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Everything posted by JoshMck

  1. I'm glad to be seeing that people did struggle with Serra. I'm pretty sure she was a bit of a pain, but not too hard for me. My team was well rounded at that point. But her field effects are like EXTREMELY unfair. xD But that's okay, Ice tends to be fragile. I took her on before I got Junior (Junior came into my team because it was my little bundle of hope for beating Arceus) so like, at that point I had 4 Pokemon and they shattered her.
  2. This is just coming from the pain the puzzle caused me. But, the WHOLE GLASSES puzzle. Well, the entire ROUTE 1 puzzle entirely. It killed me a little inside. xD And secondly the Crustle puzzle, not because it was hard, but because of how long it took. Everytime I got to extremely long puzzles it's like "taking away from the action." But that's probably just because I'm impatient. The puzzles themselves were obviously made very well. The stickers were the death of me. Another thing is that fucking Arceus. My god, WHYYYY? I get the idea and concept though so oh well~ I got pass everything and I'm happy.
  3. Okay, so the thing that I see going on is about Titania and Saphira. In my opinion on all that is that truly in Reborn there isn't actually GOOD or EVIL. Everyone is trying to get by and survive and protect their loved ones and or trying to achieve their goals. Titania did kill a bunch of grunts out of frustration and her trying to get back Amaria. Saphira, memory is foggy, but I'm pretty sure she was just trying to protect everyone. Team Meteor is against pretty much everyone. Team Meteor has killed people, kidnapped, etc. Nothing justifies killing, murdering. But, Titania and Saphira wouldn't be killing if there wasn't a threat like Team Meteor/Terrorist whom are trying to take over everything. They are destroying Reborn. So despite the grunts possibly being innocent, they stopped being innocent when they joined Team Meteor fully knowing what's going on, and becoming a threat. It's like 2 in the morning. I hope this all makes sense or I'm losing my mind.
  4. So, my question to ALL of you is, who is your favorite Villain? It can be because of difficulty, it can be design, it can be team wise, personality wise etc. The villain doesn't have to be PART of Team Meteor. Referring to El, etc. My favorite villain would probably be.. Taka. Taka because he's not entirely a BAD guy. He's just part of a family that has BAD people. He seems swayed in the wrong direction and doesn't know what to do with himself. On top of that, I think it was his Chatot that let me out of the Nuzleaf trap so yup. He's great. I hope he doesn't die or something. He has a lot of potential that he doesn't realize.
  5. AND MEGA AMPHAROS. Don't forget that. Pure Destruction.
  6. When everyone is thinking hard and sounding ridiculous and you're sitting here like : " "
  7. I love the fact Reborn makes you use Pokemon you wouldn't normally use~ The Pokemon for me that surprised me was DEFINITELY LUNATONE. Lunatone is a MONSTER. Lunar has been part of my team since I found it in the corner of some cave (forget the name.) Lunatone has helped me DESTROY Gym Leaders and move forward on my adventure. I didn't think much of it when I added Lunatone. I just wanted a duel typing/a new team member so I caught it. Lunatone swept Ciel. MEGA ALTARIA DID NOTHING. Once I set up on Lunatone, it's even MORE powerful. I was extremely surprised that it ended up being one of my teams MVP. It's either DOMINATING in a battle, but if its not then it's getting destroyed. Which is okay. It's done it's job and it'll continue to do so. I love Lunatone~
  8. Charlotte was burned to a cinder pretty quickly by me. Pretty sure Lunar, Noisy, and Midnight put in the most work. She was probably one of the easiest gym leaders apart from the ones I mentioned.
  9. Rock/Psychic. Lunatone. I'm probably one of the weirdest dudes here. But Lunatone put in SOOOOOO much work. Rock normally applied to a lot of field effects. Rock also had a lot of defense, and on top of that a good special attack for Psychic. Lunatone swept Ciel. Cosmic Power/Chargebeam/Psychic. And abunch of other trainers got swept, even without set ups. Sooo good.
  10. See the funny thing here is like "Fairy" Tail. But Titania is a STEEL type gym leader. It's super effective against Fairies. Bam.
  11. I would definitely be down though. A dating option would be great. Charlotte would be Senpai asap, because Titania is out of the question, and I doubt Terra would be a option. xD
  12. I mean, the only Fakemon/Fan Made Pokemon in Reborn are the Pulse/Mega Pokemon. I don't know if Ame would incorporate this. BUT, if she did, it would be pretty cool.
  13. I think Flobot was actually a little challenging for me, not extremely, but one of the more challenging gym leaders. Solely because Jaw's could only ice fang and get a lot of damage taken. I had Noisy, but she was only a Noibat. I never caught Pokemon just to battle gym leaders. I only ever caught and had on my team Pokemon that were gonna stay. xD So a bit of a struggle there, but I'm a very stubborn person so I managed.
  14. I'm surprised people struggled with Noel. For me, he was a breeze (I'm pretty sure.) My memory is foggy, but I don't remember struggling with him what so ever. I honestly enjoy how we all struggled differently because of how our teams were built and what not. How we all have different Pokemon and different playing styles/strategies.
  15. Could always make a 3 episode "taste" of what a anime of Reborn could be like. For example, key parts in the story/battles. So, pretty much a bootleg small project/biggish. But, start a kick starter or something to actually expand it if people wanted to see more animations of such. I feel like it'd be quite interesting, and I'd be curious to see what Terra would be like animated. xD It would be havoc. Same with just interactions and what not. Ame stated that she wouldn't want Titania to sound like Erza from Fairy Tail because of the accidental resemblance. I think people would be able to do these things though for sure.
  16. I expected Ciel to put up a challenge honestly. But as soon as I actually managed to set up Lunar, it was GG. Altaria was one hit ko'd by a psychic. Also, Shelly, I literally only had out of my main team just Jaws (Feraligatr) and Noisy (Noibat) , and then extra fillers just for swap healing and Emolga for paralyzing just for the gym battle, I'd always only run around with the Pokemon I'm actually using on my team. I legit had to use all these X items on Jaws and had to use my ability capsule for Sheer Force Ice Fang. It was hell.
  17. Hehe, thank you for great replies. Also, I've noticed if someone struggles with Radomus they don't think Charlotte is too hard. But, if they struggle with Charlotte then Radomus ends up being easy. I wonder why that is. I personally didn't struggle with Charlotte, and Radomus was a breeze.
  18. Alright, so I was wondering based on your guys teams and struggles, whom was the hardest gym leader for you to defeat? AND, who was the easiest gym leader for you guys? I think my hardest gym leader was between Shelly, and Luna. Shelly would've been so much more easy if it was just a single battle, but it wasn't so I lost many many times. Used the Ability capsule on Feraligatr to get a Sheer Force Ice Fang. AND, Luna because her team was just POWER. I got stuck on Luna for a long time, and eventually came back to the game and beat her on my first shot like it was nothing. I have no idea how that happened. Easiest gym leader, I would say was either Radomus or Ciel. Radomus got swept because majority of my Pokemon had dark type moves. And, Ciel got annihilated by my Cosmic Power/Charge Beam/Psychic Lunatone.
  19. I mean, there's never really been an time where any of the characters showed extreme lovey dovey emotion towards your character. Majority of them seem to look up to you because you're like the beacon of hope for everyone. I don't know exactly if it'd make sense for their to be romance with the characters that are already created. I mean, I could see there being options with OTHER non main story characters possibly. But I guess we'll see how this all goes, there's still time for "extreme lovey dovey feelings" although most of the characters are more focused on the tragedies that are happening.
  20. Its about time that I become more active on this website. I finally have beat all of Episode 15, and am currently waiting for episode 16. My team is somewhat unique, I think. Lunatone was the MVP of the Ciel Gym Battle. I guess you could say it was the 2nd Ciel Tamer hueheuehue. Swept her entire team.

  21. I guess you could say... My time on the internet, will be greatly "reborn."
  22. Alright, well I'm new here. I have pretty much no idea what I'm doing, trying to get the hang of this website. Confusing at first. But yeah, this place seems really really awesome, and nice to meet everyoneee. Makes me happy knowing that this is a very "clean" place, in the sense of people not talking like they live under a rock. I'm probably gonna just go figure out how this stuff works now. See ya!
  23. Uh.. I'm so confused.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JoshMck


      I think I might be dumb or something. Hold on, so I went to "Create a Trainer Card!" I made one, with only having one pokemon in it cause I'll progress it as a I progress through the game. But I made it, and I submit it. Now what? I can't see it, and by signature you mean?

    3. JoshMck


      I think it might just be my computer.

    4. BlueMoonIceCream


      On your profile page you click on edit profile and go to signature, for a trainer card to show up you have to have something else in your signature

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