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Rot8er_ConeX last won the day on September 20 2015

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About Rot8er_ConeX

  • Birthday April 24

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    the Dissa Region

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  1. If a Pokemon is created knowing mages it doesn't learn by level up - for example, Egg Moves - the Move Relearner can still teach them to the Pokemon. If the Pokemon evolves knowing moves that the evolution doesn't learn, does the Move Relearner teach them back, too?

    1. Sutoratosu


      I'm pretty sure they don't. I might be wrong though... only one way to find out.

    2. Commander


      If a pokemon knew an egg move at one point in its life through breeding, it can be retaught in Gen VI, but not in any earlier Gens.

    3. Rot8er_ConeX


      I'm not after an egg move. I'm after something like this:

      You level an Eevee until it learns Baby Doll Eyes. Then you evolve it into a Glaceon. Glaceon doesn't learn Baby Doll Eyes at all. You then need someone on your team to know Ice Beam, so you make Glaceon forget BDE. Can the Move Relearner teach BDE back?

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