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Everything posted by Venox

  1. Kanto-squirtle(i enjoyed it more than charmander and i never used bulbasaur for some reason...) Jhoto-cyndaquil(my starter in heart gold. from that moment on i just love the little guy) Hoenn-i used all the starters and i love them all the same way. i just cant pick.... Sinnoh-chimchar(infernape is my favorite pokemon,although i quite enjoyed turtwig) Unova-a draw between tepig and oshawott.(tepig was my first starter in black and oshawott was my starter at black 2 challenge mode nuzlocke. he survived all the way through) Kalos-a draw between all of them. like in hoenn, i love them all the same way.
  2. Hello. Im thinking about joining the league but im not sure that my team is good enough for it. I would like to hear what you have to say and some advice.
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