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  1. Thanks for the advice Lostelle!!! I'll be assured to introduce myself to the community at the grand hall as soon as possible since I love the dedication and support of its members. But yeah... as I said previously said, its mainly an OCD(if you can call it that) reason why I want/need E11. I'm not really in it for axed pokemon, as I could just as easily do that with E09 or E10. Plus, I didn't even use UU pokemon in either of my playthroughs, let alone OU(besides one excadrill). I just want to have fun with it. Sorry if you can't understand my obsession with E11, I don't quite get it either. All I know is my soul tells me I must have it.
  2. I'd still love to have it. I'm a bit of a perfectionist, and that little hole between episode 10 and 12 is tearing away at my heart. I can understand that episode 10 is close to the same things as 11(minus the new content and I think gen 6 mechanics), but its kind of a personal thing if you can understand. Sorry if I'm stubborn about this .
  3. I've already played through Episode 14 twice, but still can't resist the urge to have the experience at least one more time. I do want a little bit of difference this time though, so I decided to start from the previous episodes and move up to Episode 14 so I can feel the previous experience. I want to see and experience how difficult the story was before nerfs to certain battles(Ex: radomus, shelly, florinia)/maybe use some previously obtainable Pokémon. I have all the episodes from 9 to 14 except for episode 11, so I was hoping some kind soul could find it in their heart to point me to a copy of it. Episodes before 9 are also a great help that I would love to have in my "collection", but the main thing i'm looking for is eleven. Hopefully I'm not repeating any other topics, but all assistance is greatly appreciated.
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