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Reborn Development Blog

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Status Updates posted by DW~

  1. http://reborn.psim.us/ 
    Mythos League going on rn on Showdown

  2. Reminder that this exists and starts on the 26th of this month for those inclined to join for fun times and possible hax http://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/29704-mythos-league-sign-up-thread/


  3. http://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/29704-mythos-league-sign-up-thread/

    Inviting you all to a fun time, filled with good times! and that juicy salt Sign Up here, rules are included and all that good stuff~ uwu

  4. http://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/29704-mythos-league-sign-up-thread/

     Sign up for fun times if you haven't already! Launch Day is the 26th!

  5. I haven't advertised this league in a few weeks, here's the sign up thread link for taking part btw! 



  6. Bread is love, bread is life. Also check out this fun community challenge that may or may not last a whole day! Also #Nicksuxeggs http://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/29430-lets-play-a-quality-wholesome-family-friendly-game/


  7. I'd say #MakeRedemptionGreatAgain but I'm contractually obligated not to. But at the same time, it's memes. So instead, #MakeMythosGreat will suffice hopefully as this is the intended message.

  8. http://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/29242-mythos-league/

    Made some updates to the banlist, and since quite a few people asked, I included details about the start up thread and the launch date.  may have forgotten to put that in and one or two other things oops 

  9. ( ´‿ゝ`)we are men( ´‿ゝ`)

    1. Hycrox


      ( ´‿ゝ`)we are men( ´‿ゝ`)

    2. DW~


      >weeks later

    3. Hycrox


      ( ´‿ゝ`)we are still men( ´‿ゝ`)

  10. thanks for showing me this @Hycrox

    1. Hycrox


      no prob DW. Maybe I'll do a bibarel-styled Octillery too. What do you think of that @Ojama Brown?

  11. http://prntscr.com/ecbq59 when you make this for fun and it's slowly turning into the truth feelsbadman :[

  12. When #Azriel is back and better than ever,and Azery is super ecstatic about it :]

    1. pyrromanis


      Why do I lose all the good shit in the redemption? :(

  13. We're calling @Bazaro #Bazzlecup now, alright?

    1. Maelstrom


      No, this isn't alright without the express written permission of Baz (TM).

  14. Oh Bibs, look at what I made especially for you! :D

  15. Well America, he won and gl to us all :c

    1. Cobalt996


      You didn't vote for memes hard enough.

  16. http://prntscr.com/d1kyog I have no regrets, Big Brother Dan is now a meme and should be treated as such
  17. When your APUSH teacher posts an assignment and its read 3 chapters w/2 pge response per chapter,due on Wednesday and its the 2nd week of school

    1. DW~


      Also its prolly handwritten only so probs no time for other classes homework :/

  18. Congrats to Atlantis for that swift win, GG ALL!!~

  19. Minecraft

    1. Hect


      The search bar is just a little higher. :P

    2. DW~


      I realized xD

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