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Posts posted by SnowGlaceon

  1. Then Trevo and The ultima leader are the only ones left.

    What about supporting characters like rivals, professor, etc.? We'll have to wait on Jacob.

    (cracks knuckles) Let's get this thing started. First off, I may as well fill one of those leader voids so here's an app (for that):

    Name: Clark "Hermit" Slowski

    Age: 75

    Personality: Getting up there in age, the man has slowly developed symptoms of Alzheimer's giving him the slight confusion of where he is (or that he is a gym leader). He doesn't like to be bothered to much and often responds in a grouchy manner. This provide's great difficulty in getting his badge. Outside of fighting, he tends to enjoy taking things slow in steady and rarely is in a hurry (especially getting into a retirement home) which he also how he fights.

    General Description: He only has little of his white hair on his head so he often wear a hat to cover it up. He grew out a small beard and often can be seen moving around with a cane. (I don't usually get to into details on appearance until I put the finishing touches on.


    Intro Quote: "Hey you there! What are you doing on my lawn?...What? This is a gym you say? Well, why don't you go bother the gym leader instead of me? What's that? I'm the leader. I haven't been the leader in 25 years. You don't believe me, do you? Sigh...kids these days. I guess if you wait long enough the gym leader will show up eventually. Just go do it somewhere else."

    (Part 2): "You are a persistent one, aren't you? If it's a battle you want, then a battle is what you'll get. I may be old, but I won't go down so easily. Ready, whippersnapper?"

    Last Pokemon: "I'm huffin' and puffin'"

    End Battle Quote: "Not bad for someone so young."

    Just a little note: I'd like to have him be a retired gym leader coming back out of retirement, but I'm not sure if it'll affect the story too much or not

    Pokemon Team:

    If Doubles:

    Claydol (Trick Room user)

    Hippowdon/Rhyperior (Depending on if Perma Sandstorm is available)




    Steelix (Mega Perferably)

    If Singles:






    Steelix (Mega)

    Alright, now to make a questionaire thing for people who struggle getting their characters fleshed out (try to answer from the characters perspective best you can. You can do anything from quotes to a general description) This is just an idea how to get started.

    1. Is there anything your character likes to do outside of battling?

    2. A trainer comes to challenge your gym with only a lv 1 Rattata. What do you do?

    3. The same trainer challenges you and is beaten with ease. He seems kind of bummed out. How do you react?

    4. A different trainer challenges you and he completely sweeps you with ease. After recieving a badge, he yells, "Wow, what a scrub. Glad the other gym leaders aren't as pathetic as you." (Eh...I tried. You get the point though right?)

    5. What is your favorite season/climate?

    6. Is there any type of music that's your favorite? (ie Rock, Rap, Metal)

    7. What does strength mean to you?

    8. There's a terrorist attack in your city. They have hostages trapped in a building and ask to give into their demand. What do you do?

    9. Is there any love interest in your life?

    10. Would you care for a battle right now?

    I'll eventually put my answers up, but again, I'm a little busy right now.

    Alright! Thanks, Commander.

    Here's Snow!

    1. Well, I like to help people out in my free time. Take care of the city and such. If there's nothing to be done, I'll go out and explore other areas. Make somee friends maybe something more what? No, I didn't say anything. What are you talking about?

    2. Wait, a level 1? I mean, are you sure? I admire your enthusiasm, but am noticing your naivity. At least it'll be a good experience for you.

    3. No need to be so down. You were at an obvious disadvantage. You had one pokemon against my 6, and mine were several times more experienced, so you didn't have a chance. You showed great bravery in your (admittedly foolish) attenpt. You should try getting more pokemon, and challenge someone closer to your level.

    4.... The peak of hubris is always present before the inevitable collapse. If you keep on acting prideful you are destined to fall. Hard.

    5. Why winter of course~ The snow is beautiful, and it gives my ice types an extra punch! Plus all the festivities and joy make it fun.

    6. Music? I like pretty much everything, but heavy metal. I really like mixes between techno and orchestral, when pulled off correctly.

    7. Strength is the courage to press on in the face of adversity. The wisdom to learn from your mistakes. The power to get back up. The willingness to improve yourself. The ability to help others. The will to succeed and survive.

    8. Gauge the severity of the threat, then act. If they threaten murder, then I need to act quickly. I'll need to try and read them too. Get all the information I can. Obviously I can't give them what they want... And I will NOT let anyone die. I'll either infiltrate their stronghold and use stealth to attack them when they aren't looking. Freeze em in their tracks, like a blizzard, silent until it's too late. Or I can trick them. Get into their head and under their skin. They can't kill the hostages because then they'll have no leverage. If I hand over what they want, then we have no leverage, so plan A it is!

    9. Yeah… She's pretty awesome. (Side note, can my character be dating another leader? Or crushing on one)

    10. A battle? Well, there's nothing else that needs my attention. Get ready!

  2. Lol I broke the spoiler. I'm planning on editing that to make it more compact once I get back to my pc. Tomorrow maybe.

    Generally, I start with basic scenarios to see how a character would react. They all start out pretty generic then get into more personal ones. I'd make a list of ten questions now, but I have a few errands to run, but will do one when I get back.

    Also, please nobody take the Ground leader while I'm gone. I have a pretty good idea how to fill that one (and it won't have Garchomp, Flygon, nor Excadrill).

    Alright, cool. Now we just need a list of characters

  3. S'okay, but getting back on topic, we should probably start getting some outlining done. Commander, you said that there were a bunch of questions you would ask each character to flesh them out, can you type us up a list? I'm not sure what Jacob has planned, but it'll be a helpful starting point

  4. Hey snow what do you think of this being my theme sound

    Well its a darkrai Remix and well I'm dark gym leader so you could see where this is going :P

    This. I like this. I like this a lot. How did I not know that this existed?!?

    I can already tell you there are plot holes and gaps without even having a full grasp of the story (I don't even know what the region or world he has is like). I don't know what Ultima Admin/Aces' roles are, but it'd be nice to have something outside of a generic battle to progress the story (same with Gym Leaders). A while back, I used to do writing a lot of novels so the planning stage is something I have a bit of experience in the planning area. I am NOT writing this game's plot, but here's a good example of everything I'd need to even begin working on it:

    -80% of the characters fleshed out as well as all of the important characters fully fleshed out (as well as trying to get a very good understanding of them. Trust me, I would flood you with questions on each of them)

    -Goals of the project as well as important plot points that are required in the storyboard

    -A fleshed out world with any important features/towns (I could make my own, but I need to have a good grasp on the region and what it's like)

    -A fully committed team who are dedicated to this project through thick and thin

    -A scheduled 2-3 month planning period (I prefer longer since I consider that rushing) before even beginning development

    It might seem like a lot or tough, but that's general standards for doing the planning stage. When you're going solo, you can kind of mix these things a bit more together, but this is a community project (or should be). Based on that, it's probably best to start fleshing out your own characters instead of discussing plot or plot ideas.

    May I also suggest somebody edit one of their earlier posts to include all of the current info on the leaders (you guys can decide what to include). It's a cluttered mess trying to search pages and pages for all this info and having one spot to refer to will make everyone's life easier.

    I agree with pretty much all of this. I don't know if people can wait 2-3 months, but we need to outline the story before we do anything else. I assume we're going for a darker, more realistic story, so it'll take a lot more than just a few battles to stop the terrorists (who's name I'm still unclear on).

  5. So I listened to a lot of Electric Mudkip's work. He's good at what he does, techno and EDM. Not much to use for battle themes, Omega used a good one however, there's a few good for atmosphere. And, sorry Aqua! I'm still looking.

    Side note, has anyone considered the Johto boss remix (v2) by Glitch? The gym battle theme in reborn. It sounds pretty dark. And I found a good psychic theme too. Updates to come.

    Psychic theme: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vvbU64EbFM0

    Are we going to do 18 themes for the leaders? We're gonna need some organization then.

  6. I've talked about my issue before on the forums, but I'll say it here too. I was born with Sickle Cell Anemia (disease) Type SC. And let me tell you, I've had quite a few experiences because of this. On a basic level, Sickle cell is a genetic disorder in the blood, hemoglobin specifically, that requires a certain gene to be present in both parents. Normal hemoglobin, dubbed hemoglobin A, is what you all have. Then there are the mutated versions. The more common one is S, the rarer one is C. If a person has SA then they have Sickle cell trait, which doesn't do anything. If they have AC its the same story. However if two people, both with SA have a kid, there's a 25% chance he will have hemoglobin SS, aka the worse version of sickle cell. I have SC, a rarer, milder version. Science stuff aside, what exactly does it do? Well its in the name. Some of my blood cells are shaped strangely. Instead of the usual "donut" shape, a few of mine can become shaped like sickles. These cells can get stuck in capillaries and when they do it hurts like nothing you've ever experienced. This is called a Crisis, and for good reason. There are some triggers, but this is where things get weird. For whatever reason, my triggers are different than the normal ones. Normally, the main triggers are dehydration and cold exposure. The cold makes your blood vessels shrink and the sickled cells can't get through easily, causing pain. Dehydration works just about the same way. In this case the pain occurs in limbs usually. Sometimes in the chest, but that's a different thing. Also, side note, sickled cells are harmless until they get stuck. I have no idea what causes them to sickle, but 99% of the time nothing happens when they do. It's just that one percent of the time when the scenario is right.

    I'm going off my experience with SC, SS is a whole nother level. Physically, sickle cell inhibits my athletic ability. The messed up hemoglobin can't carry as much oxygen, so I lose my breath faster and my stamina is lessened. This can be counteracted with water. How much water I have in me, the more I can do. In cooler temperatures, this results in me having more stamina and such. I become pretty much normal, and maybe even above that. With me cold has 0 negative effect. Doesn't bother me, doesn't cause a crisis. Unless it's cold water, like swimming in cold water, but everything else is fine. So while cold is good for me, heat is my weakness. The dehydration thing is still in effect, and I get hot easily. Combine that with heat and I get tired very easily. This is where it goes downhill.

    When I reach my limit and I keep going it can result in a crisis. What my limit is depends on the temperature and my hydration. The chance of having a crisis increases the more I push. Athletic induced problems occur in the lower back for me. It hurts like hell, makes it hard to move, leaves me bedridden for 2-4 days. Feels bad man. If I have some kind of infection or something that can cause my lungs to not get as much oxygen, like pneumonia, then the chance of crisis and the level of pain increase. And the amount of physical stuff I can do decreases.

    This all sounds very technical and bad and stuff, I know, but for me it's not as bad as you think. Yes, I lose my breath quickly, but I also recover it quickly. A two minute break can completely rejuvenate me. Also, what I lack in stamina I make up for in everything else. And the more I work on it and train, the more I get. At this point no one notices that there's an issue unless I tell them. And if I'm hydrated I'll be fine. As long as it isn't hot, cause the colder it is the better. I can do pretty much everything a normal guy can do. Except I'm faster than a normal guy. My one athletic gift is speed. And the chance of anything bad happening is pretty low. I still don't like sports much, especially fall/spring season. But as long as I take care of myself and take a breather every 15-20 minutes, I'm every bit as good as the next guy.

    Sorry if this was hard to understand or repetitive. It's really hard to explain. Just be glad I didn't get into the social consequences I experienced at my old school. That's a long story. Let's just say, middle school was rough. And kids are mean.

  7. I plan on going through the posts and listening to the suggested gym leader themes for everyone at some point to make sure it all fits.

    In this case, i would also like to apply for a gym leader spot if available.

    As for a theme: i would like this. https://youtu.be/s_7FaCI9cyk?list=PL9793A30C55CED7F6

    I totally see why this song was chosen. It's quiet and mysterious like your character. The only issue is that this sounds more like an overworld theme than a battle theme to me. It would make a great theme for your gym, but not so much the gym battle. Maybe the Dialga Palkia remix would be better? It's also quiet and mysterious, although it has the same issue as the other in that it doesn't sound too battle-y. Just my input. Final decision is Jacob's, and he might think differently.

    All right Snow thanks. I'll check all them out later in the day EST. ;D

    I'm also running on EST. And I've been using my phone this entire time, which makes things harder to copy, paste, search, post, etc. I'll get my computer back when I get home later today. Expect a lot of my posts to be edited because I need to copy/paste stuff. Like this one, because I just found another potential boss theme. I'm very good at boss themes, atmospheric themes and emotion themes. Gym battle, wild battle, and trainer battle are harder...

    So I found this while looking for a theme for Aqua (sorry, still looking). I've never played bravely default, but now I'm interested. Similar story with Final Fantasy. I've heard that it has good music, so I'll look into OSTs from there sometime. I thought this would be a good flying theme, and it is, but it seems too... Intense and slightly dark for the first gym, so boss theme it is.


    I'm trying to stray away from using solely GlitchxCity's themes, or use the ones other games haven't, since a lot of fangames use her music. I'm not writing her off completely, because I think her music is great for routes, cities, and other atmospheres, but I am seeking other themes from other games to make things more interesting. Taking a look at ElectricMudkip tonight

  8. was the four yt links you found for me Snow only for the dark spy theme or were any for ghost gym leader theme? Just curious so I can see them accordingly. :D

    So the last two were sort of interchangeable, since they're two versions of the same song. I was thinking that those were fitting for when he turns evil and such. The first two were atmospheric/emotion themes, not to be used in battle, but in the overworld as you see fit. Like using the first one at a really tense moment. If you want a ghost gym battle theme that doesn't sound evil... Maybe this?


    Or better yet


  9. Okay, I'm poking around some GlitchxCity remixes yeah, ik, sue me So far I think a few might fit. I definitely found one for dark/ghost again. And water/ice. I might as well make a list for each leader. I also have a lot of music to go through, so if you don't like a song there's probably another option. Will post links soon

    Edit: I realized that some people have posted themes for their gym leader. If you can't really come up with one, I can try and help. Also if you want a second input or option I can provide.

  10. Can you find any themes that would fit a flying type leader, Snow?

    I've been looking around, and I can't really find anything that I like and would suit the battle.

    Flying type? Hmm, nothing comes to mind immediately, but I'll take a look and get back to you. Something that sounds airy... Would you prefer fast or slow, upbeat or serious, maybe even happy or sad?
  11. Found one more dark sounding theme. Definitely an overworld crisis theme, and more pokemonesque I suppose. I'll link the others momentarily.

    1. Drought and Flood Fusion

    2. Shadows Vigilante

    3. Dark Impetus

    4. L'Impeto Oscuro

  12. Hey Snow. Since you are offering about remixes and themes, etc, I would really appreciate some suggestions for ghost gym themes or evil spy type theme songs for my character ingame.

    I'm probably going to look at some later on but I'll definitely check out what you suggest if you suggest some. :D

    Ooh. A dark spy theme, huh? Alright, I got something. For a battle theme, I would recommend Dark Impetus or L'Impeteo Obscuro (a remix version) from the kingdom hearts series.

    For an overworld theme/ encounter theme I recommend Shadow's Vigilante by Approaching Nirvana. It has a dark, sneaky, shit's hitting the fan kind of feel.

    On the topic of character development... How much screen time each character gets depends on the Length and events of the story. Take Reborn for example. So far each gym leader has had a good amount of story. However, if you look at the difference between Serra and Charlotte, the latter gets more development and appearances since she is more involved with the story and events. It all depends on how involved you want the characters to be really. Some will be less involved than others, but who fills what role is your call.

    I'm not sure if putting a mega on the first leader is the best idea. Around the 6th should be okay, but unless the player has level 30+ pokes on gym 1, it would be too OP

  13. Welcome to the asylum. You're stuck now, so don't try to escape. The last guy who did that crashed the website. We don't like to talk about what happened to him. Throw your sanity out now before it festers snd grows into rational thoughts, k? If you have any questions, feel free to ask anyone here. Hope you enjoy your stay! cause you ain't leaving

  14. Sorry! Didn't realize there were more pages, I was on 6. Blame the mobile internet browser.

    Also, I was wondering if you needed any help sorting out music for battles, routes, etc. I spend a crap ton of time listening to all kinds of remixes, so if you need any help with that just ask

  15. I leave for half a day and all this pops up. Alright, lucky number 8! By that point, ice should still be somewhat of a threat. Im still wracking my head over Mamoswine. Also I had this one story idea, feel free to reject. Gym leaders are all supposed to be connected and know each other, right? So what if the leader of gym 7, the split personality one, was once a friend of my character, but something (his growing affiliation with Scorpio) drove them to hate each other? Just a bit of character background.

  16. Black November members. Since I am your spy, two things am I still an admin in the Black November or am I just a spy? Second, I need a spy theme so suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    I wonder what Amethyst thinks of all these fangames popping up in reborn forums. ;D

    Well, she started the revolution so she should be proud. I think we need a subform for demos so they're easier to find among all the posts.

    I think I have a team I like.

    What do think of Gliscor, Staraptor, Skarmory, Noivern, Togekiss, Mega-Zard Y?

    What pokemon you think I should change, if any?

    I'd prefer to keep the team balanced, if at all possible.

    Reckless Staraptor HURTS. Depending on your placement I would replace Noivern with a different dragon/flying type. Actually considering it evolves late, go ahead and replace it. Mega Zard Y.... Alright, sure. Also placement dependent. Consider Flame Orb+ Guts Swellow. It's a pain to deal with.

    I like the team you have in your Trainer Card lol looks nice and powerful

    But that would mean Megamence... Actually, your trainer card team looks solid. You have a lot of options

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