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Posts posted by Odybld

  1. 9 hours ago, Damien said:

    Suggestions? I'm trying to take a break from games for a while so I am gonna watch some stuff for the next week or so. Please send your suggestions (I've already watched Angel Beats and Tokyo Ghoul and Angel Beats' ending left me speechless and the ending of tokyo ghoul made me cry. #Restinpiece)

    There's a million anime out there so don't go ask for blind suggestions. Instead, think of what you really enjoy and wanna watch and pick one of the top shows of that genre/style. If you liked the monsters and violence in Tokyo Ghoul, you can't go wrong with Hellsing Ultimate, or if you don't like 50-min episodes, go watch Claymore. One features badass vampire with guns, the other features badass women with swords. Or if you're feeling really really spicy, go watch Devilman Crybaby. It came out this year by one of the best directors out there. It's a shy virgin boy turned into demon badass fighting other demons. It's a readaptation of a classic manga that just does so much good stuff with characters and themes. 


    Although that's absolutely not my stuff, if you liked Angel Beats that much, go watch other shows based on hentai games visual novels made by Key, the group from which came the creator of Angel Beats. The main ones are Air, Kanon and Clannad. And while Clannad is considered the best out of the three, its sequel Clannad ~After story~ is one of the most beloved anime ever, period.


    But again, ask yourself what you really wanna watch and pick one of the titles at the top of the pecking order. A recent good show is good, but a really fuckin good show is just better, regardless if it came out 10 or 15 years ago.


  2. Mega Beedrill - 20

    Mega Pidgeot - 20

    Mega Slowbro - 20

    Mega Steelix - 20

    Mega Sceptile - 20

    Mega Swampert - 20

    Mega Sableye - 20

    Mega Sharpedo - 20

    Mega Camerupy - 20

    Mega Altaria - 20

    Mega Glalie - 20

    Mega Salamence - 20 

    Mega Metagross - 20

    Mega Latios - 20

    Mega Latias - 19

    Mega Rayquaza - 20

    Mega Lopunny - 20 

    Mega Gallade - 20

    Mega Audino - 20

    Mega Diancie - 21

  3. Oh come on, you had Ronald motheraeffin Reagan when the Soviet Union wasn't just a thing, but also under Brezhnev. Most of you just can't handle it that your current prez has an annoying twitter. If you want to play the responsibility game, imprison George W. Bush for some nice crimes against humanity and then we can talk. 


    Politics in the US are a bunch of sugardaddies betting on two different groups of chore boys, while having a friendly discussion over just how hard everyone and everything around them gets effed, from the people to the planet. Trump hasn't made any big difference, Obama didn't, the only recent one who did was a warmongering criminal. But he doesn't have an annoying twitter so who does even care about the consequences of war? Not the biggest superpower on the planet, that's who.


    So either if you think that Oprah can win the voting game or believe political acumen, it's all the same in the end


    Yeah I may be feeling just a tad cynical, so no nice grassroots and discussion things from me to be said

  4. It's amazing to see the american political spectrum on work: "if he's not with me, he's against me! there are only two sides anyway, he's either one or the other, and since he's not on mine he's a Trump supporter!". You are amazing, hats off. What part of "your "left" is center-to-right-wing compared to the actual left", or "Donald Trump is the devil, a hardcore capitalist using his money, right-wing rhetoric and the frustration of people to rise to the position of most political power on the planet" does make you think you're talking to anything close to a Trump supporter? 


    Anyway, other than being entrenched to the point of equating someone disagreeing with you to your actual opposition, you are also highly irresponsible. Hoisting Trump would offer 0 accountability for anyone involved. The democratic party would be absolved from losing an election to one of the most dangerous candidates ever, their failures of non-vision leaders who are just as close with the lobbies and corporations as their conservative counterparts would not be purged for their failures and complete obliviousness to what the US need and asked (tangible change), the blame would be shifted to Russia to a point that Senator Fucking McCarthy would be laughing in his grave ("My shit outlived the Soviet Union by how many years?") and the Trump supporters would never see the day where their vote would come back to haunt them and learn a bit about political responsibility themselves, while Trump would not go down as an example to evade in the future, but rather as a martyr in the eyes of many of his supporters. 


    You could also put George Bush the Shittier and his cabinet on trial for war crimes and crimes against humanity, but that's just too much to ask, right? 

  5. Ok, I accidentally posted it unfinished earlier, so, here's the whole thing


    First, introductions. I'm a 25 year-old cis male from Greece. I am also a general supporter of the left, which in european terms means that both big american political parties belong to the right, as well as America itself. The most left-leaning voices, I'd say they belong to the center at least. Nobody, nobody crosses to the left.


    I am very, very glad with the Trump regime so far. Even though the man himself is just about an accurate portrait of the Devil, a very-right-leaning hardcore enterpreneur that rode his money, lobbying and populist rhetoric to the position of the US President (in Greece we call that thing "πλανητάρχης" which means "ruler of the planet", to remind you what power the position holds). He hasn't done anything remotely disastrous. Compare with another President from the last decade, one who started two wars that sunk both afflicted regions (not even countries) to chaos and disaster. Also I like that the US voters managed to pass the flag of "we won't get the same ol' shit". So there's some potential to improve things in the next years if the people who want a better america pull it together


    What's going on: in the world and the US

    TLDR in the western world traditional parties shrink as frustration increases, and Trump's election is similar to what has happened outside the US too.



    The western world asks for change. All over the less-fortunate and less-satelite-states in Europe, the results of elections for years have shown the same things: wins or gains for left-leanining political parties (until they fuck up), the fall of the traditional right, center and center-left parties, the rise of parties very small, or of politicians that were until recently not politicians, and a rise in the extreme right. There are many good reasons for this frustration. Some apply to the whole western world and some to the situation inside the EU. Some ways to react to this situation are, well, for me, pretty god damn motherfucking wrong, but I can understand what makes people be frustrated. 


    On to the US, after two terms of a president once expected by supporters, enemies and the rest of the world to turn the country on its head, came the primary and then the presidential elections. Winner, a far-right-leaning populist who came from the world outside of politics, loser, a center-right career politicial straight from previous regimes. Surprizing? Not if you think that there's no left option in America to pick from and comparing it to the results of other situations with accumulated frustration and a demand for things to change. 


    The focus of the democratic party in the last many years is not opposing itself to the economical liberalism that plagues the US, a minimally restricted free market with a state that has only recently managed to find ways to support its citizens. Congratulations, you've allowed to the Devil to claim that he can protect the american workers and create jobs. 



    Fuck identity politics

    TLDR there's a baseline of how good, or in this case bad, things are with life and especially working life in the US. An identity-based priviledge doesn't change that. Swift the focus on making every working person's life better and don't allow the party to be hijacked by identity politics preachers and corporate dummies that offer no change at the rest



    The marquee focus of the democratic party nowadays is identity politics. It's a very noble goal, also very inefficient as the primary way to earn votes. Also the way that it's expressed in the western world and especially America, a very bad effect on thinking about other issues. The idea of priviledge by identity doesn't mean that those priviledged by identity are not prone to be fucked, hard, by other factors outside their identity. If "hard" means "less hard than the non-proviledged, but still hard", that's not a saving grace at all. 


    And it is indeed fucked hard: the devaluation of study titles (the master is the new bachelor), humongous student loans, a job market with great uncertainty and not a good protection for the worker, blablablablabla... I think you get the point


    A democratical party that would like to be respected by the left, rally the people behind it and win a damn election should be focused on listening to the reasons of frustration and the pleads for change that let to the rise of Trump. The goal and the banner should be first and foremost to improve the baseline for everyone, starting with the god damn economy, the job market, the workers' rights, and also the public services.


    That's the worst part of the banner of identity politics: it allows to the party to put all these things in second place, and to allow people and lobbies that have absolutely no intention of improving that stuff to hijack the party. Welcome to having the best chance of improving lots of situations that influence your life be depended at people who are just not interested in losing that pretty penny. Corporate politics at its finest.


    Throw these people into the river. Get involved, get a little more radical and don't accept any discounts. 


    Let's go back to the candidate that the democratical party decided that should represent them. Hillary Clinton. An experienced representative of the corporate regime, with a big lack of an ideology, a goal, a vision to the benefit of you. What change in today's misery does she represent? None whatsoever.



    How to beat Trump

    TLDR: other than hopeless bigots, try to create a climate for discussion and debate, finding a common vision especially with the people that voted for Trump half-heartedly, with hopes of changing things



    It's clear that Trump doesn't exactly fit into the "get the best for yourselves, no discounts allowed". However, he managed to fit himself enough, to claim he'd offer change, to get elected. So, the key is to first, offer palpable change, so much so that Trump can't pretend to be the one who does that. He answered to some frustrations of the general public, answer to frustrations yourselves more convincingly.


    Let's face it: you can't win against the bigoted. Give it up, a hardcore racist will wil be a hardcore racist. That said, you need to accept that we don't live in an enlightened society. But go out there and try to debate with the less extreme, the more moderate Republicans, and don't just go out striking back, "you're a racist!", "you're a bigot!". "you're a basket of deplorables!". Try to debate with the asshole a little instead of just reinforcing their prejudication and shutting down any form of debate. Don't create a culture in which "this is undebateable, this is unacceptable!" becomes a norm because that will bite you in the ass and radicalize someone who's not fully commited to wholesome bigotry. 


    Doing the opposite and putting people constantly on the defensive means that they will galvanize them. You won't see it at the polls, but come election day, people just let it fly. Many, many times the polls failed to be even somewhat close to the figure of right wing parties: people just lied to the polls because it seems unacceptable to vote that way, and so we got fuckups ranging from the rise or LePen many years ago to Trump unexpectedly winning... So don't galvanize them, ok? Try to debate and talk and understand the moderate ones


    The one hill you need to die on is the one where they try to bend reality. I give it to you, you can't allow that kind of propaganda. 


    Most importantly, listen to why the people voted for him. To the people disillusioned with the political system of the US, with the current situation of their lives, the people seeking change. Understand it and try to offer something positive and substancial for all, both yourselves and these people. Again, many people are not gonna be swayed either way, that's the way it is. But you can't wholesomely reject every conservative and/or Trump voter. These people too are people. They deserve a decent life and not punishment because they dared disagree with you. 


    As does everyone tbh




    Why do I post this here? Because the Donald Trump phenomenon is just too all-encompassing, and talking about a way to get rid of him is within ranting about him, or maybe better



    People underestimate the ability of the US to function in pretty much the same way regardless of figurehead and smaller thingies happening or not. Who cares if Scaramoucci will do the fandango? I think that Trump just makes more empty noise as a president



  6. I'm back here, so let's go


    Known as: Ody (my real name, shortened), entreflores (showdown alt), deXufa (current showdown alt I should change soon)
    Age: 25, almost
    Gender: Male
    Birthday: 18/08/1992
    Location: after a semester abroad in Spain, back to Athens, Greece
    Height: 1,70
    Hair: brown, shaved short and going bald
    Eye Color: brown as well
    Lives with: not the flatmates anymore. Parents, grandma and...
    Pets: three cats, the mom, the daughter and the outsider. also a canary
    Relationship status: single
    Favourite Food: my island's traditional meat pie and Schnitzel
    Favourite Drink: water is amazing. Also coffee, good beer, orange juice, and a greek stevia cola are pretty good
    Favourite Color: Blue
    Favourite Music: 70's rock, jazz
    Favourite Μusicians: Miles Davis, Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers (with Shorter on sax), Rainbow, Led Zeppelin
    Favourite Albums: London Calling, Heaven and Hell, Rainbow Rising, Made in Japan. Lately I have a big thing for Physical Graffiti 
    Favourite Pastimes: Walking in the woods, listening to music, following sports, stuff
    Favourite Movies: The usual suspects, Pulp fiction
    Favourite Shows: DBZA


    So, who are you?:

    I'm Ody. I came here for the game in early 2015, and it looks like I'm still here. I concerned myself over here with things ranging from the game to competitive mons to the people of this community. I've been a fallen from grace ace, sometimes a good contributor, and sometimes a pain in the ass. I pretty much took a leave of six months starting this winter, I went for an Erasmus semester abroad in Spain, and here I am back again. Great timing for this thread to pop out. 


    Anything you're responsible for? 

    I headlined the Item Guide for the Reborn game (which was updated for E16 thanks to Njab since I was preparing to go on a trip) and that's pretty much my greatest contribution. I also acted as substitute captain of the Ravenholts during the PokeNations 2 tournament, since our original leader Kaito had to take a leave. I pride myself in making a quite extensive appreciation thread for the various people here that I wanted to pay tribute to. I think I can say that I put a great effort in helping weather the first days of the E16 release with helping people out, especially newer members with their questions (oh and reporting some posts). And I've also assisted Bibs, Zumi and Chubb back in the day with the glorious Hunger Games Simulator. Also I've been a member of a small clan and/or group of jackasses known as Arcana Rush.


    What can I talk to you about? 

    Well, fire that gun and see where the shots land. I have no problem trying to help out to the best of my abilities regarding the game and competitive mons too, and I don't mind at all talking about anything, especially if there's music I like involved, anime or manga that I like, food, drinks and coffee, that short of good things in life. Once things get rolling, no idea where they'll go.


    Closing statements

    I don't want to sugar the pill: I don't exactly know how and why I'm here right now, if this is a comeback for me or if I'll continue fading, if Reborn will pull me back or if this awfully ugly forum and the ugly thing known as 'scord will kill my love for the old forum and showdown server. I feel that the community is in kind of a decadent state, dying out little by little. I object in various ways in how the community is also ran from up top. So it's really hard to gauge my input here in the next six months, much less farther down the line. Let's see how it all plays out and what I can do as well.



    • Upvote 1
  7. Well, younglings, gather around and listen to the pecking order of these thingies.


    Amethyst is the creator of the game, founder and commander in chief of anything here. In that order, pretty much. She makes the game, and as a founder is the supreme power around, not the day in and out mod.

    Marcello is the current lead programmer for the game, assisting Ame. Showdown's none of his concerns.


    The usual server people in charge of making it work are Dan and Swims. And I'm not sure how much Swims' around here anymore

  8. And sometimes we just wanna drink some tea. And tea it is.


    And sometimes we just wanna have some sweets. And sweets it is.


    And sometimes...


    We fill the lower compartment with water until right below the valve. We put coffee into the metal filter and level it with the side of the spoon, having it fully filled but not compressed at all. We put the filter into the lower compartment and screw the upper compartment firmly on top. We put it on the stove, medium heat for electric stove, lowest possible for gas, we wait and watch. We let the top lid open. We watch as the coffee slowly starts pouring out of the center column, starting darker, becoming lighter, with some bubbles showing up. We lower the heat or take it off the stove entirely near the end, and we time the moment in which we pour it into the cup in the sweet spot after the sweetest part of the coffee flows out and before the latest, and worst part, comes. We stir with a spoon, no cream, milk or sugar. We drink. We enjoy everything from starting to make it till the last drops

  9. Get on Showdown if you wanna get your birthday present. You big bad sexy naughty writer kappa kappa eps- waitthat'stheinitialsofthegreekcommunistparty sexy untamable bad bad girl


    In seriousness you've never given up too much. That's always something. Happy birthday Lostie. 


    Also get on the server. Fun photo awaits you

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