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  1. Hm, I see. While Im at it, more basic questions: How do pokesnax work? i was under the impression that you could give them to pokemon just standing in the street to make them join you (I remember a teddiursa for example) but this doesnt seem to work. Is their only purpose to make your own pokemon like you? Do those mystic stones regenerate after youve mined from them? How does ev training work here?
  2. Woah, thanks for the quick replies^^ Gyarados being a bit too strong makes sense i guess. Is there any info on which pokemon are going to be added in the next update? Or better yet, is it possible to vote for certain mons? (Id love myself a sneasel...) Also, how do things stand with battle items? Is Pick-Up grinding needed to get leftovers?
  3. Hi there fellas, as you can proably tell, im rather new to this forum and pokemon reborn. I hope this is the right place to post questions like these, if not, feel free to direct me elsewhere. So yeah, here goes: 1. How exactly does pokemon availability work in this game?. From what ive seen, it seems that pokemon are sometimes added to the game, while others getting removed (as in, apparently gyarados isnt available now, but it used to be.) Why is that? Apparently, enemy trainers can have pokemon unavailable to the player, so it doesnt seem to be related to taking up space in the game or something. hm. 2. Is there a reliable way to get unlimited items like common candys or ability capsules, as in buying them? Or is there a limited number of them lying around? 3. If a new generation gets released, is there a way to acquire starter pokemon of this new generation? On that note, how does updating the game work in general? 4. How are you guys so awesome? No, seriously, I love pokemon reborn, and this seems like a great community. Thanks in advance for answering my questions, and have a nice day :3
  4. A validation email would make me very happy :/

    1. Felicity


      We're not going to validate someone who kills Kittens! Dear Lawd!

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