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Posts posted by Swimming95

  1. Well, you could always invent new ways to use your faves? And in normal battles you would have to switch out if something else would overpower it so I don't understand that part of the argument.

    Also, for example, my trick room team has nothing that directly counters weather yet can still beat weather based teams.

    Try inventing your own sets that can both do what you want them to and abide to your interests and you will go far.

  2. I agree that we need a clear skies tier but for none of the reasons that you are suggesting. We should have it purely and only because it is yet another tier that can add to the overall experience.

    I can tell you this though, your argument that weather beats our nonweather is complete and utter BS. The fact that you spent this much time talking about how weather is OP only shows that you lack the knowledge to be able to properly make a team and makes you no better than those who "abuse" it in your mind. All teams are able to be countered. Even my teams that do not use weather can still counter those that do, its all about knowing your team well enough.

    The only thing I can tell you that you did correctly is say that a lot of people don't bother to actually make their team and just slap together the same 6 pokemon with the same 24 moves and that is annoying. Not that they are hard to beat.

  3. Ok... I am sorry for posting in a mildly lifeless thread but I have good news.

    Basically, I am working on coyotte to implement a mod that includes Shadow Pokemon (and maybe make a tutorial for it). Basically, this is just a small jump away from making a CAP

    On v2.0 we can now mod our own tiers. Basically, this would mean that instead of waiting for nyu to implement, we would all download a zip file and add it to our own PO to access the tier and all it entails. I will update with a tutorial as more news comes forth

  4. Well, we need to start somewhere and scyther, sneasal, murkrow and misdreavos are all very LC uber pokemon. The weather pokemon are banned from LC due to a discussion with ame and how they are in higher tiers in the normal metagame. Gligar is also a pokemon that is in a higher tier and is one that we are going to start with being banned. This is not saying that there is no chance of them being suspected. As I said, this is the starting point for the tier and is probably closest to the final form.

    One good comparison is that when the 5th generation came out... its not like all of the uber pokemon were suddently suspected. There is for the most part a partly well-defined LC tier and we looked at it to decide how we were going to start off.

    If kiozo or cloud have anything to add about this, please do. I apologize for being bad at explanations

  5. Just so everyone knows an update... when we initially test, these will be the bans and the initial suspects. There will be threads opened for all of you to discuss the current suspects. This tiering was a combination of taking into account Reborn's outlook to have open tiering and a combination of preliminary testing done by Kiozo and I and agreed upon by Kiozo, me and Cloud

    Banned Pokemon: Scyther, Murkrow, Sneasal, Misdreavous, Vulpix, Hippopotas, Snover, Gligar (most of those are on higher tiers anyways)

    Banned Moves: Sonicboom and Dragon Rage

    Banned Item: Berry Juice

    Probably initial Suspects: Meditite, Yanma, Carvanha (could be changed at implementation but we will update)

  6. Ok, first of all, we need a definition of spirit here and not view it as an abstract thing. "excellent disposition or attitude in terms of vigor, courage, firmness of intent, etc.; mettle"

    One of the major things you forget about our server is that on average we have around a 40-60 peak and PO has a constant 900+ peak. There are a lot of things that you can and can't compare between the two. Does PO have more spirit? yes... I bet in total they would because they have so many people. What we have is more special. Our users individually however definitely care much more about the community here than almost any other server. This explains a lot of them defending this place so greatly.

    We are a much more spirited community than we are battlers and it shows pretty well.

    As far as tournaments go... we actually have a pretty good variety of tiers, at least no worse than any other server. What you need to remember is that most people play OU and with our tiers, it is the most inviting. ALL servers have a much greater amount of OU tournaments when compared to other tiers for this reason. When people ask for other tiers, it is granted very quickly. Can this be varied more? of course but there is no way that other servers (at least others I have been to) vary it any more than we do.

    Also, I definitely agree with what zen said about the small decrease in gg's after tournies. It is much better for us to address the ones yelling at our tiers so that they can better themselves than to congratulate the ones who should already be feeling good imho.

    As far as the business with kiozo went, I am sorry but you definitely blew it out of proportion and are taking the wrong response to it. As far as the metagame goes, moody is definitely one of those things that frustrate users and hence it being banned elsewhere and discussed about being banned here. It is very looked down upon by a lot of battlers. This is not to say that it isn't viable but it certainly isn't something that a lot of people would taught. Kiozo did say the wrong thing as you were right about moody being allowed according to your story, but it also seemed as though you escalated it. You seemed to push the tiers in his face instead of calmly saying your point. Other people jumped to his aide because of this common mentality NOT because he was a mod.

    Finally, standing up to a mod is something that you should very rarely feel proud about, no matter how justified as it suggests the need for something much darker.

    EDIT: sorry, didn't mean that mods/auth shouldn't be challenged as they should when they are out of line, just that it probably isn't something to be happy about imho... sorry

  7. Granted basically everything I have to say has been said already but I would still like to get in my two cents.

    First and foremost is that we aren't first and foremost a battling community. It isn't battles that a lot of the users come to reborn for and that is definitely evident in the lack of laddering. The excitement comes from talking to the other users and interacting with them.

    In terms of time-based tournaments, there are a lot of pros and cons associated with any type of way to do the brackets. With time based, whoever wants to join the tournament can and numbers are figured out second. It can allow for quicker tournaments and in some ways more flexible ones with the lower tiers (ie you don't need to know the exact amount of interest). With prebracketed tournies, they go stale very quickly, the sign-up process can be very drawn out and in the lower tiers, nothing really happens as you are stuck waiting for 1 more person to join mostly. We do have the opportunity to do both here and it will be fun to experiment with them.

    To address Ame and Batl... records is already coded so its just a matter of implementing it and if you would like a /tourrankings command that works similarly but just tournies, I can definitely work on that. Though batl, you can also do /records USER to look at someone else's :P

    In terms of missing a few tiers, that I completely agree with and also hope that we can change that soon and it will definitely bring a lot more to our already awesome metagame.

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