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Posts posted by GotWala

  1. Power Creep is nasty for Anime in my opinion, but I noticed you mentioned Log Horizon and it's use of concepts taken for granted. One of my friends also mentioned Log Horizon, so I suppose I should probably give it a watch now, haha.

    As for something I like as an Anime trend, it's very enjoyable to see the other characters besides the MC actually accomplish things. That, and when the MC actually needs to learn from mistakes and work as a team with the other characters to overcome obstacles. It's nice to see a show where the MC doesn't auto-solve the plot, haha.

  2. I'd love to partake in this RP! While I'm never that much of a fan of "competitive" roleplaying, I'm more than willing to give any new experience a try, haha. After reading your writing regarding this setting, I definitely see the potential within the setting. I'm going to present a few questions that I hope won't come across as annoying to answer, haha:

    1.) What is the approximate "tech level" of Brailen?

    2.) Since there is a school for all Gifted, am I to assume that we'll be teenagers that are currently attending said school?

    3.) Is being Gifted hereditary?

    4.) Would you like a short backstory for my character (when this is all official, haha) that will read similar to your demonstrated writing?

    There, that seems like a sufficient amount of nagging, haha! Though I only ask these things because I'm very interested in this!

  3. Haha, I have to say your taste in creepy things is kind of endearing. Oh, I'm GotWala and I'm not as helpful as everyone else here on the forum, but I'm always willing to lend my services as both a friendly face and a good listener.

    I was actually in Canada about four days ago, though I didn't do much sightseeing. Hopefully I'll actually get a chance to see what Canada has to offer next time I visit, though then it'll be as transit to go to Alaska, haha.

  4. That was absolutely beautiful! The way you described the burning home, the broken glass, Helen hiding under her mother's corpse, and even the description of the blankets in the area really set a scene of disaster and desperation. The fact that Helen could still feel emotion after such a traumatic backstory is something that a lot of writers for vengeful characters tend to just not bother with. Which is why it was great to see that there was still more to her than mindless slaughter, haha. I also enjoyed the brief moment of action, as it demonstrated in pure, grisly form just what someone can do when they're desperate. Overall, I'm not only ecstatic that you finished something that I requested, but also overjoyed by how well it was executed!

    I'm really looking forward to more of your work in the future, Acquiescence! Perhaps one day I'll have to return the favor, haha!

  5. Hmm, I almost feel like it might be a "power thing". What I mean by that, is that a lot of men feel threatened or lesser because a woman has a better career and/or is smarter. If I had to guess why that's such a big deal, I'd say it's because a lot of guys a brought up with a need to compete amongst each other and it surprises them when a "surprise foe" appears and sets the bar even higher. That and guys are presented in media as being the Protectors and the Heroes an awful lot, leading many boys growing up to feel a need to fulfill those roles. Thus, when a woman comes along who can be that dominant element, they tend to feel useless because they wanted to take care of them, and not the other way around.

    Though all of this is just speculation and opinions from someone who's education ended in High School so don't place too much stock in it, haha!

  6. I see, so you pick your projected, endgame Pokémon and then a separate (Or the same at a cost) starter. Interesting!

    Though I was wondering, if 100 is a stats cap, there are 3 stats, and we get 350 points, wouldn't that mean that basically anyone who picks RU and lower without picking their perfect Pokémon would have max stats from the start?

  7. Hmm, that does make sense for some of them and I know the MC himself usually doesn't see it that way because of the type of character they usually are, but it just feels like those strong characters become almost sadly obsessed with some guy because he "did that thing one time at some point". I think the part that really bother me about some Harem anime is when an ending happens where the guy literally picks all of them. And then the girls are completely okay with that because "His love is too great for one person"? It's something about seeing what could be a strong female character completely lose a sense of self-respect when the MC is involved that really bothers me. I'm sure the are examples of a good Harem anime, but c'mon, the name even makes them sound despicable, haha.

    (By the way, that isn't a quote from anything in particular, haha)

  8. Honestly, I'd say the biggest turn-offs I have to anime come from how female characters are generally treated. Whether it's their appearance, personality, or role in the narrative, they almost always seem to be large-breasted, one-dimensional, damsels/sidekicks. Hell, it's gotten to the point where I'll usually just refuse to watch an anime if the breast sizes are too unbelievable, haha (I'm looking at you Sekirei...). I am also sickened by the concept of Harem anime, which just seems to reduce women into conquests or trophies to be obtained by some guy who hardly seems invested in who they are as a person.

    Now I know this forum thread is inevitably, somewhat an area of conflicting views, so I apologize if I offended anyone by rejecting the Harem "genre".

  9. Ahh, alright! Thank you very much Hukuna, haha. So there isn't perhaps some kind of non-master character spots that could be filled? Then again, there wouldn't be much point to such a person in this, would there?

  10. Sorry if I'm intruding on the Sign-up ground here, but I'm not really familiar with the source material at all aside from what I read at the top. I was wondering if all possible "slots" have already been taken up or if there was still the possibility of joining this. Once again, I really hope I'm not intruding on designated Sign-up only space with this silly question, haha.

  11. Ahh, sorry about such a late welcome from me, haha! I'm glad to see another long and detailed welcome; it makes me feel a little bit left out, haha. Anyways, they've all already told you anything you need to know when it comes to helpful guys. I guess all I can say now is that I'm here as a friendly face and a good listener! Also, I respect the mostly Fire team in a game like Reborn, but I wish I could do that with Ice or Steel, haha.

  12. I'm not sure what this is all about, but I'm always up for a fun surprise, haha!

    Forum Name: GotWala

    Length of Time on Reborn: Only about 2 weeks, haha.

    Favorite Game Genre: Adventure/RPG

    Notable Skills: I'm passably fit, can apparently qualify for an Intelligence Job in the US Navy (94 on the ASVAB), good at mediating conflict, good at investigative-type puzzles/games, can read well into college level material, know basic first aid and a bit beyond (How to treat and clean a bullet wound), know CPR, and I know a decent bit about survival techniques. Does that seem alright, haha?

    Hobbies: Walking, general computer things (games/browsing), gaming, roleplaying, and hanging around friends.

    Best Trait: My ability to analyze

    Worst Trait: Self-confidence

    Describe Yourself in One Sentence: A soon-to-be sailor who would do anything for a friend and is easily manipulated, haha.

    Why We Should Pick You to Play Survivor Reborn: I figured this would be something fun to do, and I really like group events like this, haha. I'd like to think I'd be an interesting "character" for a drama like this, and wouldn't mind any developments, even the negative ones. That, and I'd like to know what this is even about in greater detail, haha!

  13. Ahh, Hello Algerian Pokémon Trainer! As ZephyrEnyalios said, there are plenty of people here who can help you out here in the Reborn Forums. While those people could help you more than I, I'm still here to offer my services as a friendly face and as a good listener, haha.

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