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Posts posted by Samalet

  1. then why did Goku loose to Superman... twice??

    Goku was obviously the fan favorite and more popular among the viewers... and still boring old superman won... because Superman ALWAYS wins, because Superman is designed that way!

    ("Superman is as strong as he needs to be" - Supermans creator whos name I forgot)

    Superman should have won. But the Kirby vs Buu fight, was clearly biased. I could go into a million and one reasons why. I'll save my breath because I know how this works and everyone is already dead set on their opinions.

    I agree that Superman was the winner at the time (he no longer is, because Goku too OP now), but their reasoning was complete bullshit. First, Superman has lost many times before, second, the quote applies to any work of fiction. ALL characters have some form of plot armor and plot induced stupidity is extremely common as well.

    I's like saying Harry Potter could beat Thanos or Darkseid in a fight because he's a children's book hero and good always triumphs over evil.

  2. More teleport bugs: If you use it in Blacksteeple in the snow field where you have access to your Pokemon you are stuck. Likewise, using it in Gearen in the beginning of the game you are teleported into the middle of the ocean, near the cruiser you were on in the beginning.

    ...just don't use Teleport.

  3. I missed Croagunk on my first playthrough :< My dedicated Poison type is Muk, which also profits heavily from Rock Smash, plus it learns Minimize and Gunk Shot naturally, which is nice. EV training for HP is also so much easier than for Atk or Spe. Unrelated, but I really, really hope we'll get Power items and/or EV reducing berries in Episode 4, for some reason I can't stand it when my Pokemon have wasted EVs.

    Another question to Caz: Desolation will have 16 gyms, right? We're at 3/4 (however you count Tristan) gyms as of Episode 3 and it honestly feels like this is mid game already (mostly because the Level is around 50 right now). If Desolations pacing stays the same won't we hit the level cap soon? Are the last few gym battles intended to be at level 100?

  4. So something just occurred to me as I wandered around Blackview City, lost for the umpteenth time, trying to find the Battle Club (which I eventually found and was, of course, in front of my face the whole time). Caz, would it be possible to use those cars within the city limits to fast travel to different parts of the city? Of course, you can only fast travel there after you've visited the place, and maybe only after the attack on Blackview, to encourage exploration. Kind of similar to the cabs in Lumiose City, ya know? The directionally challenged like myself would be quite thankful.

    Yeah, had the same problem, must have spent hours in Blackview, just running around searching for quest givers and specific places. But honestly? It's also a lot of fun, at least for me and I never thought about a fast travel system. I absolutely love how "dense" Desolation is, I felt like Blackview alone had more content than the whole of Reborn City together. Having to explore the city by yourself is probably part of that. And Cellia is supposed to be even bigger.

    My suggestion: Just add a good map of the city, that's probably the easiest and most convenient way for Caz too.

  5. Trapinch is in a locked house on the peak of Silver Rise. You need the Brass Key to open it, which you get after finding all the diary pages in Silver Forest and bringing them to the abandoned house there.

    There is only one shiny stone, its hidden in one of the rocks on the peak of Hardened Mountain.

    There is also only one Link Stone, you get it from the old man above Addenfall.

  6. I thought about that too. Trapping the whole world in a dream is honestly not the best way to create a new reality. Especially since there are beings in the Pokemon universe which could fundamentally change the world much more efficiently, namely the Creation Trio. Dialga and Palkia have the ability to channel incredible cosmic power and warp reality on pretty much a whim, without needing any form of primal reversion or ultimate form. And Cyrus still failed even after bringing both of them under his control, I highly doubt that Nova's plan would work even if she got rid of Shiv and Darkrai obeyed her orders. There's always a balance with legendary Pokemon, so Cresselia shouldn't be far away when its counterpart gets out of control.

  7. There's something oddly nice about being in school. I think it's the fact that I don't have to worry about what I'm going to be doing the next day, or the next week, or even the next year, because it's sort of planned out for me. I have another two years of school left, after which I'm going to have to decide what I want to study for university.

    ^^^^^^ T_T Oh god, I don't want to be an adult with responsibilities yet. The last 4 years of school were just so easy, I could sit around all day, do whatever I want, fool around and still get top grades.

    Maybe I should just become a neet and leech of the states social wellfare.

  8. Nice intro. I might restart the game now and maximize my reputation with Scarlett to see if it changes anything.

    Also, hold on... this just reminded me that fucking Jarred was on the boat too. Argh, he's the true mysterium. Who cares about Shiv and Nova? I want to know what's up with that guy.

  9. ue-flag-1920x1080-wallpapers-612x336.jpg

    Looking through the "What Country are you from?" thread shows a surprising amount of European people on this forum and you can just as easily see it in the time zone divide on our Showdown room - if you can handle Bibs' quality posts. That alone doesn't really warrant a whole discussion thread though, the reason I'm posting this is a short confrontation I had on the status sidebar about the merits of the European Union and Schengen, the visa free movement zone in continental Europe which also contains a few non EU states like Norway and Switzerland, today.

    I won't deny it, I'm a fervent supporter of the European idea and personally see the European Union in a very positive light, in my opinion it is easily one of the best thing to come out of post war Europe and ideally guarantees peace, stability and a sense of friendship between nations that have warred each other since pretty much the day they were founded. Also, who doesn't love not having to change money on the border to your holiday destination? The time of small nation states that fight on their own is over, they cannot compete with the "big guys" anymore. The USA, China, soon India and Brazil will only grow in strength and those who can't get along in the new world are damned to sink into obscurity. Together we have the ability to be strong - even though some cracks are visible in the European project at the moment.

    I also won't deny the fact that the EU is in a state of crisis right now, and has been for years. Bureaucratically the union is a mess, an unholy combination of complicated legislature, mindless bickering between member states and general dissonance with the populace. We've been sliding from one crisis into the next, first Greece and now a massive migration wave have driven many states in the EU to go down a further path to the right, with parties like the Front National and UKIP gaining popularity and threatening established parties. Another prominent issue is the upcoming referendum in the United Kingdom which might decide the role of the UK in Europe for generations to come.

    I'm asking you for your general opinions on the European Union and the ideals it represents. Non europeans are of course also welcome to express their position. Remember the forum rules, be nice and discuss!

    Also, thread theme: the anthem of the EU, Beethovens Ode to Joy

  10. The Mars conversation was a few days back, but I just want to stress something: We can NEVER EVER fuck Earth up so much that colonising and living on Mars would be the better option. Even if we turned our atmosphere into pure poison Earth would still be easier to live on with its comfy 1.013 hPa atmosphere and an actually existent magnetic field. Mars "atmosphere" is pretty much a vacuum, which makes building enclosed biospheres much harder, you get fried by cosmic rays and it's freezing cold most of the time. Until we can find and get to an earth-like planet there won't be viable space colonies, if we consider that humanity might not ever make it beyond our solar system because of purely physical constraints alone, having a sustainable population outside of our home planets atmosphere is pretty much a pipe dream.

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