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Plasmastorm X-15

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Status Replies posted by Plasmastorm X-15

  1. So in their latest episode, Death Battle promised an update on upcoming episodes every single Friday. I didn't expect them to hold true to that for long, but come on! It's only been 3 Fridays since then and you've already screwed up!

    1. Plasmastorm X-15

      Plasmastorm X-15

      Not even close bro. That's not even what happened.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. So in their latest episode, Death Battle promised an update on upcoming episodes every single Friday. I didn't expect them to hold true to that for long, but come on! It's only been 3 Fridays since then and you've already screwed up!

    1. Plasmastorm X-15

      Plasmastorm X-15

      I personally don't care since Death battle is full of shit.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. Master Foot, the final boss of Playstation All Stars battle royal

  4. Sometimes I just have to pity people with absolutely no way to help

    1. Plasmastorm X-15

      Plasmastorm X-15

      I hate ignorant people like that.

  5. Master Foot, the final boss of Playstation All Stars battle royal

  6. Master Foot, the final boss of Playstation All Stars battle royal

  7. Master Foot, the final boss of Playstation All Stars battle royal

  8. FUCK Fallen Traverse. If I hit you in the face with a sniper rife, I expect you to do the polite thing and die.

  9. FUCK Fallen Traverse. If I hit you in the face with a sniper rife, I expect you to do the polite thing and die.

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