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Reborn Development Blog

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Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Updates posted by DerogatoryTrainer

  1. Part 3 Finale - Remember, I Wuv You
    It's over, isn't it?
    Isn't it over?

    Who knows?

  2. Chapter 153 - Aelita: Battle Angel

    It's finally time to plunge deep into Aelita's warm Rift and bring her to salvation!
    Wait a minute...THAT SOUNDS LIKE SE-

  3. Chapter 152 - Eldest Explains "Everything"

    Anyone else feel we could have done all this BEFORE the Dark Future Arc?
    Read, Review and some other third R.

  4. Chapter 151 - Blown It All Sky High

    We've finally reached the Pokemon number of chapters.

    See you again at Chapter 251!

    And maybe even Chapter 386!


    If this Nuzlocke goes on that long though, I'm throwing myself off a fucking cliff.

  5. Chapter 150 - Back to the Future II
    Only one more to go before our chapter count hits the special POKEYMON number!

    Why the fuck did I make 151 chapters of this shit?

  6. Chapter 149 - I've Found a Brand New Best Friend (And It's Me)

    New chapter.
    I ain't going to explain it anymore than that though.

  7. Chapter 148 - Deus Ex Melia

    I've been sitting on that chapter title for a while now and am so relieved I finally get to use it.


    Anyway, more of the usual inside.

    1. Candy


      tbf that is one heck of a satisfying title

  8. Chapter 147 - Much Ado About Nothing

    It's a lot of talking and then I get killed.

    This game in a nutshell, really.

  9. Chapter 146 - Do What You Want 'Cause a Pirate is Free! You Are a Pirate!

    New Year, Same Me.

    Still doing this Nuzlocke and still struggling to think of good chapter titles.

  10. Chapter 145 - Yar Har Fiddle Dee Dee! Being a Pirate is Alright with Me!

    This chapter contains...

    Yep, you guessed it!






  11. Chapter 144 - Hush, My Darling. Don't Fear, My Darling.

    Weeheeheehee dee heeheeheehee weeoh aweem away
    Weeheeheehee dee heeheeheehee weeoh aweem away

  12. Chapter 143 - Slice of Life on the Seven Seas


    Sure am glad to be spending TWO weeks with Melia in the span of one chapter!

    Just thrilled.



  13. Chapter 142 - Days of Future Past

    Man...it's so easy to come up with titles when you just steal them from movies most people forgot about.

  14. Chapter 141 - Shit Happens

    Been a while.

    Have a new chapter with the most vague chapter title ever.

  15. Chapter 140 - The Merits of Genocide


    It's gonna be one of THOSE chapters again.

  16. Chapter 139 - Kono Deo Da!

    Nobody say what the title is a reference to.


  17. Chapter 138 - Derogatory Trainer's "Day Off"

    The title is ironic.

    Remind me to never do a chapter with so much unnecessary editing like this again.

  18. Chapter 137 - Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel, I made you out of PAIN.

    I have GOT to stop fighting mutated horrors in caves.

    People will start thinking that's my actual job and that Pokemon training's a side-gig.

  19. Chapter 135 - Canonically Classified

    Another chapter for you who read this run.

    Starring ACTUAL characters from the ACTUAL Pokemon games.

    Will wonders and possible lawsuits never cease?

  20. Chapter 134 - Coming to the Rescue (Get There in a Hurry!)

    Well if you're all not TOO busy playing V19, here's a "new" chapter for most of you.

    The "" are because it came out a week ago on the Nuzlocke Forums but I couldn't post it here.

    Oh well. No harm no foul. Enjoy~

  21. Chapter 133 - Pimp My Crib

    In which I attempt to use RPGMaker to...semi-decent results?

  22. Chapter 132 - Domo Arigato, Little Miss Roboto

    Back at it again with a newwww chapter!


    That's all I have to say about that.

    There's a cute robot in this one if it helps.

  23. Chapter 131 - Eye Spy

    Yes, we're still waist-deep in filler but I don't care.

    You're going to read the chapter, enjoy the chapter and then comment about how much you enjoyed the chapter, got it?

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