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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by lokighost

  1. 1 hour ago, Jan said:

    Yes, but you're the only one who has this problem so far. So I don't really know what's wrong with your copy, nor do I know how to go about troubleshooting. All I can think of is that a program is blocking the game from opening. Perhaps an antivirus software? I don't know.

    found out its was downloading from edge isn't good  i'm sorry jan didn't mean to make unneeded stress for you 

  2. 12 minutes ago, Jan said:

    Uh that seems to be a problem on your end. It's working fine on my end. Just downloaded it again to check. I just suggest redownloading entirely or use a patch. 


    Double checked and  yeah that seems to be the case. Fixed it on my end. 

    fixed it somethink to with windows 10 

    and xp 

  3. 22 hours ago, Jan said:

    It was late Wednesday night when my computer broke down. I was in total despair. I could not believe that something like this

    happened at this time. A time so crucial. Rejuvenation Version 9 was just around the corner. I just had to hold out for a little 

    while longer... and suddenly all that was snatched away from me. I didn't know what to do with myself. I reached out to several

    people for advice. I didn't want to ask for help because I felt like no one was obligated to help me. After all, this was MY problem,

    not yours. After talking to Amethyst (ily) about my situation, it became clear that I needed to set aside my pride and ask for help.

    And so I did. 


    The power and support this community has always surprised me. I cannot believe the amount of support I got in less than 4 days.

    In less than 4 days I was able to reach suitable funds to buy my new computer. In fact, I'm using my new PC right now to type this

    message to you all right now. Right now I am feeling a feeling so indescribable. A feeling of being loved and looked out for. Something

    that I hold very dear to me. 


    Because of all of you, I am able to achieve what I set out for. To provide quality content to all of you- And I WILL succeed in doing just that. 

    I am honestly having a hard time finding the words because there is just so much to say but, thank you. THANK YOU. Without you I don't

    know how long I would've been out of commission. I don't know how long I would've sat in my own depression with nothing to do but

    save up little by little each day until one day I had enough.


    Because of all of you... Rejuvenation has been... well, -Rejuvenated-. I cannot thank you enough, but I'm going to say it again anyway.

    Thank you. 


    I am currently still in the process of redownloading everything and getting things back to where they were, so please allow me a few days.

    After that, the release of Version 9 will pick back up. I don't like to make promises, but I feel like I owe even a small estimation at least.

    I want to say that I am planning to release Version 9 this upcoming weekend (June 2nd-4th). I will do everything in my power to provide

    you all with what you waited for for so long. I won't let you down. Not again. 



    first jan you never let any of us down


    2nd sorry I couldn't help you


    3rd don't rush yourself 

  4. 26 minutes ago, FleetWood said:

    Going for a completely new team this time,with maybe the exception of one. Unless Jan has moved or gotten rid of pokemon like she did murkrow 

    murkrow near the last part we was in


  5. 3 hours ago, Zumi said:

    I hate to be a party pooper, but I need to intervene in this thread for a bit. At this point this thread is only used for mostly needless posting. Half of the stuff being posted in here isn't even contributing anything anymore to the thread aside from keeping it "alive" while you guys are waiting for V9. As much as I hate to break it to people, this IS actually something you can get warned for


    Please reconsider what you're writing in your post before hitting send. If it's not actively contributing something substantial to the topic -- substantial not including idle talk and/or pun fests (as these really could be posted in the wasteland just as well) -- I will actually start warning people, because this thread is not meant for that kind of stuff.


    We still hope you're looking forward to V9, though! It's not too far away anymore...

    wait am I in trouble again zumi?


    and yep got a new run up and waiting for v9 to be up and running 

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