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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by SnowGlaceon

  1. Why is 5th gen darker than 4th gen? the bad guys are just extremist pokémon rangers 0_0

    It's not darker in concept, but in execution. I should probably specify and say BW2 was darker. Remember, you almost die. Gen 4 was darker and more dangerous in the sense that the world was gonna end and everything was going to die, but they didn't stress that too much. Don't worry, gen 4 will always be my favorite

  2. I'm sorry, I totally forgot what type you chose.

    Need to post that theme music!



    Okay, #1 is a good battle theme. I'm not sure what type you are, but I think it'll be alright.

    #2... Is good, I like it, but it's not really a battle theme. It's atmosphere. 100% atmosphere. Would be a good gym theme, but not battle theme.

  3. You see... A lot of people see Reborn as "dark and edgy". I see it as the realistic outcome of what would happen in our world if pokemon exist. Honestly, there would be crime and murder everywhere. It wouldn't be all happy go lucky. Weapons would still exist, people will still be killed, depression, suicide and all that wouldn't just magically disappear. I think Insurgence does a good job of this too. It's dark, yes, but if you look closely, so is the world we live in.

    To me it's far more interesting than the offical games. It's just better in everything (cept graphics but hey what can you do?) musically, difficulty, story wise... I think that's why people like BW/BW2 is because of the implied darkness. Same with DPPT. It's a refreshing change of pace.
  4. I love how in four years, when I turn 18, I won't be able to vote because my birthday is 4 days after voting day.

    Okay, so I'm not really one who follows politics, but I still wanna say a few things.

    1) Deez nuts? Really? I'm seriously losing faith in this country. But it's funny as hell.

    2) If Trump wins, America's going to hell. Period. He's not really presidential material imo. Too headstrong, impatient, and downright rude. We'll be seeing a lot of unnecessary wars, drama and violence from him if he wins.

    3) Tbh I feel like Black people haven't been doing anything to make their case better. Before you label me a racist or something, keep in mind that I am only 14, and I'm black, and I've been exposed to a lot. Obviously I don't mean all black people. I mean the ones who perpetuate the black stereotypes. They aren't helping anything at all, just making our case worse. I think that contributes to people seeing black people as less than human in a way. Really I blame the media, like Vine and stuff. Being black and acting black are two very different things, and the sooner people drop the act the better. I cannot possibly stress or explain this enough. Carson has a tough run ahead of him.

    But hey, what do I know about politics?

  5. It will evolve with friendship during daytime. Its a good pokemon.

    But my lilligant is better . Sorry :v


    Roserade is a solid grass type, so I say keep it. Try raising it's friendliness and evolving it before Florinia if you haven't beaten her already.

    And make sure Ame doesn't see this. I've heard she has a hatred for budew

  6. Tried finding that, but sadly none. I guess the original will do.

    EDIT: Yes, my other theme song is literally Hata no Kokoro.

    I love this. Fits perfectly for a dragon leader.

    I should really start making a list of themes. Probably won't post on the forums since it'll get lost in the posts.

  7. These are some interesting selections. I'd like it if some other people besides me could give their opinions.

    May I request this to be my battle theme for gym leader position? M

    Okay, so this piece is... hard to describe. It sounds like some parts are good for a battle theme, while others are more atmospheric. I'd like to hear what others say about this.

    Meh, part of me wants to change my song to something that also fits my Pokemon...Strangely well.

    which is this

    Last Dance Heaven and Hell m8.

    The beginning sounded really good, then there were lyrics, which imo don't really belong in a battle theme... Is there an instrumental version?

  8. Oh crap, you also the same one? Damn it, I kinda want to change it now. Unless you're okay with sharing themes?

    100% cool with it. It's a great theme and it fits both our types. Also it's slightly ironic since I'm ice and you're dragon. Like I said, I have another theme in mind if Jacob wants everyone to have different themes.

  9. The amount of bugs was normal for any release of a game, really. Looking for bugs isn't something you can get better at either. It just sorta finds you. : P.

    Butactuallytho. Some of the bugs before it was released were just nasty. I'm glad they were found, or else Jan would have a lot more to do in the bug reporting/safe file fixing area.

  10. ​le cracks knuckles irl

    alrighty. time for me to learn how to use the spoiler thing.

    I'd like to apply for the Dragon Type Gym Leader if possible, if I can't then I'll settle with my next best type or just be that one trainer with a Torchic. In fact, can I have a Torchic in my party? Anyways, here we go.

    Name:"Prodigy" Klemeltios Sonotia

    Age: 14-16(I like being young because I am young, okay?)


    Singles(One on top will be sent out)

    HydregionA mother fukin rayquaza Garchomp





    If Double Battle:

    It's going to be the same team as above, except the order is different for the first two Pokemon to get sent out. Plus a different Mega






    Garchomp (Mega)

    End Game(Singles):

    Hydregion(Dragon Fang, Draco Meteor, DD)

    Salamace(DD, not sure if you can add Moxie or not.)

    Garchomp(Choice Band, Earthquake, Outrage)



    Altaria (Mega, DD, Roost, Return)

    Personality: A somewhat shy person, partly because of him being a young Gym Leader. Although he tries his best to act mature and sound like he knows what he's doing, to the point where he has small personas to help him with whatever situation. He loves to play games and listen to music whenever he has the time to do so. As well as having a pet Torchic to play with whenever games aren't enough for him. He has the small large tendency to drink sweet tea while talking to people, which can happen any time, from battling, to being in the middle of drama, basically almost everywhere. Also, if you value your hands or feet, don't spill his tea, he will cut off whatever of your body that made it spill.

    -He has a 'House', which it is, but it's more like a Den full of blankets and pillows scattered EVERYWHERE. With only three spots that are clean, his computer area, where he feeds Torchic, and his kitchen. Living room and up are literally padded with blankets and pillows. He has a large area for battling for those who want to fight him when he's not on duty(AKA not using Gym Pokemon)

    -With his Torchic, it seems to know Blast Burn. He cares about Torchic like he does with his tea.


    Intro: "Hey, uhm, the name's Klemeltios Sonotia...don't laugh at my name please...Anyways, I specialize in Dragon Types, all my life I've been called a prodigy in battling. Everything just seems so easy to me...Anyways, let's just go...uh, battle...?"

    Last Pokemon: "Sigh-drinks tea-If only I was using my best, but no matter, I'll still try my best!"

    Loss: "Well...I rate you 8/10."

    After Battle: "Well here's your [iNSERT NAME HERE] Badge...it allows you to level up your Pokemon to Level [iNSERT LEVEL CAP] , have fun with your adventures [bLANKY], 'cause the next time we meet, I'm not-drinks tea- holding back...did I say that correctly...? Well, uhm. *a Torchic gets sent out* Torchic, come on, let's take a walk back home, I'm already hungry. le runs out of gym with Torchic

    In his...Den(Computer Area): "You do know that my house is covered in pillows and blankets right? God damn it, now I have to clean them, anyways, what do you want? If you want a off duty battle. Come back when I have time to do it, this game is so addicting...by the way, there's some tea if you som-LIKE HELL I'LL LET YOU HAVE SOME. I IMPORTED THOSE FROM-furiously drinking tea- ANOTHER REGION. IT COSTED LIKE OVER HALF OF MY PAYCHECK. Uhm...Sorry, but really, come back when you're ready...I guess...Can you just uh...eh, leave...?

    Questionnaire to help build up any missing parts! Yay!

    1. Is there anything your character likes to do outside of battling?

    He loves to play on his computer in his 'House', play with his Torchic, and drink tea.

    2. A trainer comes to challenge your gym with only a lv 1 Rattata. What do you do?

    "As a person, I would say get out. But at the same time I commend you that you some how got here. if you really want to battle, then lets go..."

    3. The same trainer challenges you and is beaten with ease. He seems kind of bummed out. How do you react?

    "Don't be so down! Catch some Pokemon that can take on my Dragons! Train them! Find out my strategies! Every loss has a bad side effect, but you can learn something out of it! Probably...I'm sweating right now..."

    4. A different trainer challenges you and he completely sweeps you with ease. After recieving a badge, he yells, "Wow, what a scrub. Glad the other gym leaders aren't as pathetic as you." (Eh...I tried. You get the point though right?)

    Sends Torchic out, fires a warning Blast Burn over his head "Don't worry, I won't kill you since I'm on duty, but if you challenge me when I'm off duty in my house...it's all fair game. Either way, love your team set up and such, just stop being a bitch and I'll probably praise you even more. But uh...good luck?

    5. What is your favorite season/climate?

    Winter! BECAUSE HIS HOUSE IS PADDED WITH BLANKETS AND PILLOWS HAHAHAHAHHAHAH. Seriously, in Summer, he has a lot of time, but since his house is pretty much padded up, and if his AC broke, he's dead. So Winter

    6. Is there any type of music that's your favorite? (ie Rock, Rap, Metal)

    He loves a wide variety of music, Rock, probably Metal, Electronic, and some types of Rap. Also Classical, anyways a great thing.

    7. What does strength mean to you?

    Something that can change someone or something, at the same time, it's useless.

    8. There's a terrorist attack in your city. They have hostages trapped in a building and ask to give into their demand. What do you do?

    "Fuck this shit." I give into their demand, and the second the hostages are safe, I unleash hell onto the terrorists with my Pokemon secretly hiding, as well as Torchic for frontal support with Blast Burn.

    9. Is there any love interest in your life?


    10. Would you care for a battle right now?

    As the duty of a Gym Leader, and my pride as one, I'm always up for a battle.

    EDIT: Editing galore[2], I'm going to have to go back into the process of destroying and recreating stuff... Plus Battle theme here.


    We share a theme! You have good taste~ I don't think there's a rule about sharing themes so it should be okay. If not there's another theme I had in mind for my character.

    EDIT: Ignore the quote stuff. Mobile browser broken as hell

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