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Everything posted by DJ SebD

  1. That worked! Luckily I saved a few minutes before that save so I didn't lose too much. Thanks Jan, really appreciate it man
  2. ​Okay, I'll try that. Thank you for trying at least
  3. Hello everyone, I'm new here... well to forums in general. I recently saved my game on route 2 near the Kecleon shop and tried to load it later to play and this message popped up. Script 'PokemonField' line 1521: NoMethodError occurred. undefined method `spriteset' for #<Scene_Intro:0x8e7f850> I'm assuming it crashed somehow? Did I do something wrong? I have no idea what this mojumbo means so I'm at a loss :/. Also, can this be fixed or do I have to restart? *Btw - This is by far my favorite pokemon hack. Seriously Jan thanks for all your hard work. I've been having a blast playing it! (well before the crash... bug... error thingy) Game.rxdata
  4. Did I post in the wrong thread/topic? Seems like no one else here encountered the same problem as me.
  5. Hi, I'm pretty new to playing pokemon games made in rpg maker (and forums in general) so forgive me if I say or do something stupid . I encountered a glitch/bug(?) on route 2 when I saved the game near the Kecleon shop and now I can't load my game without it crashing. Did I mess up on some known error or is this new?
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