of new faces and new personalities that I haven't gotten to know at all. Can't judge the change till I've been back longer.

    Most memorable experience, hmm... probably almost beating the Reborn League in Season 2, before I started helping out with it near the end as a line host. I only had to beat Amaria and I would be in the Hall of Fame, unfortunately it was Gen 5 and I hadn't really factored rain in too much into my team, so I never actually finished the challenge. If I had, I'd of been one of the first people to actually beat it. But the entire reborn league was super memorable for me.

    Today, I'm okay. Wednesday and Yesterday, I was not. It fluctuates, but today I'm doing well, just sleepy and dreading work tommorow. Not that I hate my job, I just hate getting up so piss early. Lots of league today, went 50/50 and ended with an absolutely stellar Lux game dumping on a Yasuo in lane, so I ended my day well.

    I love Cake. Particularly anything with raspberry. :D

    When did you become so cool?

    Trick question, I'm not cool at all. We just happen to have things in common like loving Bug types more than average players, among other things that I honestly cannot remember right now, sorry. xD But thanks for the thought! People tend to gravitate towards me or think I'm better than I think I am, funny how that works...

    My dear friend Kaito,

    When did you first gain your adoration for steak?

    I... actually don't know. It's a bit of a flanderization here, but not by too much. xD I've just loved it since I was a kid, i guess.

    When are we gonna get some ramen you nerd?

    Soon. I just need to drive up to Newark. I'm going pretty soon anyway to play in a Smash tournament with some old friends anyway, so I'll message you before I head up!


    I was wondering whether you just outright just secretly left or something, but I guess I'm not very good at keeping track of things. :0

    Anyway, was it some kind of job stopping you from coming on less and less, or was it just personal issues?


    It was a combination of my job in the summer having extremely grueling hours, and a myriad of physical health problems regarding my family. I don't want to go into overt detail because it's very personal to me, but I can leave it at my parents being in declining health and needing to help them with day to day things, without going into any specific details.

    I really do get the impression you're professional and civil in everything you do. That's how I've always seen you, anyway.

    So I'd like to know what gets your excited and pumped up.

    Also, since you're returning-ish, I can't skimp out.

    Excited and pumped up? Well, I'd be lying if I didn't say that a good heart pounding track of music didn't get me excited... although I am a massive geek and will say that 90% of that is from video games and anime. Other than that, I love the feeling of competition. It's absolutely heart pounding having a close, well fought match with someone whether it be in a video game or tennis, or anything else. On the flip side of that, being completely crushed in a competiton drains my spirit and crushing someone else just bores me.

  9. Why are you lying about coming back and aren't actually coming back because you will never come back because you hate me and you hate everyone in Reborn?

    Pffft! Okay, ta be honest I was a bit ticked at you for a time, but fuck all if I wasn't being a petty bitch for it. Over and done with by now, amigo. Seriously, I dun hate you or anyone here, I just had a ton of family and life stuff happen to me this year, but I've been surviving it and I think I'm available and ready enough to come back here.

  10. I was asked to make one, and quite honestly I could use the distraction from offline stuff.

    So where to begin.... Well, I'm Kaito, and I joined this place in late 2011/early 2012 ( It was the cusp of December turning into January) after PBC went down and I had to find a new server. I was dragged to this one by a friend of mine and well... been here ever since. Older members will know me decently well, but I may be unfamiliar to newer faces. After around April of this year, I started appearing less and less due to personal offline circumstances. However, I believe it is time for me to make a resurgence. An ACTUAL one, not me saying I will then only appearing for a week before disappearing again.

    So I figure I'd kill two birds with one stone and use this to help newer members get to know me.

    I was an auth here, but due to aformentioned offline stuff, I decided to step down. Some of my more notable projects would be Survivor Reborn Season 1 ( I would LOVE to begin a season 2, I just need the time first. I've got so many documents on it already...) and uh... well, that's about it. So, have at it, and please ask me whatever comes to mind, I will answer all questions to the best of my ability.

    I have an early work shift in the morning, so if I don't see your question(s) tonight, I'll answer them as soon as I possibly can tommorow.

  11. I am collecting them now, the smash bros ones anyway. I have 30. Mario, Luigi, Peach, Dr.Mario, Yoshi, Bowser, Bowser Jr, Link, Zelda, Ganondorf, Zero Suit Samus, Olimar, Palutena, Dark Pit, Pikachu, Charizard, Greninja, Lucario, Mewtwo, Little Mac, Shulk, G&W, Duck Hunt, ROB, Shulk, Diddy Kong, Captain Falcon, Fox, and Ike are the ones I have now.

    The sad part is, the three I REALLY REALLY want ( Since I already have Mewtwo and Grenina ) are the 3 I just can't find. << Robin, Lucina, and Marth.

    I swear I don't have a problem. Just a lot of disposable income.

  12. My head and the recent skill levels of each team currently say that Liquid and Origen are going to be the likely victors. And good for them if they do win, I'm a fan of both.

    But my heart and and who I WANT to go are C9 and UoL, my favorite teams in each region. Not an impossibility if they can both regain their form/footing in time.

    Also, party IP weekend. I never like to miss chances to hoard IP ( currently sitting on 14K right now ), so if anyone wants to play, I'm free past 8 PM EST on these days.

  13. Convince me to not quit this damn game.

    I mean, I love watching it. And playing's alright. But god damn, it's been a shitty experience lately. My last 10 games, I've gotten 1 win out of all of them. My scorelines are suffering terribly: I used to maintain at least a 2:1 KDA if not better, but lately I'm lucky to barely scrape by 1:1. I'm dropping like a stone in ranked and I lose more than I gain, which makes me terrified to drop into B5. I know it's something wrong with my own gameplay, but I just can''t figure out what. It's honestly getting tiring lately. I know it's just a bad week or whatever, but still. It's starting to annoy me. I'm not actually going to quit, but holy shit it feels bad.

    40 ping is nice though.

  14. Oh, another Smash bros player? Excellent! I'll have to call Godot and Mael to break in the new blood.

    Anywho, I'm Kaito, phantom admin of Reborn. Enjoy your stay here and we really hope you enjoy both the game and the community!~ Pokemon Showdown is a great place to meet and talk to new people, so feel free to drop on in, even if you don't battle competively. If you have any questions, feel free to ask any of the auth, we'd be glad to help.


  15. (Zander)

    Ruined. All that effort to put on his charismatic buisness face, ruined. And he could tell by her expression that she was just about to answer too! Ken would have turned to glare at Zander, but Flagstarr was laying into him enough as it is. So instead, as Flagstarr knocked the wad of cash out of Zander's hand and it fell to the ground... and Ken immediately bent down and gathered it all up for himself.

    "Consider this your arrogance tax. I had the situation under control until you had to open your mouth." Ken said sharply to Zander as he stuffed the decently large cash wad into his own wallet. " Maybe instead of just using his name and money, you can actually learn on how to deal with people from that dad of yours. He runs a business, doesn't he?" Ken said, continuing in the same tone. He wasn't exactly pissed, but he really hated it when any effort he put into something just fell flat, probably because he was rarely one to put much effort into things in the first place. He was certainly annoyed at Richie McRich, that was for sure.

  16. [important Action/Talking to Flagstarr]

    Ken was still slightly dizzy and a wee bit sick from Zander's crazy joyride of death. Getting jerked around at high speeds on a ride plus potentially dangerous amounts of sugar equals not fun. Maybe he'd find another way home later...

    As he started to snap back to reality and regain his bearings, Ken had only slightly taken in the chaotic scene before him of Zander and Arthur making a break for it, and Arial's scooter zooming past before they were apprehended. As a mental note, he had to wonder what kind of police officer had the sheer reflexes to jump in front of a moving scooter and yank two teenagers off of it without getting hit. Maybe it was some kind of superhuman serum. Maybe he could implement something like that for a new line of health-boosting Sugar King sweets... shaking his head, he quickly rid his head of those thoughts and looked towards Flagstarr.

    She was pissed. The next move could definitely make or break their visit here, so he had to tread carefully. Pulling out three lollipops from his pocket, he unwrapped one and tucked it into his mouth and offered the other two to the officer standing behind him and Roy and Flagstarr herself. Just treat it like doing business at the shop. The customer is always right.

    With a smile, Ken looked towards Flagstarr and spoke. "I'm really sorry about my friends here, Miss Flagstarr. I'm Ken Sukkar, co-owner of The Sugar King Sweet Shop, I think you've come by a couple of times? I've been in Heartland since I was born, so I've seen you around. Consider the lollipop an apology for their... actions." Ken said charmingly as he tried to defuse the situation before continuing. Co-owner was stretching it a little, but it was a family business run by just his dad and himself, and legally he could sign papers to co-own the place... he just didn't really want the burden.

    "I can't exactly say what they were thinking, but we just came to enjoy the beach on a beautiful day. I guess seeing the mass amount of police here kind of got them curious and well, curiosity killed the cat. Judging by the sheer amount of policemen here, I can only assume it's going to be on the local news tonight." Ken said, glancing behind Flagstarr to see a mass conglomeration of policemen about.

    "I understand your position as Lieutenant, but not all officers are as upstanding and tight-lipped about matters as you. Realistically, the news will be out tonight regardless, if not sooner. Would it be possible for us to at least hear what the situation is before we're on our way? Otherwise it could be nagging at us for ages, given what we've already gleaned. Ken spoke in a calm and collected voice, trying to appeal at her sense of common sense... and a little flattery. He even had to resist winking a little.

    This wasn't the first time he'd had to deal with an angry customer. He was the Sugar Prince, after all, diplomacy in business was one of his stronger suits.

  17. [Xander, Arthur, Arial, Roy]

    Watching as Arial rode off on her scooter and Roy jetted off on his skateboard, Ken turned to Xander and flashed a grin as he spoke with a hint of mischief in his voice.

    "You know Helios, I could always caramelize that hair of yours if you want to keep being snarky. We just restocked our supply. Ken said as he hopped onto the back of Xander's scooter with a grin, tossing the boy a lollipop from his seemingly endless bag of sugar. " Let's ride, we don't want to be the last ones there, after all."

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