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  1. Ok then. Oh, also, what type are you don't work either.
  2. I was told that they are broken, well, one of them is, the other one, I have trouble with, so I am assuming it is. I was told that it might be best to move this to a new thread, so I did. I really think someone should go and fix them. Ame probably be the best person for the job, since she is the game's developer.
  3. The sprite creator and trainer card creator should be fixed, do you agree with me?
  4. Is the sprite thing broken as well? Why are they broken right now? P.S: Ponies!!!
  5. But, I had spent about 4 hours on the game, and I still having trouble on the first gym leader. But, I guess I am starting understand why she is doing it to us. She want us to spend the time and effort on it, instead of just breezing through it.
  6. Oh, I guess that makes sense. Why harder, though? I think the game is hard enough with the badge based level cap.
  7. Oh, why did Pokemon get removed anyway? It is kinda of a downgrade.
  8. Well, the current episode is the full current game, so you really don't need the old episodes, at least, I think this episode is still the whole current game, and the next one will just add more content to the current game.
  9. I just curious about that one, is all. No spoilers, though. Just saying if it is or not, ok? I said site, I just meant the forums' one.
  10. I like the whole Pokemon up to a current level will listen to you all of the time depending if you have a badge, which I don't have, or the number of badges you do have. It has a level of strategy to the Pokemon series that wasn't there before. It is like a respect thing. The more badges you have, the more your Pokemon will respect you. I am pretty sure no other Pokemon game does that, maybe this feature is implemented to avoid having overpowered Pokemon. In the official games, that can happen, having OP Pokemon, but you can't have OP Pokemon in this game, or at least, they won't respect you enough as a trainer to follow your orders. In the official games, Pokemon you catch yourself will always respect you, and follow your orders no matter their level, but in this game, that isn't the case. You have to like earn their respect by winning badges.
  11. Thanks, and I just made a typo. At least, you understood I meant. That is good enough for me. Edit: I was going to say the spacebar didn't work, and I think for Z works as well, but then, I realized, it was the door I was supposed to check, not Voltrobe. Oh well, finally got past the doors, just have to beat the gym leader now.
  12. That's what I thought, but it isn't blowing up for me.
  13. I am trying to get through the first gym, and I don't know how to get past the first door. I am assuming the way past the first door will work with each door there, but I don't how to get past the first door. What do I do with the Voctrode? P.S: If this is in the wrong section, sorry, I am new to the forums. Move it if it need to be moved.
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