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Reborn Development Blog

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Status Updates posted by EliteTrainerRalph

  1. I've become increasingly nervous about my Reborn run after spending several hours on the forum. I've been playing Omicron because I'm procrastinating now. :x 

  2. Is the list of obtainable Pokemon up to date for Episode 16? I'm assuming it is, but I just want to be certain. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EliteTrainerRalph


      Awesome, thank you~

    3. HongaarseBeer
    4. EliteTrainerRalph


      I've got a friend who said that you can't get Beldum in Ep16 the same way as in 15, don't suppose you could confirm that? I can't tell if he's trolling me or not, because I'm no where near being able to get it. 

  3. I let my girlfriend choose my starter, and she chose Fennekin. I wasn't aware of how much she hated me until now. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Wolfox


      I dare you to lie to her and tell her she's wrong. That little fox is cute af

    3. EliteTrainerRalph


      Haha she called it a fire chihuahua, I was so sad. If I could choose Rowlet, it'd take the cutest starter medal though. ;)

    4. Wolfox


      without a doubt

  4. Back after a 9 month hiatus, I didn't let my sickness get the best of me. Now that I'm well enough to have fun, I'm ready for a fresh run in Ep.16. Cheers to a new journey! 

    1. HongaarseBeer


      Damn, impressive!

      Welcome back, I'm sure you will enjoy Ep.16!

    2. EliteTrainerRalph


      Thanks, I'm SUPER stoked to get into it, I'm loving all the new things I've seen so far. And I love your profile picture, can't go wrong with Geralt's smiling face. 

    3. HongaarseBeer


      Hahaha, thank you :)  


      Have fun!

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