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Everything posted by ZulXeroth

  1. As I was told yesterday... HAVE ALL THE FUNZZZZZZZZ! It's an excellent community, and a fantastical game
  2. Thanks Arkhidon, music didn't have enough bass, but maybe that's cos I'm running it on my laptop without my cans on.
  3. Yash: yes I know I need an avi, I'm waiting for it to dry atm...which means it's planets not persons...erm, a person. Thing. But thanks for the welcome! Sheep: yeah quitting smoking suuuuuuucked. But only for like a week. Still get cravings every so often, but I'm on 6 months no tobacco: D Zephyr: haha, uh yeah who DOESN'T like violin?!? Why is that even a question? The sounds that come out of the thing are nearly ethereal. Amazing. The metallurgy stuff is just...I got bored and wood carving turned out to not really be my thing haha, so that's how that started. No pro by any means though. And the amplifier building...I grew up around that. All the guys in the family would sit around drinking on Friday night's and talking about and listening to all kinds of music and my uncle would just sit at the working building circuits. So yeah.*edit* haha, yes, shrooms. t'was a cold winter night and-damn never do that when its cold xP but boy was that an eye opener 0_0 As for the purple porpoise...shiiiii....better hop on eBay and craigslist. I'll keep an eye on it-I promise!
  4. Thanks! Read the rules, and I've been more or less lurking the forums since I found this epic saga back in December. I've never actually joined a forum but you all seem like a pretty rad crowd, so I decided to hop on in.
  5. Oh hey I lied, no wooden overcoat wearing purple porpoises to see here: D On a on a side note, my_name=my_username. Feel free to shorten it up however you like, because who wants to type all of that out amirite? Mispronunciation, though, is an epic peeve of mine. Zul(Like jewel but with a z instead of a j), And Xeroth (phonetically, jairoth. Keep the j nice and French, as you might with Jacques). So that's all cleared up. Boooooooring! HOBBY TIME! Caution:side effects may include lolwtfmate. Strings! I love all my stringed instruments quite a lot and I'd keel over and have my soul sucked into the nothing if I didn't have them all:) Cooking. Because I cook all the things all the time every day, even if I don't eat all the things all the time every day. Metallurgy and smithing. I built my own mini foundry and I like beating on metal with hammers because it's healthy and I like making things and stuff. (Just as long as we're not talking about stuffing things. Like fists into turkeys. Fucking ew Dude.) Quantum/Bohmian/Bohrian science topics. Because the universe is awesome. Also, mushrooms. Aquaponics and aquariums. I grow vegetables out of the fish poop from my fish tank. Its quite delicious. No, not the poop, the vegetables, kthanks. Circuits. Not like, you know, computers, because that would be a pain in the ass, but I do build my own amplifiers for my instruments. Philosophy and stuff. Critiquing religion. And obviously, pokemon, or I wouldn't be here, right? 24yo,former smoker, switched to Vaping. Also an ex WoWtard. Probably a ton of other stuff too. I like things. Lots of things. 20 questions GOGOGOGOGO!
  6. Agoraphobia and Atychiphobia (fear of failure).
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