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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Posts posted by BIGFriv

  1. On 2/8/2022 at 1:10 PM, Risakisa said:

    "The actual development program, however, is still from 2005"

    Theres already different programs for fangame development, the tools for Rom Hacking keep getting better every year.
    PSDK, MK, and a few other programs exist, Theres a lot more but I don't remember them all.

    RPGMaker XP and Essentials simply are the most popular, and Essentials has done a lot of work to improve itself over the last 2 years so not everything is lost

  2. 16 minutes ago, Cyphre said:

    As well as crippling opponents to set up on them and then sweep. Or using a Trick room. Or utilize Light Clay screens. Or spamming status like sleep. Or Destiny bond the pokemon you have troubles with. Or Wobuffet abuse with either direct counters or perish trap. Or Endeavor. Or abusing Swift Swim. Or a myriad other things that dont immediately pop into my mind. 

    The notion that changing a Field is a more one-button and inferior strategy to all other possible abusive one-button brainless things you can do in Pokemon is just absurd and completely wrong. 

    Most other things only change 1 thing, Trick Room is speed, Swift Swim would require Rain etc...

    But field effect manipulation is just broken, it changes many more things, Grassy Terrain doesnt only heal you a bit at end of turn, or boost your grass moves, it does much more than that.
    The AI loses a lot of benefits from the field with you just using one move, specially when fights are based around the field.
    It's basically a certain death for many fights, Trick Room isnt, the AI can still utilise it even if they are slower, and even then, didn't you say in another thread about not understanding why Trick Room is only available in 2 mons?? Thats exactly why, it's a pretty strong move, that thankfully only a couple mons learn by lvl up, so its easier to control over the dozen of mons that learn terrain moves.
    It gives the player a lot more room to play around than the enemy, the player can prepare before hand, and battle design wise, using moves to change the field in a sort of battle of attrition.
    Volcano > Cave > Volcano, where youre constantly fighting over the arena with the AI is just so so much more interesting and engaging.

  3. 39 minutes ago, Cyphre said:

    Game also directly says when you start it that this ruleset is a "standart Intense esperience", strongly implying this is a suggested experience for Intense. 

    I mean yeah, it was a highly requested feature, and most Intense Players already used Set Mode by default.
    Intense is made for Set Mod, Switch Mode is a slightly easier version.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Cyphre said:

    And that is a huge shame in my opinion, since, again, all that difficulty would be meaningless without a world it exist in. You wouldnt be that interested in fighting all those gym leaders and Meteor admins if they were all Youngster Joey. But then again, it's been, i think, 8 years since Reborn started development and a lot of conceptions about it were changed. 

    I am also curious, when people want to play difficult pokemon, why not just go on Showdown? Generally a lot of good matches there. 

    Look, I'm not disagreeing with you.
    I started because of the "dark souls" thing people used to say. But I remained for the story and setting.
    I love this grim-dark setting, its why Reborn is my favourite fangame.
    But not everyone joins because of it! I would say many hate this edgy setting and it puts them off and only play for the battles.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Cyphre said:

    No. It's first and main selling point was always, i quote, "massive, detailed world". Adding Field Effects was done not only to spice up gameplay, but also as a way to enhance immersion in the same world. Even in an interview with Ame way back in 2014 she said that the darker story and world came first, difficulty was added more to accomodate darker tone of the story. 

    I startedd playing Reborn because people called it the "dark souls" of Pokémon.
    Field Effects and world always came second to that.

  6. 26 minutes ago, NeoPwyll said:

    the pokemon have more lvs than the lv cap,

    Reborn also does this often.



    hey have moves that you don't have and you don't know what they do,

    Theres a guide that tells you all about it inside the gyms.



    Also the berries you have nothing until very late

    Berry Emporium, Dept Store + You get a multitude of different berries throughout the game as Hidden Items



    the most important items still don't exist

    Only items that don't exist for the player yet are: Choice Items, some Mega Stones, some Crests and some Z-Crystals.



    And for some reason you can't grind money like in reborn

    Pay Day + Luck Incense


    the tms the most important don't exist yet

    I can kinda get this, but these TMs are extremely good: EQ, Ice Beam, U-Turn, Blizzard/Fire Blast/Thunder, Swords Dance and Calm Mind.
    Out of these only the Blizzard/Blast and Thunder ones we will probably see soon.


    As i said fights should feel challenging rather than unfair.


    This dificulty should be called Insane

    I get what you mean, but what you consider unfair changes from person to person. So it's hard to say.

    And about that battle in the spoiler, you can lose that battle you know?

  7. Hello nerds of equal value. Don't forget your liver is worth a lot in the black market, keep it safe.

    Today I bring you, some very slight and small updates, mostly related to;
    Battle UI and some smol map updates!


    Let's get the map updates out of the way first!




    eheh!  These maps are called from top to bottom: Fragmented Island, Fragmented Path and Route 6!

    Of course, theres also the Battle UI!



    There's still some kinks I need to fix, but I really like it so far! 

    See you all next month probably. Don't forget to be gay!

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  8. Humen, and Humans welcome for I have returnedth.

    Been a long while since I did an update.
    I came here to say, things have been going, slowly sadly, but they have been going!

    Essentials V18 came out, which took some of my time to upgrade the game to that version. 
    As you know the world is in the state that is in, and while I don't think it is because of that, I have been waving between moments where I work a lot, and moments where I don't do much.
    My goal was to get this update finished before August, but at this rate I'm not so certain, so I apologize.


    I did come here with some screenshots tho!


    The player characters OWs are pretty much done, just missing some slight ones like fishing, but the important ones are done!
    Made by: SorrowDivine


    The goal for the next update is to reach the second gym + have around 30-40 minutes of story post that.
    Afterwards each update would be 2 gyms each time (depending on how much content there is of course, this would change, maybe only 1 gym, or maybe 3)

    The region map was edited a bit, so that is pretty much completed.
    This section is pretty much everything I need to map, except some side areas like the big cave at the northern part.
    So still quite a lot of work to do : ( 

    See you all again soon!


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  9. Hello again humans and non-humans.
    For Dev Blog: Electric Boogalo 2!

    Not much has happened since last time, recently Essentials released a new version that added triple battles and other really nifty features.
    So I have been spending the last couple days porting the game to that (PS: Its a pain).

    But, here are some stuff that we have been working on!

    First things first:
    I apologize for no screenshots in advance, porting the game is still ongoing, so kind of unable to do so atm!


    Route 4! Right after Connal Town!


    Steeplin City!


    I also have a small park, an hotel and a beach up north.
    Though the hotel and beach are still fairly unfinished.

    I also have someone on the team working on fixing up the lighting of the game, here's a couple examples;






    Next UP!

    Sprite updates:
    Oh man, Ive been hyped for these for a while!

    First off:
    Emily got a design upgrade! She now looks more like her sister (Evelyn, the first gym leader)


    And we also got the design for a new rival that will be introduced in the next major update:


    Here is Syneas concept art + Game Freak styled art:





    Since I released the first demo, I wanted to eventually redo the player character sprites, and now they are finished (missing OWs still though)
    Here they are!


    While they all have canon genders, you will be able to pick any gender you want regardless!

    Here are all the concept arts:








    Games lighting made by: @Aboodie
    Syneas concept art made by: Crimson
    Syneas Game Freak styled art made by: Rudhuli
    The sprites and black/white concept art were made by: SorrowDivine
    The colored concept art was made by: CeriseBlossome

    I'll give more details on Synea in a later update!

    Thank you! See you soon!

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  10. 58 minutes ago, Reino20 said:

    Hello BIGFriv


    well and it have not the pbs and quest files.


    but it missed causing it to error.

    oh damn, I knew I had forgotten something. I'll fix it, give me a second and redownload.



    58 minutes ago, Reino20 said:

    Hello BIGFriv


    well and it have not the pbs and quest files.


    but it missed causing it to error.

    Redownload it now, the bug has been fixed. Sorry about that.

  11. What's up y'all?!
    I got a spicy update for you all:


    This fixed a lot of previous bugs, but it also adds a lot of new things, such as:

    • -> Multiple Save Files
    • -> Seperated Terrains from Field effects
    • -> Caterpie Trade
    • -> Pokégear
    • -> Planting Berries
    • -> New sidequest
    • -> Reworked EXP Bottles
    • -> Custom Windowskins

    and many more, please read the READ ME/ Patch Notes for info

    and many more, please read the READ ME/ Patch Notes for info

  12. Hi again!
    I want to talk about some things that will be in the next big update.

    First things first: Some of the following things will come with a small patch soon ™️, some bug fixes will come too.


    Something I understood a lot of people had problems with were EXP, specially in Hard and Extreme difficulties, I thought that the EXP Bottles would be of some help, but to be honest, they were dumb, and kinda useless.
    As such, I have changed their mechanic!

    Now, they will act as temporary Lucky Eggs! They are still consumables, and must be used outside of battle. But they will allow you to earn boosted EXP for the next X Pokémon you defeat.

    I also updated the bag UI a bit!
    Hopefully it looks better now!




    One of my goals, specially with Gen 8 and the introduction of more Pokémon with Surge Abilities, was to seperate Terrains, from Field Effects. And that's something I have been doing!


    In this gif, we are in the Cave Field, but then when I use Grassy Terrain, the background doesn't change, what changes is instead, the data boxes.
    That will be the method I use to tell the player what Terrain is currently active!
    This will allow for some really crazy fusions of Terrains x Fields x Field Objects.
    Field Objects are already implemented, so you can just check the READ MEs!


    I have also been updating the names of every single locations, and also starting to name later towns in the game too.



    Losgeir -> Lakengard
    Craomaid Forest -> Greenwood Grove
    Coilerad Town -> Greenkeep Town
    Wolfan Cave -> Lykan Cave

    I pretty much finally found an actual theme for naming things.

            Small Changes

    I am adding a new quest to the game that you will be able to do before the First Gym, its a small fetch quest, not too hard.
    But hopefully gives you something more to do before facing the gym.


    These are all things that you will see in the next patch. Not in the next big update.
    I will show some of the things for the big update later down the line.

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  13. 21 hours ago, Zargerth said:

    Here's some of my thoughts and impressions on the demo. I played on Hard difficulty, as it's the canonical (and thus intended?) difficulty.

    Kinda, lore wise, Hard is the canon one, but I do think that the game is better built for Normal. I am aiming to try to ease Hard and Extreme though.


    There appears to be several small typos and other errors.

    Like aboodie said above, Dropbox is being a pain, and never syncs the files. So the person I have that fixes them keeps having to fix typos over and over again. It's a pain.


    It also appears there is a small mistake with the Construction sidequest. As we can see here in the quest log, it tells players to go to Route 2. However, it is in fact Route 3 where the quest continues. Route 2 is from what I understand completely unrelated to this quest.

    I... Don't have anything to say here other than oops 😔, fixed for the next patch.


    My bigger grievance, however, is the lack of content. Considering this is a short demo, a majority of my time was still spent on trying to grind and level up my team for the gym battle. As your mons gain levels, the amount of EXP they get decreases (like in gen 5). By the time my mons were lvl 10 and above (you most likely don't beat the gym leader with a bunch of lvl 10 mons on Hard difficulty), it was nigh impossible to level them up with wild encounters  - excluding the rattling/shaking patches of grass. However, even here we have a couple of issues. First, even these encounters can have low lvl mons (lvl 7-8) which yield practically no EXP. Second, these patches can be hard to reach.

    Yeah, I am sure I fixed this, so i think you were playing on an old version? I'll verify again, but some people had the same issue, so I increased the levels of everything.


    Unless I'm mistaken, Repels are not sold in Connal Town before you beat the first Gym Leader. Without Repels there's a chance you don't even reach the rattling grass patch before getting a wild encounter.

    Added them before first gym for next patch.


    Wolfan Cave is in my opinion even worse, because the special encounters can appear in places that are impossible to reach. 

    Honestly, here sadly, there's not much I can do. I had the same issue, but all I can do is hope they appear where the player can reach.


    as well as possibly providing Lucky Egg or some other means to gain increased XP (make the EXP bottles do that for a limited amount of battles?).

    And, it has been added, EXP Bottles will give boosted exp for x ammount of Pokémon defeated.
    Quarter = 5 Pokémon
    Half = 10 Pokémon
    Full = 20 Pokémon
    Should be closer to what you wanted!


    I'm also not sure why the sidequests cannot be available before beating the gym leader instead of after getting your badge, which in my understanding is the case. Having something to do and being able to train your mons at the same time further helps with the apparent lack of content. Your mons stop gaining EXP altogether when they hit the level cap, so I don't see many drawbacks to these solutions. If you need a roadblock to prevent players from going north of Connal Town without the gym badge and with the sidequests done, make one of the kids play with their Pokemon in front of the gate or something.

    For this, it was mostly for progression, that's all. I might consider adding another side quest before the gym, but the Construction Worker one will still be post the gym, as you have to go to the cave because of the Finding Pokémon quest anyway.


    This is more of a suggestion than critique per se, but having a one-way shortcut from Craomaid Forest to Losgeir Town would diminish the amount of running back and forth between areas and places you've already been to. Generally I suggest you consider these types of shortcuts in the future. I don't know how exploration-heavy you intend Pokemon Divulgence to be, but I imagine areas get larger and more complicated, so having an easy way to get back to Pokemon Center/ for backtracking cuts the repetitiveness. Later on when more HMs are available, you can use those for creating alternate paths/ shortcuts.

    Basicaly, you want a faster way to go from Connal to Losgeir? Hmm. I didn't really plan on that, with repels the paths are fairly fast. Dunno about this.

    But glad you enjoyed some aspects of the game o:
    Join the discord if you want!



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  14. 3 minutes ago, ant4456 said:

    So I'm playing Desolation and have a Brionne. I'm farming using the Poke Breeder in the first town; aka where you fight the Fire gym. Grassy Terrain/Field Effect. Why is my Disarming Voice move not very effective against Bounsweet?

    Brionne has Liquid Voice, which turns Sound Moves into Water Type Moves, Bounsweet resists water.

  15. 17 hours ago, Zargerth said:

    Maybe I'm using an older version, because I couldn't find anything about it in the Readme. Anyhow, thanks for clarifying.

    Nah, I'm sure youre using the most up to date. 
    It's just that there are over 30 different runes, and I got lazy writting them all down.
    I will do it properly eventually ahaha

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  16. I'll be using this place to give updates about the game, I will also use the main thread, but in order to not spam things there 24/7 I will do it here.

    Old Content:
    #################### | Eventing (0%)
    #################### | Misc (0%)

    #################### | Total (0%)

    New Content:

    #################### | Mapping (50%)
    #################### | Script Changes (50%)
    #################### | Eventing (30%)
    #################### | Sidequests (10%)
    #################### | Graphics (4%)
    ########## | Shinys (20%)
    ########## | Trainer Sprites (90%)
    ########## | Misc (60%)

    #################### | Total (40%)

    As of right now, everything is mostly not done. But hopefully I can work on things quickly enough.

    I have quite a lot of plans for future story, and I know that the first demo barely had anything. Sorry about that.
    Hopefully the next update will have more story for people to enjoy.
    I will try to post as many updates here as I can too.


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  17. Recruitment:
    We are recruiting!
    With the release of the alpha, we've been looking to improve various assets of the game.
    Currently, our highest priority is finding spriters.
    If you wish to join, please send me a message in here or through Discord (BIGFriv#3415).
    You'll be able to direct message me if you're in the public server. Be prepared to show prior work!
    There is a small bug fix patch for game-z.exe on the Discord, so feel free to join.


    I also want to talk about that we got over 150 downloads o:
    Thanks everyone that has played it so far!
    Hopefully I can make the next big update soon, it will take you to the second gym + some story afterwards.


  18. Added new patch to the main thread:


    [RAR] Core:

    [RAR] Patch:

    [ZIP] Core:
    [ZIP] Patch:


    -> Protein items now can give you enough EVs until you reach 252 in the desired stat
    -> Decreased Woobats base Happiness from 70 to 50
    -> Animations for:
        -> Water
        -> Flowers
    -> New PC UI
    -> New Continue screen UI
    -> New Bag UI

    Major Bug:
    -> Fixed crash that would sometimes happen when opening the trainer card
        -> If youre on an old save file, talk to the Shadow Man on the Connal Towns Pokecenter!

    Minor Bugs:
    -> Made Route 2 and 3 encounters be higher level 
        -> This is mostly for balancing and to flatten out the lvl curve a bit, and for easier exp
    -> Lowered the max level of Combee (honey tree Pokémon), from lvl 32 to lvl8
    -> Updated Cubchoos dialogue on the Craomaid Clearing
    -> Chopper no longer looks at the player when staring at the TV
    -> Fixed Gym Puzzle not being completable if you arent facing the correct way
    -> Fixed a house in Connal Town teleporting an NPC around if you stay inside for too long (time of day event)
    -> Losing to Emily should no longer cause Pokécenters heal you the moment you enter them
    -> Got rid of bumping noise when you go inside lab with dad and take too long to skip text (i think tbh not sure, no easy way to fix this)
    -> Changed what Emily says when you lose to her
    -> Added some more maps to the list of maps you can see yourself in the Region Map


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