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Posts posted by Seal

  1. Role list is done, correct me on mistakes please.




    Sheriff: Check one person each night for suspicious activity. Town, Amnesiac, Gaurdian Angel, Pirate, Plague Bearer, Pestilence, Godfather and the Werewolf during odd-numbered nights will all seems innocent while Medusa (unless Medusa is holding a necronomicon) and the transformed Werewolf will appear as suspicious.


    Doctor: Heal one person each night, preventing them from dying from the Werewolf, give someone powerful defence meaning they can't be attacked that night or save a Bodyguard from dying while protecting someone (if the bodyguard ends up being one of the unknown Town Protective roles).


    Psychic: Recieve a vision each night. On odd-numbered nights they will get three names, at least one of which is evil. On even-numbered nights they  will get two names, at least one of which is good.


    Tracker: Track one person at night to see who they visit.


    Town Protective: Don't know which one yet.


    Town Protective: Don't know which one yet.


    Town Support: Don't know which one yet.


    Town Support: Don't know which one yet.




    Godfather: Kills someone each night. Doesn't appear as suspicious when visited by the Sheriff.




    Pirate: Choose a player to plunder each night. Upon plundering the Pirate and the target start a duel. The Pirate can choose from a scimitar, a rapier and a gun. The target can choose from a sidestep, a chainmail and backpedal. Scimitar beats sidestep, rapier beats chainmail and gun beats backpedal. If the Pirate wins they will kill the target. Wins if they succesfully plunder two players.


    Plague Bearer: You may choose to infect a player with the Plague each night. Anyone who visits the Plague Bearer or visits an infected will be infected. If an infected player visits a non-infected the non-infected will become infected. If all players are infected the Plague Bearer becomes Pestilence and the Town will be allerted. Pestilence can only die by being lynched. Can kill once a night. Wins if all other killing roles are dead.


    Werewolf: Transform into a Werewolf during the night. Can choose either to rampage or stay home. If they rampage they can choose someone to kill. If they stay at home they will kill all visitors. Wins if all other killing roles are dead.


    Amnesiac: Can choose a dead role to remember themselves as. Can choose any Town role or Guardian angel. Wins if they meet the win condition of the remembered role.


    Guardian Angel: Gets assigned to a random player. The Guardian can heal and remove all harmfull effects on that player twice a game (can still do this while dead). Wins if target is alive.




    Medusa: You may choose to Stone Gaze all visitors at night which kills them. Gets a necronomicon at night three which makes them able to visit player's to Stone Gaze them. Wins if all other killing roles are dead.
  2. 1 hour ago, Newt said:

    @Seal I sacrifice myself to become a vanilla townie 

    Noted, I could also sacrifice myself now that my revive is gone.


    1 hour ago, Lord Drakyle said:

    Now onto the topic of who was revived, risky move but also why Bean of all players? why not someone who is more useful with or without a role.

    Because Bean is not only active but also died recently so he's pretty up to date with what happened plus I kind of implied I would and he said he'd kill for my survival.

  3. Damn sorry for not saying anything yesterday. I tried to get some info on what Jelly did before I came in. On N0 he was building a sand Castiel at Nicki's house (no one visited her as far as I know), on N1 he attempted to visit Kiet says the Bell and on N2 he got blocked by a cat. So my primary role is sand Castiel which I previously explained, my secondairy role is priest so I can revive someone once per game (they get a different role and allignment though so I'll use this when town is about to lose) and my tertiary role is the diabolist which I can use to make someone unable to vote. At N3 I took over so I visited Hypurr to build a sand Castiel but he was the chickenborn so it failed, on N4 I was building one at Newt but no one visited and last night I forgot to submit my NA in time because I am very smart.


    About all the info I can give you right now.

  4. So I'm Castiel and my primary role is sand Castiel which makes me able to make a sand Castiel at someone's house, if someone visits that house it gets destoyed and the visitor gets a post restriction. I'm telling you this because I was going to build a sand Castiel at Hypurr's house last night but he ended up being the chicken borne which means Hypurr is Dragoknight. It also means Hypurr is not a granny because I survived.

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