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Posts posted by DiLimiter

  1. I'm curious, why didn't it sell well in Japan? Were they just not interested in the entertainment industry setting?

    I haven't played the game myself (I'm interested in it tho), but I'm guessing it has something to do with Fire Emblem not having a larger representation/impact in the game than it perhaps had? From what I've read, the references to FE are minimal and you could have swapped in just about any series and still made it work. Of course, I'm not sure if the two series tied into this game are comparable just because I'm not entirely sure on the popularity of either of them in Japan. I'd venture a guess that FE, at least, is very popular especially as of recent with them revitalizing the series. Can't really drop my two cents for the other one though, as I have no past experience with the series' history.

  2. Personally, I don't mind new Alex.

    Looking like a piece of run-down trash is part of his theme in this game anyway

    So I should probably rephrase what I said in a better way.

    Design-wise, Alex looks like he should: a very muscular and trashy wrestling All-American type-o'-guy. It fits his character and actually compliments him well enough.

    However, there's quite a huge difference between being made to look trashy and the quality of the model looking trashy. Nothing about the model looks appealing and some it initially felt clunky at first when I was getting used to Alex.

    I'm expecting some higher quality looking models and animations as the game's life cycle goes on, especially for DLC characters that would be released later and later in the year. All I'm hoping is that we see some slight improvements on the models already in the game and that all future DLC characters past this first set of six will all have the same high quality look.

  3. Alex's Theme - Street Fighter V

    Naru, Embracing the Light - Ori and the Blind Forest

    Prelude to Final Fantasy XIII - Final Fantasy XIII

    Mournweald Encounter - Darkest Dungeon

    Hopes and Dreams Piano Cover - Undertale (I usually don't really like covers of video game music, but this one is an exception)

  4. Why couldn't they have made all the characters look this good...I mean, I love that Alex made it into this game and I was so excited for his initial announcement. But my God, does he look like booty.

    Probably just gonna chalk it up to them having more time to work on the characters scheduled for later releases, but the difference in quality between Alex, Juri, and Urien are just astounding.

  5. So I ended up using the website that was mentioned in the original post, and here's what I got:

    10. Hypno


    ...ok, so I can explain. Hypno was and always has been my favorite psychic Pokemon ever since the original Red and Blue were released. I found something about his zen monk look to be fascinating and cool at the time, and it kind of just stuck 14+ years later.

    9. Politoed


    I just think this lil' guy's adorable. I prefer Politoed to its levelution counterpart, which is kind of odd considering I love fighting types more than just about any other type in the game.

    8. Jumpluff


    Honestly, I'm not even sure what I love about this Pokemon. It just has a certain air to it that, whenever I look at it, I always end up feeling happy.

    7. Ludicolo


    Another very vibrant choice that I chose mostly because of how happy it always looks and, not to mention, the design of it is possibly one of the best things to come out of Gen 3.

    6. Mienfoo


    So I like this Pokemon over its evolution by a very large amount. Kind of reminds me of Makoto from Street Fighter in a very odd way, so that probably has a lot to do with it.

    5. Forretress


    I'm not a huge fan of bug-type Pokemon...and I'm not exactly a huge fan of steel-type either...but somehow Game Freak was able to combine the two types into one of the most well-designed Pokemon in the entire series. I don't care if it's next to useless, Forretress is just a fantastic Pokemon that I always make sure I have room in my party for.

    4. Miltank


    My first shiny back from Gen 2 and I've kept the lil' bastard up to this current day. It'll always hold a special place in my heart.

    3. Slaking


    I resonate deeply with this Pokemon and what it stands for. That is all.

    2. Hitmonlee


    My favorite fighting-type Pokemon and one of the coolest Pokemon in the entire series. He didn't leave too huge of an impression on me when I saw him in-game for the first time back in Gen 1, but when I saw him in the anime when I used to watch it when I was little, oh boy. I was ALWAYS excited to see him on-screen.

    1. Spinda


    Ending the list similar to how it began, Spinda may look like an odd choice for my favorite Pokemon. Which, it should be. I mean, the Pokemon has close to nothing going for it. But I love it nonetheless. I love its ditzy design and how it just staggers about most of the time. I can't really explain why I love this Pokemon so much. It's just one of those choices where you love it not because it's good or anything; you love it because you knew from looking at it that it would be your favorite from there on. Spinda kinda had that effect on me when I saw it back in Gen 3 for the first time.

  6. Day 1 of the Steam Summer sale: I have bought about 7 or 8 games so far, only 1 of which I will probably play in the near future. My wallet/bank account won't make it through this alive. Tell my family I love them.

    I can't exactly remember if there was a thread for it or not already, but the game in question that I've already began playing is Darkest Dungeon. Are you a masochist but miss that side-scrolling dungeon-crawling feeling that Dark Souls just doesn't bring to the table? Well do I have the game for you! Darkest Dungeon, come watch your heroes slip into a world of paranoia fueled by desire and the death that comes from it!

    ...seriously though, that game is hard.

  7. Well, I think I already saved over it, so oh well there huh?

    I mean, I was suspicious as well when it came to the whole child thing. I had Kaze and Rinkah put together (don't ask me why) and I just chalked it up as a couple of weird characters who just don't have kids or anything.

    Boy was I wrong.

  8. Well, I recently got back into following the Sm4sh competitive scene. Part of that includes me playing a bit of it myself and, after messing with the roster for a few days trying to get my groove back, I've come to the conclusion that I cannot play light and quick characters for anything...except for Cloud, but everybody has a Cloud so...

    For now, I'll be taking a (kinda) harder road to learning the game and sticking it out with DDD. He just feels a lot better to use than just about anyone else on the roster for me right now.

    I generally face the same problem as some other people around here tho: I don't really have a good way to get better. My nearest local is probably a little over an hour away and none of my friends will probably ever take playing a game competitively seriously. My internet sucks, so methods like Anther's Ladder and such are kind of out of the question. I guess, for right now at least, I'm S.O.L.

  9. Kaze has gone downhill drastically as the game has progressed, I will agree. That being said, I'm a sucker for cool characters like him and can't find myself getting rid of him anytime soon.

    Also, after these last few posts, I really believe Rinkah to be a "results may vary" character. Some people have reported her to be really good; some, like myself, have found her to be pretty bad. I believe what it really comes down to is how you play the game and who you want doing what. I'm just so used to fighters that can tank a hit and give it back in full. Rinkah just isn't really that kind of fighter.

  10. This is a series I've been meaning to get into for a while now since I heard that it was made by the same people who made the Danganronpa games. I've just been waiting for a Steam release for the first game (I have a DS and all that, but I kinda just want to play it on PC to see if they can transition it over to PC as well as they did with Danganronpa). Trying my best to remain spoiler-free of it since I'm assuming that it's like Danganronpa in regards to experiencing the story. I got spoiled on a few parts of the Danganronpa games--except for Ultra Despair Girls, which I voluntarily decided to just read about--that I'm sure would've surprised me, so I'm trying to not make that mistake again. So, kinda made a rule for myself that if I see a character's name pop up in any discussion for this series, I'm just going to stop reading at that point until I get to play it.

  11. Yeesh, it's been a long time since then (about thirteen or fourteen years or so), but my first experience with Pokemon was playing the original Blue version on my Gameboy when I was about four or so. To top it all off, I even had one of those specially designed Gameboys that had a Pokemon design on it. It had a Pokeball where the power light was and the center of the Pokeball would turn red whenever you turned it on. I still have the damn thing too and I'm pretty sure it still works.

    Not my picture, but it looks like this:


  12. That actually sounds like a decent idea. My biggest problem would just be to get the ball rolling with Rinkah, especially on Classic/Lunatic difficulty.

    Right now, I'm just trying to see if I can get Sakura to a serviceable point (kinda dropped her after Corrin and Hinoka's Master Seal upgrades giving them heal usage). Also, I've heard that Azama is a really good unit, but I've completely ignored him since he joined. He never really interested me as a character, but if he's as good as people are claiming he is, then I might just give him a shot.

  13. I finally got around to picking up Birthright (planning on getting Conquest sometimes later on) and the game is fun insofar. I've already spent around 12 hours or so on my save file despite just picking up the game yesterday. There's a few observations that I have made being this far into the game. And keep in mind this is on a Casual playthrough just because it is my own little tradition that I started with Fire Emblem games when Awakening came out that I run through the game one time without having to worry about losing characters or things like that just so I can get a feel for it and let the story unfold accordingly. Also, I enjoy seeing character interactions that I may miss out on when I play a Lunatic run of the game and start losing characters.

    Anyways, without further ado:

    • Right off the bat Rinkah is just freakin' terrible. I love her as a character and try to use her whenever I can, but holy crap she is just awful. I'm basically playing what would probably be considered "baby difficulty" of the Fire Emblem series and I'm barely able to make her work. I saw, when she was leveling up, that she gained some points in her Magic. So I turned her into an Oni Chieftain, thinking that it might make her at least slightly better. This made her OK at best, but I definitely won't be really using her during my Lunatic run of the game except for something like cannon fodder.
    • The Hoshido branch of the game doesn't really have any middle-ground units. Most of the time, from what I've personally witnessed, a unit is either ridiculously strong or ridiculously weak. The exceptions for this rule might be with Oboro and Hinata (who I swore when I first met him I thought he was gonna be the Lon'qu of this game), but that's honestly it. That being said, you could just chalk it up to me not putting in enough time with the characters to properly level them up yet. I'm taking a shot in the dark that Takumi is an early game monster for archers because of his ridiculously good royal-exclusive bow, but Setsuna is possibly better if she scales well enough.
    • Nintendo ain't afraid to market towards horny teens and young adults anymore, huh? Lookin' at you Camilla.
    • The Donnel (villager) character this time around kinda sucks in comparison. I think her name's Mozu...? Not important. Anyways, she doesn't feel as impactful as Donnel was once he started gaining levels, but that's probably a good thing. Donnel was the freakin' Hulk in armor after you got to upgrade him into a different class (I chose Mercenary or something like that and he was completely destroying with a bronze sword for most of my playthrough) and he could probably take on an entire battlefield by himself. Mozu, even after leveling her up and getting her to Master of Arms, feels weak(er) at this point in the game than Donnel was when he was only a level 14 villager. I kind of like it this way just because of how broken Donnel got to be as he progressed and I don't really like characters that'll just wreck shop and be a one-man-carry for the entirety of the game...except for Lon'qu, who was just awesome.

    There's not a whole lot else that I've discovered about the game yet (I'm only on Chapter 14 or 15 being 12 hours in). I've done a few of the Paralogues. I still haven't gotten Corrin to love someone yet. I was going to put him with Hinoka, but then I met Kaden and was just like "well this seems kinda adorable" and am working on getting those two to be S rank with each other. The obvious one should've been Azuru, but I decided not to and I put her with Saizo. Also, I love how Saizo's son is basically just Gaius.

    Enough rambling for now though. I have the day off and, after doing some work around the house, I'll probably just dive back into it and try to get as close as I can to finishing this playthrough of the game up so I can start a Lunatic run. Just thought I would share my thoughts as someone who hadn't gotten a chance to experience the game for himself yet.

  14. The ending to the first Danganronpa game was pretty nice and arguable for a spot on my "favorites" list...

    Portal 2 had a fantastic ending as well.

    The ending to Kingdom Hearts 1 is probably the best ending in the whole series.

    Undertale True Pacifist ending is pretty high up there.

    Final Fantasy XIII told a pretty spectacular story, but none of the endings in any of the games felt like they wrapped up the story all that well...

    Shadow of the Colossus had me almost break down in tears.

    My favorite ending isn't any of these though. I personally enjoyed Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair's ending the most. Most of it is in regard to me liking the cast of the 2nd game a whole lot better than I did the first one as well as all of the emotions that led up to that ending. For me, it was just brilliant.

  15. While I agree that there are Nintendo purists when it comes to those two series, it's still such a waste to leave two great IPs just sitting there collecting dust. And the reason that the Banjo-Kazooie game for Xbox did so poorly wasn't just because of a loyal Nintendo fanbase, but also because it wasn't really Banjo-Kazooie. They created a Lego car-building game and slapped Banjo-Kazooie onto the title. It would've been a fine game if it were any other character(s) that didn't already have an established game-type. Banjo-Kazooie is a collectathon platformer where you get around this vast and beautiful landscape through unique interactions with the duo, not a build-and-race game where you're monotonously trying to do your best to collect better and better parts for your car.

    I just think that if they had actually ever given Banjo-Kazooie a shot in a game that actually made sense for them to be in, then it would do magnificently well.

  16. Y'know, with all of the hype that surrounded Yooka-Laylee's announcement when it was first revealed on Kickstarter, I was kind of expecting (and mostly hoping) for Microsoft to finally budge and make an actual Banjo-Kazooie game instead of whatever it was that they tried to feed us back in...what year was it? 2008? 2009? Alas, it seems that we won't really ever hear that announcement anytime soon with the exception (and hope) of E3. Doubt it'll happen, but I can't ever really push the idea out of my head.

    That trailer for Yooka-Laylee completely blew away my expectations for the game and what I was expecting it to look like at this stage of development. It already LOOKS like a beautiful and complete package and here's Playtonic saying that they want to delay it to add even further polish to it. I just absolutely can't wait to get my hands on it whenever it comes out. I wasn't ever able to support them through the Kickstarter as I didn't really have any access to any funds at the time and I'm not entirely sure if I would've backed it anyways just because of how many failed Kickstarter attempts there have been when it comes to gaming, but damn isn't hindsight a wonderful thing? I hope Yooka-Laylee is as good as it looks.

  17. Taliyah's base stats are pretty damn good, but her scaling ratios kind of suck. She's a combo champion, but has to make sure she has almost perfect positioning to utilize her full potential. She seems kind of counter-intuitive to me. That being said, I think that she'll be a highly contested pick in the long run with that ult. Solid champion.

  18. Ok, so I would love to see Spinda get an evolution of some kind, even if its just a mega-evolution. The problem with giving it a normal evolution is that the Pokemon is such a clusterfuck of a design that I'm not even sure where the hell to go with it. Its pretty obviously named after a bear, but it has features of both a bear and a rabbit. Not to mention the name itself is kind of hard to build upon. Like, what's a good follow-up to a Pokemon named Spinda? I can't think of one.

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