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Everything posted by luccaconde

  1. I don't know what he thinks about it, but i guess he is okay. We are talking about juuzou. Thats all :3 What do you think mage?
  2. luccaconde


    Banned for not having 101 posts (Wasteland doesn't count)
  3. luccaconde


    Banned for having 99 posts
  4. luccaconde


    Banned for saying something that makes sense
  5. luccaconde


    Banned for having a spooky box
  6. What do you mean with "better"? I'm confused :s Let's just say girls now Favorite animal?
  7. luccaconde


    Banned for not liking Juuzou. Just how ?? HOW :c
  8. luccaconde


    Banned for edited comment Ha Ha
  9. Oh My.. Parties Travel Food *restart*
  10. I rly don't know. If i like thats it i guess ._. What do you think about Brazil?
  11. Duel? Its not a duel. ITS A FIGHT WITH OUR LIVES IN GAME Ahem, I have a bunny, Screw the rules :3 OH HI FRIEND !
  12. EXODIA KILL THIS GUY ! Ooops. No? Okay D:
  13. This forum + school is too much for me D: . So.. No school for me

  14. BUT I'M TOO LAZY TO DO THAT. If i sleep i will be good. Definitely Your turn juuzou.
  15. Man, this nature. Good luck anyway.And about the scrafty, I used this guy and it was marvelous for me. So... :3
  16. Okay its me c: You can't say things like Do Not Open cuz now I want open this box Oh, such a cute spooky box Juuzou?
  17. I'm the first. MUAHAHAH Er... Welcome to Reborn ! :3 EDIT: And Hunter x Hunter is the best
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