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Posts posted by FeralGator

  1. Yeah it's impossible to go back at the current point in the game (my wording was a bit confusing sorry). You made the same mistake I did missing the dusk stone that's right next to the odd house, so scratch Mismagius of the list. Perhaps change it with Mawile, which would be mostly fodder to keep Manectric healthy? That Seismitoad should be able to take out Lanturn or at least weaken it enough for Manectric to start getting to work on Valerie's team. Your main focus should be taking down Politoad and Lanturn ASAP, wait for rain to end, and then let Manectric go to town, while also foddering things to keep it healthy if need be.

    There was a Dusk Stone?! QAQ

    Damn. Once I am able to back track to there, I'm so going to pick it up. I also need to find a sun stone for Helioptile. I love me some Heliolisk. But first things first. So I should put Seismitoad out first because of its swift swim ability? I'd think I'd want to use Aqua Ring first then spam with Muddy Water? Seeing as the water field boosts the strength and it still deals some decent damage regardless of Poli's typing.

    God I never knew a Politoad could give me this much trouble before

    My Manectric was able to do some serious damage to her, though her field ability did cause some issues in the long run. In all honesty, this was the gym I had to reset on, as I didn't have a team the could counter her on my first account. Just keep trying, and I'm sure you'll be able to leave her washed up.

    Oh gosh that must have Suuuuuuucked. I personally refuse to start over. I love the team I have, as I've raised Pokemon I never would have even tried to raise before. My Swoobat and my Houndoom are my legitimate bae's. I love them to death. <3

    Thank you for the encouragement! I really hope I can with what I've got. It's a struggle I'll tell you what. hehe

  2. Hmmmm... Just from the Pokemon you have available to you, I'd suggest:

    Manectric, Seismitoad (If it has Water Absorb or Swift Swim), Sawsbuck, Medicham, Zebstrika, and Mismagius.

    Valerie is pretty strong. If you could go back to the mainland at this point, I'd suggest picking up Pichu because Nasty Plot Raichu made the fight much more manageable for me. (I just had to wait until Politoed's rain went away and Lanturn was down, otherwise Raichu got OHKO'd by Politoed and couldn't take down Lanturn) If your Medicham knows Acupressure and you get really desperate you could resort to cheesing Valerie if you have the patience to try until you get the right boosts.

    Oh shit I put mismagius. I meant Misdrevus. I haven't been able to evolve her yet. My bad on that. And I don't think it's possible for me to go back to the mainlands? If it is then I will feel like a certain bimbo for not have discovering it sooner. lol.

    My Seismitoad has the Swift Swim ability on him.

    Lax Nature

    ATK: 95

    DEF: 85

    Sp.ATK: 86

    Sp.DEF: 70

    SPEED: 77

    Knows: Muddy Water, Aqua Ring, Mud Shot, and Bounce

    Medicham - Ability = Telepathy

    Jolly Nature

    ATK: 55

    DEF: 65

    Sp.ATK: 55

    Sp.DEF: 73

    SPEED: 77

    Knows: Hidden Power, Force Palm, Confusion, and High Jump Kick

  3. Okay so I'm stuck beyond stuck right now. I need help with my team because this water betch keeps taking down everything I raise up. Here are the Pokemon I have that can contend with her level wise:

    Zebstrika - Lv.43

    Wishcash - Lv.44

    Swoobat - Lv.44

    Houndoom - Lv.44

    Medicham - Lv.40

    Gigalith - Lv.40

    Cofagrigus - Lv.40

    Torkoal - Lv.40

    Manectric - Lv.44

    Sawsbuck - Lv.45

    Seismitoad - Lv.42

    Mawile - Lv.44

    Feraligatr - Lv.44

    Vanillish - Lv.42

    Helioptile - Lv.43

    Pelliper - Lv.40

    Here are the Pokemon I still need to work on level wise:

    Misdrevus - Lv.37

    Dusclops - Lv.38

    Gourgeist - Lv.38

    Beautifly - Lv.36

    Dustox - Lv.36

    Granted, I am NOT using my Houndoom, Gigalith, Torkoal, Helioptile, or Swoobat against her. I'm mainly listing them because they are among my strongest.

    My level cap is 45

    I'm stuck on Terajuma Shore. I can't leave it, meaning I can't capture any new Pokemon aside from a Weepinbell (which I can't evolve so I'm not even going to bother with it), and a Krabby (which I've been giving serious thought to).

    Based on who I have, is there anything I can do to land me a win? I would list the moves they all have but honestly, I'm not in the mood to go though each and every one of them. I'm honestly just super frustrated at how much work I'm putting into leveling only to get wiped out from just three of her six Pokemon. So please, can anyone help me figure out a strategy to kick this betch's ass? I would very much like to be able to continue this game sometime in the near future. Heh.


  4. Well I need to know what version of wine she's using, because it matters.

    But since she can't find it, I'm assuming she's using something other than 1.6.1.

    Then it should be at

    /Users/Name/Wine Files/drive_c/users/Name/Saved Games/Pokemon Reborn

    The wine I have is version 1.8-rc4 (1.8-rc4)

    Lol I'm the friend he's talking about. We were chatting over skype and he said he posted a topic asking about this. He's such a nice guy. I'll look for what you said though once I get the chance.

  5. Chapter 3: The Reality

    “I don’t like this…” whispered Prince.

    “I don’t either. But we have no choice, Prince,” retorted Johanna.

    The two brothers spoke to one another as the rest of the pack went about their morning. Percy and Morrison were both cleaning their wounds and being given time to rest, while Albert was slowly preparing himself to head out to hunt.

    “Ah it does a body good te’ be huntin’ again!” he proclaimed, trying to again shield the harshness of reality. He knew that the two pups were aware of the challenges ahead of them (even if the challenges hadn’t fully revealed themselves), but didn’t stop trying to lessen the weight of the moment. He knew exactly what his alpha was trying to do, but halfways didn’t agree with it. In the end, it was still her choice and hers alone as to the way things were done here. All Albert felt he could do was try and keep at least SOME spirit alive in the pups. “You both will finally be gettin’ te’ see me take down prey! Ye’ lot excited?”

    “... Sure,” answered Johanna as he looked away from Albert. The elder male felt his heart sink a bit, breathing out into the cool air of the morning. His breath danced as the warmth hit the cool, creating a tiny fog that Johanna would have found enjoyable were not for the weight hanging over him and his brother.

    “Lads…” Albert walked over to the two, nuzzling them as he told them, “Yer alpha knows what be best. Sure… the costs be high… be trust me. Ye’ both will get through this. I know me pups and believe you me. Ye’ two lads are going to rattle this pack with yer promise!” Smiling, Albert once more did as he did best. He could see it working, at least for Prince. Johanna still seemed to have some withdrawal in regards to the challenge facing him.

    Time passed on and the sun rose steadily higher. The temperature began to warm a bit with each passing hour, letting the wolves loosen the muscles and wake up their bodies. Normally, Killa would have sent her pack out by now. Her instincts however were keeping them back. She had no reason to throw everyone into the unknown so soon after losing two pack members. She had to be sure that the twins weren’t out there, nor any other pack for that matter. With the way they were presently, they’d stand no chance were another pack to try and challenge them for their males or their land.

    She waited for Thorn and for Euca’s return from their patrol. On edge the entire time, her body only gave the evidence of it through her thumping tail that seemed to never stop. Her gaze was locked onto nothing and her ears were stiff as boards. In a way, she looked more like a statue now than ever before.

    “If you’re so worried about them, why don't you send out a howl? It’s not like you can’t reach them. You have one of the loudest howls in Peridot,” stated Percy. He gained a harsh glance from Derek, flushing his ears back about as fast as the beta had shot his gaze at him. “Sorry…”

    “You’re a practical Mightyena, Percy. Think about it for a second. If our alpha were to let out a howl like that, if there were ANY remote chance that another pack’s Mightyena were out scouting our land, it would give away that not only do we have a patrol out, but that the patrol was far from the main base. Their protection wouldn’t be guaranteed and they would certainly become targets of the enemy.” Derek was quick in his response, though far from loud. He spoke calmly but with just enough diction that his seriousness easily came through to the stubborn male.

    “Isn’t that assuming the absolute worst there, Derek? Also… isn’t that a bit farfetch’d as well?” asked Percy.

    “Maybe. However, it’s best to think of every possible outcome given the current situation. I highly doubt I need to remind you of anything that’s just happened and the conditions the rain has put us in, yeh?” Percy scoffed and turned his head to the side. He returned to cleaning his wounds as Derek said, “Good. When you finish, you’re going to be taking over patrol from Thorn. Euca will remain with you when you make your second rounds.”

    “What?! Are you insane?! Have you seen my wounds?! Morrison ripped into me pretty hard you know!”

    “Your point?” growled Killa just then. Everyone turned to her quickly, staring at her as she began to move. She stepped over towards Percy, forcing the older male to crouch down with his tail between his legs. His fangs bared themselves as his ears flew back flat against his head. His shaking was visible even to the pups as they watched the fear and defensiveness of the male grow exponentially through Killa’s rant.

    “You will go on patrol Percy, and you will make sure to spy every single nook, cranny, and ledge that borders our land. I don’t care the wounds you have. You brought those onto yourself. Now take them like the Mightyena you are, and do as your beta commands of you. Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear?” Johanna hadn’t seen so much held back aggression in his alpha before. She was like a voltorb ready to explode! He looked over to Albert, his body struggling to keep from shaking.

    “Ah needn’t ye’ worry there Johanna. The alpha’s anger barely gets past that level. Still, I best be takin’ that te’ heart and keepin’ on her good side. There isn’t a dog alive that would wish that kinda’ rage placed on’em I bet ye’ what!” Albert laughed. He gave a soft nuzzle to Johanna just then before turning to walk away from the two Poochyena. He was headed over to Morrison who was struggling to get the top of his muzzle clean.

    “He’s right,” Johanna told Prince. The two brothers looked at one another and nodded, silently agreeing that they were going to do everything possible to keep in their alpha’s favor. Despite everything that was ahead of them, there seemed to be a small growing light of hope that they would grow up side by side.

    Time passed yet again, leaving the sun in the middle of the sky. It was by this time that Killa was now pushing past her patience limits. She’d taken herself back to her stiffened stance, her tail thumping away over and over. Her fur was partially dry by now from the sun that cast over a clearing sky. It was almost unreal for Prince and Johanna to see her like that. What Mightyena could possibly remain in such a stance for so long?! Was she even a real Pokemon?

    “Alpha,” came the soft voice of Derek. “Let me send out a search party for Thorn and Euca. They’ve been gone far too long. This is unsettling for everyone and I truly feel it’d be best if we-”

    “No,” came Killa’s quick response. “Our numbers are dwindled as it is. Sending more out would only weaken us further and potentially place us in the perfect position to be attacked.”

    “But alpha… If we remain like this, how will we get any food? Rather… how would we know of a possible ambush or even an attack? What if one of our wolves has fallen and the other is stuck trying to protect them? Or a trainer has caught one and is hunting the other? We can’t just leave our packmates out there to fend for themselves, can we? Not after what’s all happened… right?” Derek tried not to speak above his alpha. He knew her tempter would overshadow what he said if he didn’t word himself properly. She was overly stressed at the moment, so it was a distinct possibility that such a thing could happen.

    “I understand your qualms, Derek. I wish I could say you were wrong, but you aren’t. You make very valid points. I just..” her voice died just then. “I can’t risk more of our numbers on a hunch.”

    “You know that you have to though… For the benefit of the pack. All packs have to. Our members are our lifeblood. We need them. Especially because of the twins.” Quickly, he gave Killa a tiny nuzzle before adding, “Let me go. I’m the healthiest among us aside from you. I can take one of the pups with me as well to get their training started.”

    “.... Go. But leave the pups. I know what I said, but right now is too risky to let inexperienced Poochyena. Especially for Johanna…” Derek nodded and quickly darted away, running out of the alleyway and carefully looking into the streets. He was gone before anyone could say anything, leaving only a trail of dust in his wake as he went off in search.

    “Does this mean I don’t have to go on patrol?” inquired Percy with a sort of chuckle in his tone. It wasn’t well received however, leaving the male to lower to his stomach and let out an annoyed, “Tsk.”

    Johanna looked over at Percy, his ears flattening some just before turning his attention onto his brother. “What’s up?” he asked.

    “If it really is the twins, what are we going to do? Are they really all that strong?” Killa took notice of the question and made it her task to answer for them.

    “Yes,” she began. She had walked over to them and sat down. With a slight dip in her gaze, she began to tell the pups, “They have been a threat to many a pack for years. Their numbers are large and they command a territory from a little out of Jasper all the way to Beryl. There is no safety outside of Peridot for Mightyena and Poochyena. It is true that Obsidia offers some protection, but there are few to little locations for a pack to reside. Any locations that exist are already claimed by other Pokemon such as Electrike, Scrafty, and worst of all, Pangoro. Peridot is truly the only place where packs can live, and it’s constantly under threat by the twins and the humans.” Her voice held back many a snarl as she spoke. Her fur lifted at certain times from sheer rage that she had to force back down.

    “But… but there has to be a way we can all live together, right? Surely the twins would understand what struggle is like, right? They wouldn’t try to steal land if they have so much… would they?” Prince asked very quickly.

    “You would think that. Their territory sits perfectly adjacent to a forest that hasn’t been touched by the humans. They cherish it and keep it how it is with very few additions. I’ve heard of a single building in that forest that houses books for the humans to read. I’ve not heard of anything more. Still, that won’t stop the twins from wanting to capitalize on the struggles that we are enduring right now.”

    “Why don’t they just try taking over the forest?” asked Johanna curiously.

    “That’s something not even I know, Johanna,” answered Killa. She took the moment to breath in a bit, calming herself down in the process so as to not release any anger onto the two curious Poochyena. It wasn’t their fault for getting her worked up like this. She was merely just reacting to the disdain of the situations she was speaking about. If anything, she was happy that they wanted to know. It saved her having to create an awkward moment in their teachings. Granted… given how they currently lived, describing anything would feel awkward for her. She just wasn’t good at explaining these kinds of things to the pups without sounding too harsh or cruel. Almost as if she were belittling them or flat out attacking them. Still she did her best, trying to keep their curiosity satisfied as best she could.

    “We aren’t the only pack that lives in Peridot though… right?” questioned Prince. “There are others that live here too. At least… if I remember right?”

    “Yes. Here in Peridot there are a total of five small packs, and the twins large one. Granted most of Peridot still belongs to the five, it’s slowly turning into a land war with how much the twins are pushing through. The other packs are in no better shape than we are from last I checked. They are each struggling to maintain their numbers and what little land they have.” Killa watched during her answers as the confusion set in for Prince, but understanding set in for Johanna. He always seemed to be quicker to understand these kinds of things than his brother. She noticed that during all of Albert’s stories. When it came to land struggles and pack numbers, Johanna seemed to pick up on them faster than Prince did. Granted the stories they had to understand were never as grim as what they were being told now.

    “Why don’t the five packs just band together then to push the twins out? I mean… if we all just worked together we’d be-”

    “No pack would dare work with another,” interrupted Percy. Killa shot him a glare to shut him up, knowing that he’d speak harshly about the other packs, possibly even belittling them in the process. She looked back at Prince whom now had a hunched over stance with his ears flat. Sighing, she continued what Percy started, giving no real comfort to Prince at all despite his current shock.

    “Percy is right. No pack would dare wish to work together out of a strict guide of respect and honor. Each pack holds themselves to a certain degree of strength. Even though we know our weaknesses, most of us refuse to accept help from any other. The alpha’s of the Peridot packs are… in a way… a bit too cocky and thickheaded to accept assistance from others; myself included.” She gave a very short and very brief smile at that before returning to her usual stoic look. It was hard to keep any kind of smile going knowing that what she said was easily what could cost her pack their lives.

    It was then that she was hit by her own words. They blazed in her mind as she recognized the fault in her actions as well as the actions of the other packs. Though her body didn’t portray much of her realization, her mind was racing with both self blame, and possible solutions to fix their situation. The ample pause from what she was saying to now was enough to even prick Albert’s attention. He cocked his head a bit, confused as to the silence that Killa had taken up.

    “Alpha?” he asked.

    “Hm? Oh. Right. Yes.” Killa shook her head as if to shake off excess water before continuing, “Anyways… where was I…? Oh right... “ She cleared her throat, “As such, the twins are more than capable of pushing through and taking more and more land. It’s a fault that we recognize, but one that honestly… we’ve never dreamed of acting upon to try and fix. I don’t think that any effort to do so would result in a success either. If anything it’d just create more fighting between us. We live relatively peacefully for the moment. No current reigning alpha would try to break that. Not now at least…”

    “But… it’d make things so much easier,” Prince responded in a hushed voice. He lowered his head to the ground as his gaze was stolen by a tiny puddle. He looked forlorn from all of this. It was bound to happen though. He and Johanna knew nothing of the other packs nor of how they truly were living. For them all that existed were the food problems. She could only imagine his tiny mind trying to filter through all of what he’d just learned and still had to learn.

    “I guess…. think of each pack like members of ours, Prince!” started Johanna. His brother looked over at him with a lifted brow, obviously confused. Even Killa lifted a brow, more so curious than confused.

    “Huh?” asked Prince.

    “Percy is grumpy, Albert is kind, Derek is wise, Thorn is proud, Euca is generous, Morrison is protective, and the lapha is strong. Think of all of them like an individual pack. Would Percy ever agree to team up with Morrison if he were leading a pack? Or even with Albert? What about Thorn? Would he try to team up with Euca?” Johanna thought that his analogy would be easily understood by Prince, but instead he seemed to just confuse his brother even further.

    “But… they do all work together. They are all super different yet they still protect one another regardless of that. What would making them pack leaders do to have any kind of change over that?” Prince truly didn’t understand. He still thought that the packs had nothing to lose from just setting aside their stubborn natures so that they could band together to stop the twins from taking over.

    “Johanna… I don’t think yer bein’ very clear…” interrupted Albert. “Yer makin’ yerself a commendable effort that be true, but really it be better left to the alpha te’ be explainin’ this matter. Still a good effort on ye’ fer tryin’!” He hoped that Johanna wouldn’t feel bad from this.

    “... I guess,” replied Johanna as he looked to the side. Under his breath you could hear him say, “I understood it…”, while flattening his ears and making a rather pouty looking expression. Killa just seemed to chuckle a bit, rolling her eyes some before adding to what Johanna was trying to explain.

    “Prince, Johanna was giving you an example of very different personalities. Even though our pack works very well together, it doesn’t mean that were we all of our own packs, that we would still do the same. It’s more than likely that we would be a lot more vocal of each other’s problems and feel more defensive in our trust towards one another.”

    “.... oooohhhhh,” remarked Prince. “I think I get it now..!”

    “Wha? But….. but how was that any different from what I was saying?!” barked Johanna. “Did you really not get that from what I was saying?!”

    “Not really, Johanna. Sorry,” answered Prince with a bit of a chuckle. It was his first one since all of this chaos started. He almost seemed like his usual self right there, laughing a bit at his brother’s expense. Moments like this one were among the few that Killa was thankful for. To see that there was still some light in her tiny little pack of males was enough to confirm even her own stubbornness that they were capable of surviving. Still, her heart knew the reality of their situation. As the two pups began to go through their version of an intelligent argument, Killa flicked her ear and turned her head over towards the entrance of their alley.

    “... Derek?” she questioned. Just then, she saw Thorn running up. He was exhausted and out of breath, falling to his face as he tripped over a crack in the ground. Those that remained in the pack all turned to face him, shock in their faces as they witnessed the event start to take place before them. Killa ran over, quickly pushing Thorn to his feet with a grunt.

    “Where is Euca? Where’s Derek?” she asked quickly. Thorn gave no real answer to her. He was so out of breath and in what looked like immense pain. Strange enough was that there were no true viable wounds on him to warrant his agony. Still it was there, and still it remained present as he fell back down to the ground despite his alpha’s help. Through a stiff voice he told her only what his energy allowed.

    “Wella…. is looking for you.”

  6. This doesn't even necessarily mean Gen 7. Zygarde and co are still going to play key factors. It -could- be that Gen 6 is going to be broken into two halves. There were only about 60??? new pokemon in XY. Could get considerably more in this next game but still have it running on Gen 6. Also could just be an additional one pokemon. I'm still not sold this is 'Gen 7'. Maybe it is though. Maybe they're going the route of Gen 2 this time.

    Counter argument to this.


    Hoenn had very very VERY few new Pokemon. About as many as XY. Plus it would make absolutely no sense that part to Kalos would be so blocked off that they would have an entire 60+ new Pokemon for us to discover (or any number really). I highly doubt that's going to be a possibility, HOWEVER, I do think that this new cutie could just be an add on like others are saying. Just a new DLC for gen 6.

    It could however be a hint to Gen 7 as well. Seeing as this is an all new Pokemon and Gen 7 debate is very high right now, it could be a hint alluding to what we're all trying to figure out. If gen 7 will become a thing this year, or at all. Granted this one is farfetched at best, but regardless.

  7. Hmmmm as a totem? Probably a cat on the bottom (probs a cheetah or even my cat, Moemoe), a dragon after that, crocodile after that, and then finally an alligator up top. I first associated myself with cats, and I've always loved dragons. However I have found myself much more of a reptilian person than anything else, with gators becoming my top favorite animals. That's why my name and sona are gators. Well.... my name is a fun way to get away with having the name Feraligatr without it being Feraligatr, but it all still works out since my sona is a gator. xDD

    I would love to hear about your totem! That'd be really neat to know what you've associated yourself with. ouo



    This cat is actually what my sona looked like when I first designed her. She looked like this for years until I changed her colors. Then I changed her design. Then it was changed again and she became what you see now. ouo


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